We are excited to announce this year's European LessWrong Community Weekend. For the fourth time, rationalists from all over Europe (and some from outside Europe) are gathering in Berlin to socialize, have fun, exchange knowledge and skills, and have interesting discussions.

The event takes place September 1st to September 3rd and, like last year, it will be held in the beautiful Jugendherberge Wannsee which contains a large room for central events, several seminar rooms, and lots of comfortable spaces inside and out to socialize or relax.

This is primarily a community-driven event. That means that while there will be a keynote and pre-planned content, the bulk of the schedule will be filled by the participants. There will be space to give talks, short or long, provide workshops, or just gather some people to do an activity together. In previous years we had the talks, lightning talks and workshops you would expect, as well as lighter activities such as 7-minute-workouts, an improv acting workshop, swimming in the lake and a workshop on modular origami. Of course there will also be time to reconnect with friends and form new connections with other aspiring rationalists.

Some valuable information

Most of the talks and discussions will be held in English, so you do not need to be able to speak German to attend.

The ticket price of €150 includes accommodation for two nights, on-site meals and snacks, and a welcome lunch on Friday at 12:00.

The event wraps up Sunday afternoon around 15:00. In the days after the weekend, participants are invited to stay in Berlin a little longer to explore the city, go bouldering, play frisbee, etc. While this is not part of the official event, we will coordinate couch-surfing opportunities to avoid the need for hotels.

To sign up, fill out this form.


If you have any questions, please email us at lwcw.europe@gmail.com.

Looking forward to seeing you there,
The Community Weekend organizers and LessWrong Deutschland e.V.
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I just signed up. Three years ago this was my entry point into the wider community and I'm looking forward to being around again!

Would somebody be so kind to promote this to main? :) Thank you!

Will you be helping to coordinate crash space for the nights around the weekend again? It was very much appreciated last time, and would like to stay a bit longer in Berlin if possible...

I talked yesterday with one of the organizers and there's a plan to help with organizing space again.

Is there a deadline for registration?

Also, is there a timetable? I mean, by what time would I have to be there on September 1?

Is there a deadline for registration?

The last years there wasn't a deadline for registration but a capped number of participants and signing up sooner made it more likely to get a spot.

The last two times, there was an excellent welcome dinner at noon, but the actual programme started only at like 3pm. I definitely recommend being there by noon.

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