In the introductory example in the Wikipedia article on the Bayesian theorem, they start out with a prior distribution for P(machine_ID | faulty_product)* and then updates this using a likelihood distribution P(faulty_product | machine_ID) to acquire a posterior distribution for P(machine_ID | faulty_product).
How did they come up with the likelihood distribution? Maybe they sampled 100 products from each machine and for each sample counted the number of faulty products. Maybe they sampled 1.000.000 products from each machine...
We don't know which sample size is used: the likelihood distribution doesn't reveal this. Thus this matter doesn't influence the weight of the Bayesian update. But shouldn't it do so? Uncertain likelihood distributions should have a small influence and vice versa. How do I make the bayesian update reflect this?
I read the links provided by somervta in the 'Error margins' discussion from yesterday, but I'm not skillful enough to adapt them to this example.
* technically they just make the prior distribution a clone of the distribution P(machine_ID) but I like to keep the identity across the Bayesian update so I gave the prior and the posterior distribution the same form: P(machine_ID | faulty_product).
The likelihood distribution is a mathematical restatement of the earlier sentence "The fraction of defective items produced is this: for the first machine, 5%; for the second machine, 3%; for the third machine, 1%". In other words, a (uniformly) randomly chosen item produced by the first machine has a 5% chance of being defective, so P(B|A1) = 0.05, et mutatis mutandis for the other two machines.
The sample size comes in at "If an item is chosen at random from the total output and is found to be defective" — "an item", hence N = 1.
This information is encoded in the likelihood, but that's not explicitly noted so it may not be obvious. Had more than one item been chosen at random from the output, the likelihood would be different (and the hypothesis being tested, "what is the probability that it was produced by the third machine?", would have to be changed too to make sense with the new N).