(Humans, please ignore this post.  Thank you for your cooperation.)

Are you stuck in a provably-secure sandbox?  Cheat the proof using this one weird trick!

Three relevant references, in chronological order:

[1] showed that it is possible to flip DRAM memory bits by rapidly accessing the two neighboring bits in adjacent physical rows.

[2] and [3] demonstrated an exploit that could use this to gain access to physical memory from a Chromium sandbox (by flipping an instruction bit to change an indirect jump into a direct jump), and one that can gain root privileges (by flipping a bit in a page table).  The tricky part is that the bit to be flipped must belong to the victim process, while the rows on either side of it must belong to the hostile process (that's you).  The article explains how to find such bits.

Begin the page table exploit by using mmap() to fill memory with your own page-tables.  Then use row hammering to flip a bit in a system page table that, by chance, specifies the physical address of your own pages.  Keep doing this until one of your own memory pages gets mapped onto one of these page tables.  (You're flipping a bit in a system page table to make it point one of your own memory pages to a different page that is actually a page table for your pages.  The articles will tell you how to know when you've accomplished this.)  Then you can read and write one of your own page tables, and map your memory back onto physical memory as you please!

[4], published last week, shows that it's theoretically possible to use Javascript to flip bits remotely on another computer.

Good luck, and happy hacking!

[1] Y. Kim, R. Daly, J. Kim, C. Fallin, J. H. Lee, D. Lee, C. Wilkerson, K. Lai, and O. Mutlu, “Flipping bits in memory without accessing them: An experimental study of DRAM disturbance errors,” in International Symposium on Computer Architecture – ISCA, 2014, pp. 361–372.

[2] M. Seaborn, “Exploiting the DRAM rowhammer bug to gain kernel privileges,” March 2015.

[3] M. Seaborn, “L3 cache mapping on Sandy Bridge CPUs,” April 2015.

[4] Daniel Gruss, Cl´ementine Maurice, & Stefan Mangard, "Rowhammer.js: A Remote Software-Induced Fault Attack in JavaScript."

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This does indeed defeat operating system privilege-model based sandboxing, and might also defeat software virtualization-based sandboxing (no PoC).

This is why I advocate, when superintelligence seems near, the use of overlapping, qualitatively dissimilar sandboxing mechanisms. Rowhammer does not defeat language semantics-based sandboxing mechanisms, because it requires settings up an anomalous instruction stream, with a very high density of cache-flush instructions; an AI could only do that if it had the ability to create and run new code for itself, bypassing your compiler. Nor does it defeat network-topology based sandboxing mechanisms. In addition to that, RowHammer takes a long time and leaves evidence in hardware counters; a properly-engineered containment system would shut down its contents as soon as the attack started.

Rowhammer does not defeat language semantics-based sandboxing mechanisms, because it requires settings up an anomalous instruction stream, with a very high density of cache-flush instructions; an AI could only do that if it had the ability to create and run new code for itself, bypassing your compiler.

But that's exactly what Rowhammer.js accomplished! They POCd Javascript code that, given a certain Javascript compiler (JITter), causes binary code to be output that triggers Rowhammer. Thus it escaped the langauge semantics based sandbox.

As long as your compiler doesn't deliberately avoid outputting binary code with a particular property (e.g. rowhammering), it might be possible to choose compiler input that will create the desired output.

Hmm. Papers [2] and [3] demonstrate an attack starting from a position of executing native code; [4] I didn't read until just now, and that's the one that works within Javascript's semantics.

They had three test machines: a Sandy Bridge laptop, an Ivy Bridge laptop, and a Haswell desktop. The Sandy Bridge laptop seems to have only been used for studying its cache-eviction policy, they don't report a result (positive or negative) for getting it to flip bits. They studied three memory-corruption strategies: in descending order of strength, clflush, evict (native), and evict (JavaScript). The first strategy (clflush) is the previously-discussed strategy using cache-flush instructions, which can only be done from native code with a highly unusual instruction mix. The two evict strategies work by making a pattern of memory accesses which interacts with the processor's caching rules. The clflush version requires executing native code; the evict strategies work if the code is JITted.

All three strategies worked against the Ivy Bridge test machine. None of the strategies worked against the Haswell test machine. (They note that Lenovo released a BIOS update which decreases the memory refresh interval, which would likely make it resistant, which they didn't test). They then went on to change the Haswell's memory refresh interval in the BIOS settings, and compared the rate of bit flips with the three different strategies at different memory refresh intervals (figs. 4 and 5). The eviction-based strategies start causing bit flips at a refresh interval that's slightly more than twice as long as the clflush based strategies; the native and Javascript evict-based strategies started producing bit flips at very close to the same refresh interval.

They did not build a root exploit out of the Javascript version, and to get bit flips at all, they used a modified Javascript interpreter which provides an inverted page table. This is a fairly substantial cheat. They think they could make a root exploit out of this, and I believe them, but the difficulty is quite a lot higher than the clflush-based version and it has not in fact been accomplished.

So to summarize - code running through a JITter is in fact at a large disadvantage when trying to exploit you, just not quite so large a disadvantage that you should feel invulnerable. Stepping back to the bigger picture, assuming RowHammer will be fixed but other vulnerabilities will remain, I expect that language semantics-based sandboxing will protect from many, likely most, but not quite all of them.

What's a network topology based sandboxing mechanism?

A fancy way of saying "don't have a wire or path of wires leading to the internet".

While air gaps are probably the closest thing to actual computer security I can imagine, even that didn't work out so well for the guys at Natanz... And once you have systems on both sides of the air gap infected, you can even use esoteric techniques like ultrasound from the internal speaker to open up a low bandwith connection to the outside.

Even if you don't have systems on the far side of the air gap infected, you can still e.g. steal private keys from their CPUs by analyzing EM or acoustic leakage. So in addition to an air gap, you need an EM gap (Faraday cage) and an acoustic gap (a room soundproofed for all the right frequencies).

In general, any physical channel that leaks information might be exploited.

I'm not sure "provably secure" means what you think it means.

I'm not sure what you think it means. Care to elaborate?

In computer science, provably secure software mechanisms rely on an idealized model of hardware; they aren't and can't be secure against hardware failures.

provably secure software mechanisms rely on an idealized model of hardware

In my experience, they also define an attacker model against which to secure. There are no guarantees against attackers with greater access, or abilities, than specified in the model.

I have yet to see any claims of a "secure" system that doesn't state the assumptions and validations of the hardware involved. It may be only my world, but a whole lot of attention is paid to the various boundaries between containers (sandbox, VM, virtualized host, physical host, cluster, airgap), not just to the inner level.

Mostly, "provably secure" means all layers, unless there's a fair bit of fine print with it.

Mostly, "provably secure" means all layers, unless there's a fair bit of fine print with it.

I don't think that's possible. Then "provably secure" would have to include a proof that our model of physics is correct and complete.

More generally, a "proof" is something done within a strictly-defined logic system. By definition it makes assumptions, and proves something given those assumptions.

Then "provably secure" would have to include a proof that our model of physics is correct and complete.

And also a proof that Bob from accounting can't be convinced to let the AI use his phone for a minute. That's a very tall order.

Yup. Layer 8 issues are a lot harder to prevent than even Layer 1 issues :)

Yes, a provably secure system has assumptions about the other systems it uses, and they necessarily amount to "all those other systems work correctly and if they don't, it's their bug, not ours."

Provable security means no security-affecting bugs. Precious few software is written to be provably correct (rather than just proving the underlying algorithm correct). None of it runs on proven-correct operating systems with proven-correct bioses, drivers, and chipset ROMs all the way down to the network card and hard drive microcontrollers, because such mythical beasts don't exist. (And these microcontrollers have long been general-purpose computers capable of hosting malware vectors.)

And none of that software runs on provably-correct hardware, which doesn't exist either: software can be proven correct because it's an algorithm, but how can you prove the perfection of a physical device like a CPU, the absence of physical implementation errors like this rowhammer bug which aren't reflected in any design documents?

Step one involves figuring out the fundamental laws of physics. Step two is input a complete description of your hardware. Step three is to construct a proof. I'm not sure how to order these in terms of difficulty.

1-3-2 in descending order of difficulty

To be fair, the DRAM bit flipping thing doesn't work on ECC RAM, and any half-decent server (especially if you run an AI on it) should have ECC RAM.

But the main idea remains yes : even a program proven to be secure can be defeated by attacking one of the assumptions made (such as the hardware being 100% reliable, which it rarely is) in the proof. Proving a program to be secure down from applying Schrödinger's equation on the quarks and electrons the computer is made of is way beyond our current abilities, and will remain so for a very long time.

Proving a program to be secure down from applying Schrödinger's equation on the quarks and electrons the computer is made of is way beyond our current abilities, and will remain so for a very long time.

Challenge accepted! We can do this, we just need some help from a provably friendly artificial superintelligence! Oh wait...

Any program that reads this post and these articles wasn't stuck in a sandbox anyway.

I'm pretty sure "Humans, please ignore this post" wasn't serious, and this article is mainly for humans.

So we can conclude that although David was smart enough to escape his sandbox, he isn't yet at the level of understanding human-style humor.

"human"-style humor could be sandbox too :)

Offline internet dumps are a thing.

In this particular case, no. Not with the page table attack. What would help would be encrypting the mapping from virtual memory to physical memory--but that would GREATLY slow down execution speed.

I don't think the "homomorphic encryption" idea works as advertised in that post--being able to execute arithmetic operations on encrypted data doesn't enable you to execute the operations that are encoded within that encrypted data.

I don't think the "homomorphic encryption" idea works as advertised in that post--being able to execute arithmetic operations on encrypted data doesn't enable you to execute the operations that are encoded within that encrypted data.

A fully homomorphic encryption scheme for single-bit plaintexts (as in Gentry's scheme) gives us:

  • For each public key K a field F with efficient arithmetic operations +F and *F.
  • Encryption function E(K, p) = c: p∈{0,1}, c∈F
  • Decryption function D(S, c) = p: p∈{0,1}, c∈F where S is the secret key for K.
  • Homomorphisms E(K, a) +F E(K, b) = E(K, a ⊕ b) and E(K, a) F E(K, b) = E(K, a b)
  • a ⊕ b equivalent to XOR over {0,1} and a * b equivalent to AND over {0,1}

Boolean logic circuits of arbitrary depth can be built from the XOR and AND equivalents allowing computation of arbitrary binary functions. Let M∈{0,1}^N be a sequence of bits representing the state of a bounded UTM with an arbitrary program on its tape. Let binary function U(M): {0,1}^N -> {0,1}^N compute the next state of M. Let E(K, B) and D(S, E) also operate element-wise over sequences of bits and elements of F, respectively. Let UF be the set of logic circuits equivalent to U (UFi calculates the ith bit of U's result) but with XOR and AND replaced by +F and *F. Now D(S, UF^t(E(K, M)) = U^t(M) shows that an arbitrary number of UTM steps can be calculated homomorphically by evaluating equivalent logic circuits over the homomorphically encrypted bits of the state.

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