In this post, we give an answer to one of the homework problems posed in Ethicophysics II: Politics is the Mind-Savior.

NAME OF BELLIGERENT                                Rating +/- Deviation (sorted by Rating - Deviation)

Turkistan Islamic Party                            3587 +/- 113
Dadullah Front                                     3581 +/- 111
High Council of Afghanistan Islamic Emirate        3581 +/- 111
Syrian Arab Republic                               3429 +/- 161
ISIL-YP                                            3250 +/- 166
GPC                                                3233 +/- 166
Saleh                                              3163 +/- 163
Supreme Political Council                          3159 +/- 163
forces                                             3159 +/- 163
Donetsk People's Republic                          3082 +/- 197
Luhansk People's Republic                          3082 +/- 197
Württemberg                                        2898 +/- 144
Pakistan                                           2791 +/- 62
Mali                                               2826 +/- 122
Liechtenstein                                      2813 +/- 120
Ghana                                              2809 +/- 119
Netherlands                                        2768 +/- 85
Democratic Republic of the Congo                   2763 +/- 161
Saudi Arabia                                       2632 +/- 49
Israel                                             2649 +/- 70
Ansar Allah                                        2836 +/- 257
Duchy of Ferrara                                   2708 +/- 134
Uzbekistan                                         2676 +/- 106
Hezbollah                                          2626 +/- 59
Greece                                             2620 +/- 75
Bavaria                                            2655 +/- 126
Sierra Leone                                       2627 +/- 102
Taliban                                            2605 +/- 86
Pathet Lao                                         2681 +/- 168
Brunei                                             2617 +/- 104
Iran                                               2544 +/- 39
Canada                                             2578 +/- 75
India                                              2577 +/- 77
Fiji                                               2603 +/- 105
Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya          2630 +/- 134
Russia                                             2533 +/- 41
JEM                                                2595 +/- 105
House of Representatives                           2621 +/- 134
Tobruk                                             2621 +/- 134
Zintan brigades                                    2621 +/- 134
PMCs                                               2621 +/- 134
SLM/A-Minnawi                                      2621 +/- 134
Wagner Group                                       2621 +/- 134
Montenegro                                         2582 +/- 102
Angola                                             2627 +/- 148
Gaddafi loyalists                                  2611 +/- 134
British Empire                                     2566 +/- 90
Tunisia                                            2570 +/- 102
Ireland                                            2574 +/- 108
Luxembourg                                         2560 +/- 98
Khmer Issarak                                      2635 +/- 176
Colombia                                           2555 +/- 97
North Korea                                        2520 +/- 63
Norway                                             2536 +/- 82
Kingdom of Prussia                                 2599 +/- 150
Chad                                               2505 +/- 66
Estonia                                            2520 +/- 83
Houthis                                            2496 +/- 69
Benin                                              2507 +/- 88
Abkhazia                                           2502 +/- 84
Mongolia                                           2503 +/- 90
North Vietnam                                      2579 +/- 169
Popular Committees                                 2534 +/- 124
Ethiopia                                           2485 +/- 79
Indonesia                                          2483 +/- 81
Belarus                                            2461 +/- 59
Belgium                                            2471 +/- 69
Philippines                                        2474 +/- 75
Vietnam                                            2490 +/- 92
Tuscany                                            2556 +/- 164
Ukraine                                            2471 +/- 80
Batavian Republic                                  2549 +/- 162
Portugal                                           2451 +/- 64
Serbia                                             2480 +/- 95
Latvia                                             2469 +/- 85
United States                                      2416 +/- 38
Algeria                                            2447 +/- 71
China                                              2419 +/- 45
Brunswick                                          2549 +/- 178
Catawba                                            2506 +/- 137
Scotland                                           2557 +/- 192
Nigeria                                            2439 +/- 75
Venezuela                                          2443 +/- 81
Syria                                              2420 +/- 58
Qatar                                              2409 +/- 53
Niger                                              2433 +/- 82
South Ossetia                                      2428 +/- 80
United Arab Emirates                               2404 +/- 56
Denmark                                            2418 +/- 71
Bangladesh                                         2429 +/- 88
East Timor                                         2431 +/- 92
Italy                                              2396 +/- 58
Roman Empire                                       2460 +/- 124
French royalists                                   2502 +/- 166
El Salvador                                        2419 +/- 84
Baden                                              2507 +/- 172
Khmer Rouge                                        2516 +/- 184
Tajikistan                                         2419 +/- 87
Mauritania                                         2420 +/- 89
Cyprus                                             2414 +/- 84
Peru                                               2418 +/- 90
Cameroon                                           2405 +/- 78
Lithuania                                          2405 +/- 79
Lebanon                                            2403 +/- 80
Mozambique                                         2412 +/- 90
Poland                                             2388 +/- 67
Australia                                          2378 +/- 58
Sri Lanka                                          2410 +/- 90
Kuwait                                             2395 +/- 75
Kazakhstan                                         2397 +/- 79
Oman                                               2407 +/- 90
Roman Republic                                     2428 +/- 113
Bosnia and Herzegovina                             2391 +/- 78
Moldova                                            2391 +/- 85
Yemen                                              2382 +/- 77
Coalition forces:                                  2480 +/- 176
Soviet republics                                   2475 +/- 172
Mongolian People's Party                           2475 +/- 172
Kingdom of Finland                                 2475 +/- 172
Republic of Estonia                                2475 +/- 172
Republic of Latvia                                 2475 +/- 172
Republic of Lithuania                              2475 +/- 172
Haqqani network                                    2383 +/- 82
Fidai Mahaz                                        2383 +/- 82
Islamic Jihad Union                                2383 +/- 82
Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin                            2383 +/- 82
Kyrgyzstan                                         2378 +/- 84
Kenya                                              2374 +/- 83
Second Polish Republic                             2449 +/- 165
Peshmerga                                          2431 +/- 151
Djibouti                                           2362 +/- 83
East Germany                                       2416 +/- 138
Azerbaijan                                         2352 +/- 74
Nicaragua                                          2351 +/- 74
ONUC                                               2494 +/- 217
Egypt                                              2329 +/- 56
Albania                                            2346 +/- 72
Morocco                                            2345 +/- 73
Cambodia                                           2355 +/- 85
Transnistria                                       2354 +/- 87
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)                  2510 +/- 245
Taiwan                                             2349 +/- 86
Sweden                                             2316 +/- 53
New Zealand                                        2330 +/- 70
Singapore                                          2334 +/- 75
Armenia                                            2336 +/- 78
Seychelles                                         2338 +/- 84
Turkmenistan                                       2338 +/- 84
Germany                                            2319 +/- 70
AMISOM                                             2396 +/- 147
Maldives                                           2325 +/- 86
Dominican Republic                                 2317 +/- 79
Somaliland                                         2321 +/- 84
Paraguay                                           2320 +/- 84
Togo                                               2317 +/- 84
Somalia                                            2313 +/- 80
Congo                                              2317 +/- 86
South Africa                                       2304 +/- 74
Nepal                                              2313 +/- 83
FNL                                                2415 +/- 187
Japan                                              2292 +/- 67
Myanmar                                            2309 +/- 85
Panama                                             2306 +/- 85
North Macedonia                                    2305 +/- 85
Andorra                                            2305 +/- 85
Kosovo                                             2305 +/- 85
Malta                                              2305 +/- 85
Northern Cyprus                                    2305 +/- 85
Axis of Resistance                                 2305 +/- 85
PIJ                                                2305 +/- 85
IRGC                                               2305 +/- 85
NATO—ISAF                                          2305 +/- 85
Resolute Support Mission                           2305 +/- 85
Operation Enduring Freedom Allies                  2305 +/- 85
Multi-National Force – Iraq                        2305 +/- 85
Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa         2305 +/- 85
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Res 2305 +/- 85
NATO                                               2292 +/- 76
Guinea                                             2391 +/- 176
SSLM                                               2393 +/- 181
Czech Republic                                     2282 +/- 70
British America                                    2390 +/- 180
South Korea                                        2279 +/- 69
Northern Alliance                                  2295 +/- 86
Mexico                                             2281 +/- 73
Iceland                                            2284 +/- 78
Tonga                                              2284 +/- 78
MONUSCO                                            2375 +/- 169
Ethiopian Empire                                   2369 +/- 164
Cuba                                               2270 +/- 66
Honduras                                           2276 +/- 78
Hamas                                              2278 +/- 81
Mecklenburg-Schwerin                               2414 +/- 221
Oldenburg                                          2414 +/- 221
County of Anhalt                                   2414 +/- 221
Duchy of Brunswick                                 2414 +/- 221
Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg                            2414 +/- 221
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha                              2414 +/- 221
Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont                    2414 +/- 221
County of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen                2414 +/- 221
Principality of Lippe                              2414 +/- 221
Hamburg                                            2414 +/- 221
Lübeck                                             2414 +/- 221
International Maritime Security Construct          2463 +/- 270
Bahrain                                            2264 +/- 72
Artsakh                                            2274 +/- 83
United Arab Republic                               2423 +/- 234
Jordan                                             2246 +/- 59
Burkina Faso                                       2261 +/- 80
United Kingdom                                     2213 +/- 39
Iraqi Kurdistan                                    2321 +/- 149
CJTF–OIR                                           2321 +/- 150
Slovenia                                           2250 +/- 81
Transylvania                                       2411 +/- 242
Turkey                                             2217 +/- 51
Zaporozhian Cossacks                               2364 +/- 202
France                                             2195 +/- 35
Bulgaria                                           2219 +/- 63
French satellite states                            2361 +/- 206
UNAMID                                             2370 +/- 217
Slovakia                                           2229 +/- 77
MPLA                                               2384 +/- 233
Senegal                                            2222 +/- 77
Iraq                                               2196 +/- 52
Wyandot                                            2308 +/- 167
Romania                                            2200 +/- 60
Hungary                                            2197 +/- 59
Egyptian Empire                                    2309 +/- 171
United States of America                           2333 +/- 201
Laos                                               2213 +/- 82
Portuguese Empire                                  2278 +/- 150
Finland                                            2202 +/- 75
Eritrea                                            2193 +/- 70
Malaysia                                           2191 +/- 68
Georgia                                            2189 +/- 69
Uganda                                             2184 +/- 66
Thailand                                           2181 +/- 66
Crown of Aragon                                    2287 +/- 173
Burmese government                                 2266 +/- 155
Union of Burma                                     2266 +/- 155
Socialist Burma                                    2266 +/- 155
SPDC military junta                                2266 +/- 155
Aung San Suu Kyi government                        2266 +/- 155
SAC military junta                                 2266 +/- 155
DKBA                                               2266 +/- 155
Burundi                                            2179 +/- 75
Principality of Transylvania                       2311 +/- 207
Afghanistan                                        2179 +/- 77
Croatia                                            2164 +/- 67
SWAPO                                              2327 +/- 230
Mathiang Anyoor                                    2290 +/- 204
EUPF                                               2290 +/- 204
Libya                                              2154 +/- 69
Danishmends                                        2287 +/- 207
Sudan                                              2141 +/- 61
Nyatura                                            2276 +/- 201
Botswana                                           2276 +/- 201
Kingdom of Bohemia                                 2207 +/- 135
Republic of the Congo                              2263 +/- 195
Hashed tribesmen                                   2357 +/- 292
Spain                                              2103 +/- 40
Hanover                                            2186 +/- 124
Switzerland                                        2130 +/- 68
Brandenburg-Prussia                                2235 +/- 176
EPRP                                               2321 +/- 271
MEISON                                             2321 +/- 271
ANDM                                               2321 +/- 271
EDUP                                               2321 +/- 271
ONLF                                               2321 +/- 271
WSLF                                               2321 +/- 271
ALF                                                2321 +/- 271
Chile                                              2255 +/- 205
Chickasaw                                          2256 +/- 208
Mongol Empire                                      2196 +/- 149
Knights Templar                                    2209 +/- 164
SPLM-N                                             2245 +/- 200
Turkish National Movement                          2220 +/- 177
Vermont                                            2268 +/- 237
Oneida                                             2268 +/- 237
Watauga Association                                2268 +/- 237
RDR                                                2225 +/- 195
NMRD                                               2204 +/- 174
MNF–I                                              2221 +/- 191
Iraqi Turkmen Front                                2202 +/- 175
TPLF                                               2231 +/- 210
Lebanese Communist Party                           2179 +/- 161
Central African Republic                           2207 +/- 190
Empire of Charles V                                2199 +/- 182
Namibia                                            2205 +/- 189
Nassau                                             2154 +/- 140
Russian Empire                                     2097 +/- 84
Ukrainian Cossacks                                 2240 +/- 227
Kingdom of Poland                                  2171 +/- 158
Republic of Genoa                                  2117 +/- 105
Grand National Assembly                            2243 +/- 239
Kuva-yi Nizamiye                                   2243 +/- 239
Kuva-yi Milliye                                    2243 +/- 239
UN Command                                         2243 +/- 239
Armed Forces of the Philippines                    2185 +/- 183
Empire of Brazil                                   2213 +/- 211
MICOPAX                                            2191 +/- 192
Qing dynasty                                       2170 +/- 173
Yamasee                                            2187 +/- 190
Free France                                        2206 +/- 210
Ansar al-Sharia                                    2109 +/- 120
Dutch Empire                                       2173 +/- 183
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia                        2205 +/- 216
People's Republic of Kampuchea                     2236 +/- 247
Electorate of Hanover                              2218 +/- 230
Russian SFSR                                       2094 +/- 107
EPLF                                               2245 +/- 260
National faction                                   2186 +/- 203
Falange                                            2186 +/- 203
CEDA                                               2186 +/- 203
Alfonsists                                         2186 +/- 203
Army of Africa                                     2186 +/- 203
MK                                                 2210 +/- 228
Gabon                                              2158 +/- 175
Crown of Castile                                   2148 +/- 166
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel                             2172 +/- 193
Schaumburg-Lippe                                   2172 +/- 193
Duchy of Normandy                                  2191 +/- 213
State Administration Council                       2152 +/- 179
Tatmadaw                                           2152 +/- 179
Border Guard Forces                                2152 +/- 179
Pyusawhti militias                                 2152 +/- 179
Pa-O National Army                                 2152 +/- 179
Shanni Nationalities Army                          2152 +/- 179
Zomi Revolutionary Army                            2152 +/- 179
Union Solidarity and Development Party             2152 +/- 179
Tanzania                                           2162 +/- 191
Weimar Republic                                    2180 +/- 209
UNOSOM I                                           2156 +/- 188
Unified Task Force                                 2156 +/- 188
UNOSOM II                                          2156 +/- 188
Transitional Federal Government                    2156 +/- 188
ARPCT                                              2156 +/- 188
Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a                               2156 +/- 188
Federal Government of Somalia                      2156 +/- 188
Saxony                                             2055 +/- 89
Sword-Brothers                                     2160 +/- 193
Sardinia                                           2117 +/- 153
Sweden in Union with Norway                        2225 +/- 261
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland        2225 +/- 261
British East India Company                         2111 +/- 149
Rwanda                                             2031 +/- 69
Almoravid Dynasty                                  2180 +/- 219
Muscogee (Creek)                                   2182 +/- 222
Tang dynasty                                       2133 +/- 173
Cherokee                                           2086 +/- 127
Duchy of Brittany                                  2141 +/- 187
Philippine National Police                         2145 +/- 191
Federation of Malaya                               2203 +/- 253
Southern Rhodesia                                  2203 +/- 253
Westphalia                                         2191 +/- 243
Kalmyk Khanate                                     2168 +/- 222
European Union                                     2059 +/- 114
Magyar tribes                                      2132 +/- 196
Iroquois                                           2137 +/- 202
South Sudan                                        2116 +/- 183
Self-defense groups                                2122 +/- 191
Merida Initiative                                  2122 +/- 191
National Police of Colombia                        2122 +/- 191
Australian Federal Police                          2122 +/- 191
SNM                                                2117 +/- 187
SPM                                                2117 +/- 187
Spain loyal to Philip                              2147 +/- 217
Kingdom of Italy                                   2050 +/- 120
Britain                                            2162 +/- 232
Macedon                                            2067 +/- 138
Pergamum                                           2152 +/- 226
Brazil                                             2054 +/- 129
Alsa Masa                                          2134 +/- 214
Mai-Mai                                            2061 +/- 146
Costa Rica                                         2136 +/- 223
Bahris                                             2155 +/- 244
French client republics                            2134 +/- 223
Helvetic Republic                                  2134 +/- 223
Cisalpine Republic                                 2134 +/- 223
Parthenopaean Republic                             2134 +/- 223
British Raj                                        2125 +/- 215
Kingdom of Bavaria                                 2060 +/- 151
Soviet Union                                       1965 +/- 61
Persia                                             2009 +/- 106
Jewish Israeli                                     2114 +/- 215
Margravate of Brandenburg-Kulmbach                 2112 +/- 214
Amal Movement                                      2087 +/- 192
Arab Democratic Party                              2087 +/- 192
Private security contractors                       2089 +/- 195
Austria                                            1954 +/- 61
United Nations                                     2071 +/- 180
MNF-I                                              2063 +/- 174
Private Security Contractors                       2063 +/- 174
Sons of Iraq                                       2063 +/- 174
Hawaiian League                                    2148 +/- 263
Republic of Hawaii                                 2148 +/- 263
Nagaland                                           2085 +/- 201
Sagaing Region                                     2085 +/- 201
Polish Legions                                     1994 +/- 112
County of Sicily                                   2108 +/- 228
Kingdom of Georgia                                 2076 +/- 200
Czechoslovakia                                     1983 +/- 107
United Mexican States                              2110 +/- 236
Samogitian Eldership                               2098 +/- 225
Trakai Voivodeship                                 2098 +/- 225
Vilnius Voivodeship                                2098 +/- 225
Podlasie                                           2098 +/- 225
UNRF II                                            2089 +/- 219
FNI                                                2089 +/- 219
ALiR                                               2089 +/- 219
FROLINA                                            2089 +/- 219
Jülich-Cleves-Berg                                 2127 +/- 257
Cao Wei                                            2094 +/- 226
Tuscarora                                          2040 +/- 174
American military intervention                     2064 +/- 202
Islamic MilitaryAlliance                           2064 +/- 202
MINUSCA                                            2075 +/- 214
MISCA                                              2075 +/- 214
Congo-Brazzaville                                  2075 +/- 214
DRC                                                2075 +/- 214
EUFOR RCA                                          2075 +/- 214
Allied Powers                                      2104 +/- 243
Confederate States of America                      2053 +/- 192
Sultanate of Rûm                                   2067 +/- 206
Kingdom of France                                  1946 +/- 86
intervening in Libya                               2062 +/- 202
RSII coalition                                     2062 +/- 202
Iraqi Shia militias                                2062 +/- 202
Shi'a militias                                     2062 +/- 202
Badr Organization                                  2062 +/- 202
Promised Day Brigade                               2062 +/- 202
Nineveh Plain Protection Units                     2062 +/- 202
Vetted Syrian Opposition                           2062 +/- 202
Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army                    2062 +/- 202
Local forcesin Lebanon                             2062 +/- 202
Local forcesin Libya                               2062 +/- 202
Egyptian-ledintervention                           2062 +/- 202
Nigerian-ledintervention                           2062 +/- 202
Spanish Empire                                     1990 +/- 135
Brunswick-Lüneburg                                 2068 +/- 214
Iroquois Confederacy                               1986 +/- 132
Margraviate of Brandenburg                         2056 +/- 207
Bremen                                             2044 +/- 196
Papal States                                       1925 +/- 78
Great Britain                                      1925 +/- 79
Mysore                                             2008 +/- 163
CJTF-HOA                                           2061 +/- 217
Dai Hong Dan incident                              2061 +/- 217
Han dynasty                                        2048 +/- 205
Sicily                                             1948 +/- 105
Papacy                                             2086 +/- 244
Kingdom of Scotland                                2031 +/- 189
Syracuse                                           2067 +/- 226
African Union                                      2086 +/- 246
FDLR                                               1968 +/- 132
Macedonia                                          1983 +/- 148
Kingdom of Afghanistan                             2037 +/- 201
Holland                                            1956 +/- 122
Hutu                                               2021 +/- 190
Đại Việt                                           2050 +/- 220
English America                                    2038 +/- 211
Bishopric of Münster                               2091 +/- 265
Archbishopric of Cologne                           2091 +/- 265
Haganah                                            2066 +/- 241
Irgun                                              2066 +/- 241
Electorate of the Palatinate                       2011 +/- 186
Tigers Militia                                     2042 +/- 218
ALZ                                                2042 +/- 218
Kingdom of Two Sicilies                            2080 +/- 257
Wallachia                                          1987 +/- 164
County of Auvergne                                 2068 +/- 246
Counts of Blois                                    2068 +/- 246
County of Toulouse                                 2068 +/- 246
County of Boulogne                                 2068 +/- 246
Diocese of Le Puy-en-Velay                         2068 +/- 246
Vermandois                                         2068 +/- 246
Principality of Taranto                            2068 +/- 246
County of Apulia and Calabria                      2068 +/- 246
Trtsu                                              2040 +/- 219
Bharata                                            2040 +/- 219
Sublime State of Iran                              2040 +/- 219
Islamic Republic of Iran                           2040 +/- 219
Austrian Empire                                    1939 +/- 119
Corinth                                            2030 +/- 211
Lebanese Resistance Brigades                       2008 +/- 191
Syrian Social Nationalist Party                    2008 +/- 191
Popular Nasserist Organization                     2008 +/- 191
As-Sa'iqa                                          2008 +/- 191
Fatah al-Intifada                                  2008 +/- 191
Rattanakosin Kingdom                               2047 +/- 230
LURD                                               2044 +/- 227
MODEL                                              2044 +/- 227
Swiss Confederation                                1976 +/- 160
Kingdom of Dardania                                2046 +/- 231
Archduchy of Austria                               1998 +/- 186
Revolution Council                                 2042 +/- 235
Interim Government of Iran                         2042 +/- 235
Opposition groups:                                 2042 +/- 235
Confederation of Iranian Students                  2042 +/- 235
Islamic Association of Students                    2042 +/- 235
Combatant Clergy Association                       2042 +/- 235
Islamic Coalition Societies                        2042 +/- 235
Fedayeen of Islam                                  2042 +/- 235
Mojahedin                                          2042 +/- 235
Movement of Militant Muslims                       2042 +/- 235
JAMA                                               2042 +/- 235
National Front                                     2042 +/- 235
Freedom Movement                                   2042 +/- 235
Nation Party                                       2042 +/- 235
Tudeh Party                                        2042 +/- 235
People's Mujahedin                                 2042 +/- 235
Union of Communist Militants                       2042 +/- 235
Peykar                                             2042 +/- 235
People's Fedai Guerrillas                          2042 +/- 235
County of Flanders                                 2013 +/- 208
Hejaz                                              2060 +/- 254
...and others                                      2060 +/- 254
Kingdom of Croatia                                 1925 +/- 125
Pergamon                                           2071 +/- 274
Kingdom of Hungary                                 1922 +/- 128
Lehi                                               2044 +/- 250
Mingos                                             1999 +/- 206
Zimbabwe                                           1907 +/- 117
LF                                                 2009 +/- 219
Dutch Republic                                     1873 +/- 83
Multinational Joint Task Force                     2040 +/- 250
CJTF                                               2040 +/- 250
BOYES                                              2040 +/- 250
Foreign mercenaries                                2040 +/- 250
STTEP                                              2040 +/- 250
Carthage                                           1980 +/- 192
Galmudug                                           1998 +/- 210
Grand Duchy of Lithuania                           1915 +/- 129
PFLP-GC                                            1973 +/- 187
DFLP                                               1971 +/- 186
Athens                                             1936 +/- 152
Malawi                                             2006 +/- 221
Dagestan                                           1996 +/- 215
Kabardino-Balkaria                                 1996 +/- 215
North Ossetia–Alania                               1996 +/- 215
Kadyrovtsy                                         1996 +/- 215
Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas                        1996 +/- 217
Various self-defense groups and tribal militias    1996 +/- 217
Kurdish National Council                           1996 +/- 217
Sinjar Alliance                                    1996 +/- 217
Syrian Kurdistan                                   1996 +/- 217
Czechia                                            1996 +/- 217
Lands of the Bohemian Crown                        2011 +/- 232
Secret Center                                      2024 +/- 246
Social Democratic Party                            2024 +/- 246
Society of Humanity                                2024 +/- 246
Revolutionary Committee                            2024 +/- 246
Secret Society                                     2024 +/- 246
Ulama                                              2024 +/- 246
Dar ul-Funun                                       2024 +/- 246
School of Political Science                        2024 +/- 246
School of Agriculture                              2024 +/- 246
Parliament                                         2024 +/- 246
Tabriz Council                                     2024 +/- 246
Society of Azerbaijanis                            2024 +/- 246
Central Society                                    2024 +/- 246
Dashnak                                            2024 +/- 246
Adasi                                              2010 +/- 234
Syrian Democratic Forces                           1968 +/- 192
MONUC                                              2022 +/- 246
National Transitional Council                      2067 +/- 291
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group                      2067 +/- 291
UNSC Resolution 1973                               2067 +/- 291
Minor border clashes                               2067 +/- 291
Prussia                                            1860 +/- 85
England                                            1865 +/- 91
OLF                                                2016 +/- 242
Politiques                                         2015 +/- 243
SSDF                                               1947 +/- 174
Ganda Iso                                          1987 +/- 216
Covenanters                                        2026 +/- 259
Military rebels                                    2049 +/- 285
MFDC                                               2049 +/- 285
Byzantium                                          2021 +/- 258
Cyzicus                                            2021 +/- 258
United Provinces of the Río de la Plata            2036 +/- 274
Timurid Empire                                     2006 +/- 245
Christian III                                      2003 +/- 243
Duchy of Schleswig                                 2003 +/- 243
Duchy of Prussia                                   2003 +/- 243
Jutland                                            2003 +/- 243
Prince Zhao                                        1992 +/- 233
House of Welf                                      1992 +/- 233
Canton of Zürich                                   1992 +/- 233
Canton of Bern                                     1992 +/- 233
Toggenburg rebels                                  1992 +/- 233
City of Geneva                                     1992 +/- 233
Principality of Neuchâtel                          1992 +/- 233
Al Qaeda                                           1992 +/- 233
SLA                                                1915 +/- 157
Ferdinand's Hungarian kingdom                      1959 +/- 203
Rhodes                                             1939 +/- 183
Dailamites                                         2010 +/- 255
APCLS                                              1908 +/- 154
ELF                                                2026 +/- 274
Ayyubid Dynasty                                    1887 +/- 137
SCIRI                                              2016 +/- 266
League of Lezhë                                    2021 +/- 274
Hesse-Kassel                                       1894 +/- 148
INC                                                2011 +/- 265
KCP                                                2011 +/- 265
Chechnya                                           1955 +/- 210
Ingushetia                                         1955 +/- 210
Fatah                                              1927 +/- 182
Potiguara                                          1985 +/- 241
Byzantine Empire                                   1825 +/- 83
British India                                      1998 +/- 257
Etruria                                            1908 +/- 167
Rashidun Caliphate                                 1950 +/- 210
UNOCI                                              2005 +/- 266
Silla                                              1945 +/- 207
Burgundy                                           1980 +/- 242
Burgundian Netherlands                             1980 +/- 242
Japanese                                           2041 +/- 303
Kingdom of Sardinia                                1895 +/- 157
Emirate of Nejd and Hasa                           1974 +/- 237
Abasgia                                            1988 +/- 253
Chinese Communist Party                            1984 +/- 250
Persis                                             1988 +/- 258
Qin                                                1972 +/- 242
Comoros                                            1944 +/- 216
Duchy of Saxony                                    1954 +/- 226
Somaliland National Army                           1981 +/- 253
Teotihuacan                                        1968 +/- 245
County of Apulia                                   1968 +/- 245
Puntland                                           1920 +/- 199
Kingdom of Ireland                                 1965 +/- 245
Grand Duchy of Moscow                              1913 +/- 194
Constantine I                                      1963 +/- 246
Sabirs                                             1898 +/- 182
Odrysian Kingdom                                   1942 +/- 228
Pylyp Orlyk                                        1989 +/- 276
Zaporizhian Sich                                   1989 +/- 276
Poland loyal to Stanisław Leszczyński              1976 +/- 265
Piedmont-Sardinia                                  1976 +/- 265
Duchy of Parma                                     1976 +/- 265
CNDD-FDD                                           1914 +/- 203
Kingdom of Sweden                                  1923 +/- 212
Kingdom of Portugal                                1848 +/- 138
German South West Africa                           1959 +/- 249
Ivory Coast                                        1896 +/- 186
Satsuma Domain                                     1928 +/- 222
tribes                                             1973 +/- 267
Russian Republic                                   1971 +/- 265
Turkestan ASSR                                     1971 +/- 265
Khorezm SSR                                        1971 +/- 265
Bukharan PSR                                       1971 +/- 265
Venice                                             1825 +/- 120
Uri                                                1926 +/- 222
Hunnic Empire                                      1943 +/- 240
PMC Wagner                                         1955 +/- 252
Rusich Group                                       1955 +/- 252
Storm-Z                                            1955 +/- 252
Neo-Babylonian Empire                              1926 +/- 223
Ghassanids                                         1906 +/- 206
Kingdom of Majorca                                 1922 +/- 222
Imperial Court                                     1953 +/- 254
Kingdom of England                                 1785 +/- 86
People's Republic of China                         1923 +/- 224
Liberia                                            1840 +/- 143
Chola Empire                                       1946 +/- 248
Burma                                              1868 +/- 172
Kabardia                                           1951 +/- 256
Cossack Hetmanate                                  1829 +/- 136
Kingdom of Cochin                                  1923 +/- 232
Sasanian Persian Empire                            1943 +/- 252
Republic of Mountainous Armenia                    1971 +/- 280
Nagorno-Karabakh rebels                            1971 +/- 280
Centrocaspian Dictatorship                         1971 +/- 280
Philippine Constabulary                            1954 +/- 264
Philippine Scouts                                  1954 +/- 264
Serbian                                            1942 +/- 253
Hema                                               1954 +/- 265
Union of Congolese Patriots                        1954 +/- 265
RCD-Kisangani                                      1954 +/- 265
Artemis                                            1954 +/- 265
Supporting the Duke of Nevers                      1961 +/- 274
United Issarak Front                               1987 +/- 302
Japanese holdouts                                  1987 +/- 302
Western Turkic Khaganate                           1886 +/- 201
Holy Roman Empire                                  1745 +/- 60
Akkad                                              1928 +/- 244
Commonwealth of England                            1961 +/- 277
ASWJ                                               1932 +/- 250
British Army                                       1884 +/- 202
Burmese Empire                                     1889 +/- 207
Bulgarian                                          1943 +/- 263
First Republic of Armenia                          1915 +/- 235
Hussites                                           1886 +/- 207
Dublin Metropolitan Police                         1928 +/- 251
Royal Irish Constabulary                           1928 +/- 251
MINURCAT                                           1928 +/- 251
CEEAC                                              1928 +/- 251
Kingdom of Denmark                                 1893 +/- 217
Burundian government                               1961 +/- 285
Burundian military                                 1961 +/- 285
ONUB                                               1961 +/- 285
African Union Mission in Burundi                   1961 +/- 285
Sultanate of Rum                                   1808 +/- 133
Government of Mali                                 1889 +/- 214
ECOWAS                                             1889 +/- 214
Cape Verde                                         1889 +/- 214
Gambia                                             1889 +/- 214
FLNA                                               1889 +/- 214
MSA                                                1889 +/- 214
GATIA                                              1889 +/- 214
Boeotian League                                    1934 +/- 260
Denmark–Norway                                     1772 +/- 99
The Netherlands                                    1927 +/- 255
LRA                                                1872 +/- 199
September 11 attacks                               1954 +/- 282
French Third Republic                              1918 +/- 247
Second Triumvirate                                 1925 +/- 254
Force Intervention Brigade                         1968 +/- 298
Khogyani                                           1920 +/- 251
Ernest of Bavaria                                  1920 +/- 251
House of Wittelsbach                               1920 +/- 251
Free Imperial City of Cologne                      1920 +/- 251
House of Farnese                                   1920 +/- 251
House of Isenburg-Grenzau                          1920 +/- 251
House of Mansfeld                                  1920 +/- 251
House of Berlaymont-Flyon                          1920 +/- 251
Zaporozhian Host                                   1930 +/- 263
Bohemia                                            1829 +/- 163
Himan and Heeb                                     1920 +/- 254
Jubaland                                           1920 +/- 254
Raskamboni Movement                                1920 +/- 254
Southwestern Somalia                               1920 +/- 254
Holstein                                           1894 +/- 231
PKK                                                1821 +/- 160
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth                     1801 +/- 142
Gran Colombia                                      1948 +/- 290
National Patriotic Front of Liberia                1940 +/- 282
Yamhad                                             1907 +/- 250
Wilayat Tarabulus                                  1985 +/- 329
Wilayah al-Jazair                                  1985 +/- 329
only in March 2016                                 1985 +/- 329
Polyrrhenia                                        1917 +/- 262
Lyctus                                             1917 +/- 262
Lappa                                              1917 +/- 262
Portugal loyal to Philip                           1935 +/- 280
Abbasid Caliphate                                  1773 +/- 118
Ming dynasty                                       1837 +/- 183
Maderistas                                         1926 +/- 273
Joseon dynasty                                     1875 +/- 223
al-Qaeda                                           1713 +/- 62
Banat Republic                                     1883 +/- 232
UNOIC                                              1947 +/- 297
Republic of Florence                               1858 +/- 209
Sultanate of Nejd                                  1913 +/- 265
Kingdom of Jerusalem                               1780 +/- 132
Jewish Resistance Movement                         1927 +/- 279
Ptolemy IX Soter                                   1926 +/- 278
Carlists                                           1824 +/- 180
Kamajors                                           1924 +/- 280
South African Mercenaries                          1924 +/- 280
Nigerian-led                                       1924 +/- 280
ECOMOG Group                                       1924 +/- 280
Amphictyonic League                                1917 +/- 273
Livonian Order                                     1816 +/- 173
Akkadian Empire                                    1881 +/- 238
Knights of St. Stephen                             1913 +/- 271
Shinwari                                           1848 +/- 208
Oda clan                                           1899 +/- 262
Kingdom of Cyprus                                  1856 +/- 220
SPLA                                               1913 +/- 278
SPLA-Nasir                                         1913 +/- 278
Anyanya II                                         1913 +/- 278
Eastern Coalition                                  1913 +/- 278
Persian Cossack Brigade                            1901 +/- 268
Protestant colonists                               1908 +/- 276
Amānullāh Khān                                     1907 +/- 275
Inayatullah Khan                                   1907 +/- 275
Ali Ahmad Khan                                     1907 +/- 275
Wardak                                             1907 +/- 275
Mohammed Nādir Khān                                1907 +/- 275
Young Turks                                        1893 +/- 264
Interahamwe                                        1826 +/- 197
Kingdom of Saxony                                  1798 +/- 169
Jammoul                                            1914 +/- 286
House of Sforza                                    1903 +/- 277
Chilean Army                                       1890 +/- 263
Pedro of Castile                                   1921 +/- 295
USC                                                1765 +/- 139
County of Aversa                                   1888 +/- 262
Duchy of Brabant                                   1888 +/- 262
County of Berg                                     1888 +/- 262
County of Mark                                     1888 +/- 262
County of Loon                                     1888 +/- 262
County of Jülich                                   1888 +/- 262
County of Tecklenburg                              1888 +/- 262
County of Waldeck                                  1888 +/- 262
Thurgau                                            1888 +/- 262
New England Confederation                          1888 +/- 262
Mohegan                                            1888 +/- 262
Pequots                                            1888 +/- 262
United  States                                     1888 +/- 262
Ho-Chunk                                           1888 +/- 262
Menominee                                          1888 +/- 262
Potawatomi                                         1888 +/- 262
Derg                                               1888 +/- 262
PDR Ethiopia                                       1888 +/- 262
Transitional Government of Ethiopia                1888 +/- 262
Great Seljuq Empire                                1901 +/- 276
Toungoo dynasty                                    1831 +/- 208
FRELIMO                                            1902 +/- 279
Guinea-Bissau                                      1818 +/- 195
Taylor                                             1918 +/- 297
IMRO                                               1880 +/- 259
New England Colonies                               1881 +/- 260
Principality of Moldavia                           1910 +/- 291
Henry of Trastámara                                1852 +/- 237
Denmark-Norway                                     1765 +/- 150
Hyderabad                                          1934 +/- 318
Supporting Wolfgang William                        1890 +/- 275
Supporting John Sigismund                          1890 +/- 275
Protestant Union                                   1890 +/- 275
Ottoman Empire                                     1658 +/- 43
Yemen Arab Republic                                1885 +/- 271
Thebes                                             1828 +/- 215
Hun Sen                                            1914 +/- 301
Viet Cong                                          1895 +/- 283
Umayyad Caliphate                                  1786 +/- 176
Independent State of Croatia                       1911 +/- 301
Chechen Republic of Ichkeria                       1841 +/- 230
Tokugawa shogunate                                 1876 +/- 267
Ostrogoths                                         1859 +/- 251
Jammu and Kashmir                                  1869 +/- 261
CIS                                                1826 +/- 218
Government of National Accord                      1779 +/- 171
Count of Jaffa                                     1887 +/- 280
Aleppo                                             1771 +/- 165
Principality of Duklja                             1896 +/- 290
Cape Colony                                        1847 +/- 242
Zeta                                               1920 +/- 316
Foreign volunteers                                 1755 +/- 151
Electorate of Saxony                               1800 +/- 197
Principality of Achaea                             1859 +/- 255
Zengid Dynasty                                     1793 +/- 190
Armed Forces                                       1782 +/- 181
Circassia                                          1854 +/- 254
Caucasian Imamate                                  1854 +/- 254
Denis Sassou Nguesso                               1899 +/- 299
Sasanian Empire                                    1784 +/- 184
Tsardom of Russia                                  1710 +/- 112
Emperor of Japan                                   1870 +/- 273
Tosa Domain                                        1870 +/- 273
Hiroshima Domain                                   1870 +/- 273
Reichswehr                                         1869 +/- 273
Social Democratic Party of Germany                 1869 +/- 273
Later Jin                                          1848 +/- 252
Kingdom of Serbia                                  1788 +/- 195
Emirate of Afghanistan                             1732 +/- 142
Naples                                             1697 +/- 107
White Russia                                       1885 +/- 296
Ingria                                             1885 +/- 296
Ober Ost                                           1885 +/- 296
Hittite Empire                                     1772 +/- 184
National Liberation Army                           1830 +/- 242
Chilean Navy                                       1841 +/- 254
Lebanese Front                                     1788 +/- 202
Sepoys                                             1879 +/- 292
Maratha allies                                     1879 +/- 292
Empire of Japan                                    1696 +/- 111
Egypt Eyalet                                       1787 +/- 203
Congo Free State                                   1858 +/- 275
AQAP                                               1673 +/- 90
Iraqi Communist Party                              1781 +/- 198
Achaean League                                     1767 +/- 185
Kupapa                                             1856 +/- 277
Kingdom of Yugoslavia                              1871 +/- 293
Kassites                                           1867 +/- 289
Sublime State of Persia                            1803 +/- 225
Hill Cheremisa                                     1810 +/- 232
Kamakura Shogunate                                 1843 +/- 266
Lenape                                             1754 +/- 178
Republic of Venice                                 1679 +/- 105
Argentina                                          1826 +/- 252
FLN                                                1865 +/- 292
MNA                                                1865 +/- 292
PCA                                                1865 +/- 292
Zürich                                             1771 +/- 200
PUK                                                1754 +/- 184
Hessian mercenaries                                1862 +/- 292
Hafsids                                            1857 +/- 288
Phoenicia                                          1834 +/- 265
Kish                                               1779 +/- 211
Upper Egypt                                        1842 +/- 276
Lepreo                                             1840 +/- 274
Cretan                                             1840 +/- 274
Vespasian                                          1840 +/- 274
Severan dynasty                                    1840 +/- 274
High King of Ireland                               1840 +/- 274
Duchy of Upper Bavaria                             1840 +/- 274
Burgraviate of Nuremberg                           1840 +/- 274
Mehmed I                                           1840 +/- 274
Skieringers                                        1840 +/- 274
Heeckerens                                         1840 +/- 274
Abdenas                                            1840 +/- 274
Pope                                               1840 +/- 274
Utraquists                                         1840 +/- 274
Hosokawa clan                                      1840 +/- 274
Hatakeyama Masanaga                                1840 +/- 274
Shiba Yoshitoshi                                   1840 +/- 274
Qasim Khanate                                      1840 +/- 274
Taw yağı                                           1840 +/- 274
Chiang Kai-shek                                    1840 +/- 274
GAL                                                1840 +/- 274
AAA                                                1840 +/- 274
BVE                                                1840 +/- 274
Chilean Armed Forces                               1840 +/- 274
Chilean Air Force                                  1840 +/- 274
Carabineros de Chile                               1840 +/- 274
Republic of Yemen                                  1840 +/- 274
Ashanti Empire                                     1801 +/- 237
Afghan Interim Government                          1853 +/- 291
Zambia                                             1879 +/- 317
Umkhonto we Sizwe                                  1879 +/- 317
Palatinate-Neuburg                                 1823 +/- 262
French Republic                                    1693 +/- 132
German Confederation                               1848 +/- 287
Jamaica                                            1852 +/- 292
Rugians                                            1848 +/- 289
Sealand dynasty                                    1850 +/- 290
Right-wing groups                                  1833 +/- 274
Grey Wolves                                        1833 +/- 274
MHP                                                1833 +/- 274
Confederation of the Rhine                         1697 +/- 138
government in Ireland                              1848 +/- 290
Argentine Unitarians                               1847 +/- 289
Italian Legion                                     1847 +/- 289
Puzur-Sin                                          1822 +/- 265
Teutonic Order                                     1733 +/- 178
Vigilante                                          1827 +/- 274
Russian Federation                                 1845 +/- 292
Chechen Republic                                   1845 +/- 292
Ahhiyawa                                           1863 +/- 310
John V Palaiologos                                 1817 +/- 265
Constitutionalistas                                1841 +/- 289
Sufi groups                                        1797 +/- 245
Parliamentarians                                   1828 +/- 277
Cannanore                                          1842 +/- 292
Greek revolutionaries                              1837 +/- 287
United States of the Ionian Islands                1837 +/- 287
Duchy of Burgundy                                  1712 +/- 162
Barbary States                                     1779 +/- 229
Queen Isabella II of Spain                         1826 +/- 277
German Protestants                                 1859 +/- 311
Poland–Lithuania                                   1706 +/- 158
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies                        1784 +/- 236
Habsburg Kingdom of Hungary                        1832 +/- 287
Serbian hajduks                                    1832 +/- 287
rebels                                             1832 +/- 287
Duchy of Mantua                                    1832 +/- 287
Kingdom of Montenegro                              1829 +/- 285
Siam                                               1684 +/- 140
Lagash                                             1752 +/- 208
Wan Ahmad                                          1831 +/- 288
Terengganu Sultanate                               1831 +/- 288
Kingdom of Trinacria                               1831 +/- 289
Avignon Papacy                                     1827 +/- 285
Georgian Empire                                    1833 +/- 291
Bulgar Khanate                                     1849 +/- 309
Yugoslavia                                         1681 +/- 141
National United Front of Kampuchea                 1836 +/- 297
CAF                                                1829 +/- 290
FAN                                                1829 +/- 290
FANT                                               1829 +/- 290
Free Officers Movement                             1846 +/- 308
AFDL                                               1809 +/- 271
Croatian Herzeg-Bosnia                             1812 +/- 275
Atahualpa                                          1827 +/- 290
Government of the Soviet Union                     1827 +/- 291
Supreme Soviet                                     1827 +/- 291
Council of Ministers                               1827 +/- 291
Cumans                                             1823 +/- 288
French Empire                                      1693 +/- 158
Kingdom of Norway                                  1811 +/- 278
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan                       1808 +/- 275
Kurdistan Democratic Party                         1808 +/- 275
United States Army                                 1808 +/- 275
Peshawar Seven                                     1839 +/- 308
Tehran Eight                                       1839 +/- 308
AMFFF                                              1839 +/- 308
Sikh Empire                                        1759 +/- 229
Larsa                                              1702 +/- 172
Republic of Poland                                 1839 +/- 311
Fante Confederacy                                  1786 +/- 258
Parliamentary forces                               1847 +/- 320
Habsburg Spain                                     1786 +/- 260
Vandals                                            1786 +/- 261
German Empire                                      1654 +/- 129
Mongolian People's Republic                        1810 +/- 286
Fengtian clique                                    1785 +/- 261
Savoy                                              1815 +/- 292
Maratha Empire                                     1789 +/- 267
Ancient Carthage                                   1788 +/- 266
Assyria                                            1733 +/- 212
Afsharid dynasty                                   1804 +/- 284
Natal Colony                                       1808 +/- 289
Paraguayan Government                              1807 +/- 289
Colorado Party                                     1807 +/- 289
AZL                                                1807 +/- 289
Anyanya                                            1807 +/- 289
Achaemenid Empire of Persia                        1712 +/- 194
Kievan Rus'                                        1693 +/- 178
Argos                                              1747 +/- 232
Saga Domain                                        1775 +/- 261
Lê dynasty                                         1802 +/- 288
Moldavia                                           1649 +/- 136
Empire of Nicaea                                   1772 +/- 260
Cossack Hetmanate of Ivan Samoylovych              1799 +/- 288
Ashikaga Shogunate                                 1798 +/- 288
Security forces                                    1795 +/- 287
Republican Guard                                   1795 +/- 287
Ngapuhi Iwi                                        1823 +/- 314
Sea peoples                                        1797 +/- 288
Crow Nation                                        1798 +/- 289
Pawnee                                             1798 +/- 289
Ilkhanate                                          1724 +/- 218
Knossos                                            1729 +/- 223
Volsci                                             1747 +/- 242
Cappadocia                                         1792 +/- 288
Media                                              1808 +/- 305
Republic of the Philippines                        1773 +/- 271
United States Armed Forces                         1773 +/- 271
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic                          1777 +/- 276
Afāqi                                              1788 +/- 287
Catholics                                          1748 +/- 247
Sultanate of Muscat and Oman                       1787 +/- 288
Montenegrin Whites                                 1811 +/- 312
Williamites                                        1809 +/- 311
Timurid dynasty                                    1803 +/- 306
Malaya                                             1809 +/- 312
Serbs                                              1745 +/- 249
Freikorps                                          1758 +/- 262
Tamoio People                                      1806 +/- 311
Shoshone                                           1780 +/- 286
Bolivia                                            1730 +/- 236
Muslims                                            1783 +/- 289
British North America                              1783 +/- 289
Setnakhte                                          1782 +/- 289
Judah                                              1782 +/- 289
Illyriciani                                        1782 +/- 289
Bohemond IV of Antioch                             1782 +/- 289
Ayyubid                                            1782 +/- 289
Emirate of Aleppo                                  1782 +/- 289
Michael Komnenos                                   1782 +/- 289
John III                                           1782 +/- 289
Scholarioi                                         1782 +/- 289
Manuel II of Trebizond                             1782 +/- 289
Deylik of Algiers                                  1782 +/- 289
Jumblatt                                           1782 +/- 289
Khazen                                             1782 +/- 289
Kingdom of Hawai'i                                 1782 +/- 289
Cambodian pro-Siamese faction                      1782 +/- 289
Queen Mary II of Portugal                          1782 +/- 289
San José                                           1782 +/- 289
Lombok                                             1782 +/- 289
Regulators                                         1782 +/- 289
Pahlavi Iran                                       1782 +/- 289
Liu Xiang                                          1782 +/- 289
Tian Songyao                                       1782 +/- 289
Jews of Palestine                                  1782 +/- 289
President of Russia                                1782 +/- 289
Main Administration of Protection                  1782 +/- 289
Ministry of the Interior                           1782 +/- 289
Kantemirovskaya Tank Division                      1782 +/- 289
Taman Division                                     1782 +/- 289
FAPSI                                              1782 +/- 289
Alpha Group                                        1782 +/- 289
Vympel                                             1782 +/- 289
BDF Mutineers                                      1782 +/- 289
SADF                                               1782 +/- 289
Pope Innocent X                                    1783 +/- 289
Don Cossacks                                       1783 +/- 289
Riograndense Republic                              1770 +/- 278
Electorate of Trier                                1754 +/- 263
Bulgarian Empire                                   1682 +/- 191
Lazica                                             1700 +/- 210
Kata'ib Hezbollah                                  1635 +/- 146
Lakhmids                                           1682 +/- 193
CPP                                                1764 +/- 275
Transjordan                                        1766 +/- 278
MNLF                                               1762 +/- 275
MILF                                               1762 +/- 275
East India Company                                 1793 +/- 307
Huguenots                                          1785 +/- 299
Doroshenko                                         1795 +/- 310
Mexica Empire                                      1772 +/- 288
Assyrian Empire                                    1773 +/- 289
Roman Kingdom                                      1773 +/- 290
Visigothic Kingdom                                 1699 +/- 217
Colony of Virginia                                 1792 +/- 310
Ptolemaic Kingdom                                  1735 +/- 254
Annam Protectorate                                 1769 +/- 288
Medes                                              1787 +/- 306
FNCI                                               1708 +/- 227
Livonian Confederation                             1790 +/- 310
Polish–Lithuanian union                            1790 +/- 310
County of Tripoli                                  1685 +/- 205
Junbish-i Milli                                    1652 +/- 174
Antigua and Barbuda                                1785 +/- 308
Barbados                                           1785 +/- 308
Dominica                                           1785 +/- 308
Saint Lucia                                        1785 +/- 308
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines                   1785 +/- 308
Marinid Sultanate                                  1765 +/- 287
Interim government                                 1764 +/- 288
British South Africa Company                       1766 +/- 290
North Yemen                                        1765 +/- 289
Nuristani                                          1763 +/- 288
Apalachee                                          1689 +/- 216
NLF                                                1779 +/- 306
FLOSY                                              1779 +/- 306
Goguryeo                                           1684 +/- 212
Al-Awazem                                          1781 +/- 309
Nabataean Kingdom                                  1763 +/- 291
Duchy of Milan                                     1634 +/- 163
Choshu Domain                                      1685 +/- 215
Frankish Empire                                    1760 +/- 291
Delian League                                      1703 +/- 235
Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan         1756 +/- 289
Old Swiss Confederacy                              1770 +/- 305
Three Leagues of the Grisons                       1770 +/- 305
Metz                                               1751 +/- 289
Palmyrene Empire                                   1752 +/- 290
Dithmarschen                                       1771 +/- 309
Lombards                                           1764 +/- 304
Pannonian Avars                                    1764 +/- 304
Finnish Red Guards                                 1714 +/- 254
Republic of Yemen Armed Forces                     1740 +/- 281
Tribal                                             1740 +/- 281
Umma                                               1672 +/- 214
ADF                                                1614 +/- 158
White Russian                                      1726 +/- 270
Teutonic State                                     1707 +/- 252
Hezbi Islami                                       1626 +/- 172
Haiti                                              1713 +/- 259
Republic of China                                  1584 +/- 132
Guatemala                                          1669 +/- 217
Duchy of Masovia                                   1753 +/- 304
Eight-Nation Alliance                              1754 +/- 307
Schwyz                                             1713 +/- 265
Katipunan                                          1699 +/- 253
UNLA                                               1734 +/- 289
Qin dynasty                                        1652 +/- 208
Al Thani                                           1745 +/- 301
French Indochina                                   1709 +/- 265
Jumblatt clan                                      1749 +/- 306
al-Atrash clan                                     1749 +/- 306
Harfush clan                                       1749 +/- 306
Prince of Yan                                      1748 +/- 306
Neo-Assyrian Empire                                1593 +/- 151
Muhammad Ali                                       1745 +/- 302
Pontus                                             1747 +/- 306
Brazilian Army                                     1748 +/- 307
Jabal Shammar                                      1607 +/- 165
Second East Turkestan Republic                     1744 +/- 303
COJEP                                              1677 +/- 238
Greek                                              1674 +/- 237
Maurya Empire                                      1711 +/- 274
Uruk                                               1635 +/- 199
Tikal                                              1622 +/- 187
Crimean Tatars                                     1687 +/- 252
Hezb-i Wahdat                                      1608 +/- 174
Galatia                                            1705 +/- 272
Bengal Sultanate                                   1708 +/- 274
Tang Empire                                        1738 +/- 306
Ganja Khanate                                      1738 +/- 305
Erivan Khanate                                     1738 +/- 305
Tenochtitlan                                       1735 +/- 304
The Siraceni                                       1734 +/- 306
Republic of Texas                                  1730 +/- 304
Persian Empire                                     1631 +/- 205
Duchy of Warsaw                                    1604 +/- 178
Duchy of Savoy                                     1591 +/- 166
Imperial State of Iran                             1567 +/- 144
Second Hellenic Republic                           1727 +/- 305
Viet Nam                                           1724 +/- 303
Kingdom of Cambodia                                1724 +/- 303
Habsburg Hungary                                   1726 +/- 305
Macedonian                                         1726 +/- 305
Sassanid Persians                                  1726 +/- 305
Shinzei                                            1726 +/- 305
Port Royal Administration                          1726 +/- 305
Sassanid Empire                                    1647 +/- 228
Soběslav II, Duke of Bohemia                       1724 +/- 304
Tlaxcala                                           1669 +/- 251
Duchy of Świecie                                   1720 +/- 302
Duchy of Greater Poland                            1720 +/- 302
Ajman tribe                                        1712 +/- 296
Al-Hawajir                                         1712 +/- 296
Al Murrah                                          1712 +/- 296
Bani Khalid                                        1712 +/- 296
Subay'                                             1712 +/- 296
Suhool                                             1712 +/- 296
Beylik of Tunis                                    1641 +/- 227
Vikings                                            1631 +/- 219
Rugii                                              1716 +/- 304
Suebi                                              1716 +/- 304
Messenia                                           1704 +/- 294
Kingdom of Greece                                  1573 +/- 163
United Kingdom of the Netherlands                  1699 +/- 289
Inca Empire                                        1649 +/- 240
Majapahit Empire                                   1712 +/- 304
Bithynia                                           1713 +/- 305
Pandavas                                           1710 +/- 305
Yudhishthira                                       1710 +/- 305
Hermopolis                                         1710 +/- 305
Julius Caesar                                      1710 +/- 305
Populares                                          1710 +/- 305
Taira no Sadamori                                  1710 +/- 305
Minamoto no Tsunemoto                              1710 +/- 305
Duchy of Poland                                    1710 +/- 305
Stephen of Blois                                   1710 +/- 305
Bishopric of Utrecht                               1710 +/- 305
Frisians                                           1710 +/- 305
Town of Groningen                                  1710 +/- 305
Duchy of Jülich                                    1710 +/- 305
Bronckhorst faction                                1710 +/- 305
Vasily the Blind                                   1710 +/- 305
Holstein-Rendsburg                                 1710 +/- 305
Aztec Empire                                       1710 +/- 305
Duchy of Bavaria-Munich                            1710 +/- 305
Bishopric of Hildesheim                            1710 +/- 305
County of Schaumburg                               1710 +/- 305
County of Diepholz                                 1710 +/- 305
County of Hoya                                     1710 +/- 305
Filipino Loyalists                                 1710 +/- 305
Elizabeth I of England                             1710 +/- 305
English and Welsh Protestants                      1710 +/- 305
Scottish Protestants                               1710 +/- 305
Akechi Mitsuhide's                                 1710 +/- 305
Barberini                                          1710 +/- 305
Pope Urban VIII                                    1710 +/- 305
Pamphili                                           1710 +/- 305
Maqil                                              1710 +/- 305
Bahadur Shah I                                     1710 +/- 305
Company Raj                                        1710 +/- 305
Orangists                                          1710 +/- 305
Austrian Netherlands                               1710 +/- 305
Lamu                                               1710 +/- 305
North West Company                                 1710 +/- 305
Métis                                              1710 +/- 305
Cartistas                                          1710 +/- 305
Dominion of Canada                                 1710 +/- 305
Métis Loyalists                                    1710 +/- 305
African Lakes Corporation                          1710 +/- 305
Ngonde                                             1710 +/- 305
Congressist Junta                                  1710 +/- 305
Navy of Chile                                      1710 +/- 305
Saxon volunteers                                   1710 +/- 305
Rondas Campesinas                                  1710 +/- 305
Suriname                                           1710 +/- 305
Archdiocese of Manila                              1710 +/- 305
Russian Volunteers                                 1710 +/- 305
14th Guards Army                                   1710 +/- 305
Ukrainian volunteers                               1710 +/- 305
Georgian State Council                             1710 +/- 305
RSADO                                              1710 +/- 305
DMLEK                                              1710 +/- 305
ENSF                                               1710 +/- 305
DFEU                                               1710 +/- 305
LDP                                                1710 +/- 305
Landgraviate of Hesse                              1710 +/- 306
Vladimir-Suzdal                                    1710 +/- 306
Castile                                            1710 +/- 306
Kingdom of Ayutthaya                               1710 +/- 306
Muscat and Oman                                    1710 +/- 306
Liberals                                           1710 +/- 306
French colonial empire                             1710 +/- 306
People's Republic of Poland                        1710 +/- 306
Belgian Congo                                      1710 +/- 306
The Gambia                                         1710 +/- 306
Greek insurgents                                   1707 +/- 303
PAIGC                                              1739 +/- 335
Princely states                                    1620 +/- 217
Mari                                               1614 +/- 211
Visigoths                                          1667 +/- 264
Caucasian Albania                                  1701 +/- 299
Colchis                                            1676 +/- 274
Dazaifu                                            1706 +/- 305
Grand Alliance                                     1735 +/- 334
Piedmont-Savoy                                     1735 +/- 334
Union of South Africa                              1563 +/- 162
FSLN                                               1703 +/- 303
Travancore                                         1675 +/- 276
RAF                                                1701 +/- 304
Albanian nobility                                  1731 +/- 334
Patricio Rivas                                     1700 +/- 304
Colorados                                          1640 +/- 246
English Parliamentarian                            1700 +/- 305
New Model Army                                     1700 +/- 305
Scythians                                          1681 +/- 287
Kingdom of Meath                                   1699 +/- 305
Kingdom of Munster                                 1699 +/- 305
Habsburg Monarchy                                  1698 +/- 305
Principality of Antioch                            1614 +/- 220
Red Eyebrows movement                              1698 +/- 305
Ghaznavids                                         1699 +/- 306
Dutch Cape Colony                                  1699 +/- 306
Zhili clique                                       1632 +/- 239
John Szapolyai's Hungarian kingdom                 1577 +/- 184
Viet Minh                                          1614 +/- 222
Santo Domingo                                      1722 +/- 331
CJTF-OIR                                           1687 +/- 297
Kurdistan Region                                   1687 +/- 297
Kingdom of Sicily                                  1553 +/- 163
Chaldea                                            1673 +/- 283
Government of National Salvation                   1694 +/- 305
Aisha                                              1721 +/- 334
Muawiya                                            1721 +/- 334
Kharijites                                         1721 +/- 334
Armagnac                                           1691 +/- 305
Thespians                                          1718 +/- 333
Thebans                                            1718 +/- 333
Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic       1651 +/- 266
Phocis                                             1672 +/- 288
Catalan counties                                   1689 +/- 305
County of Provence                                 1689 +/- 305
Giudicato of Torres                                1689 +/- 305
Serbian volunteers                                 1714 +/- 330
Mexican Army                                       1713 +/- 329
Arab                                               1648 +/- 265
José Gervasio Artigas                              1712 +/- 329
FPR                                                1535 +/- 152
New Granada                                        1711 +/- 329
Uruguay                                            1643 +/- 261
Baltic States                                      1710 +/- 329
Republic of Kosova                                 1711 +/- 331
Kazakh Khanate                                     1673 +/- 294
Cherusci                                           1710 +/- 331
Entre Ríos                                         1680 +/- 302
Corrientes                                         1680 +/- 302
Santa Fe                                           1680 +/- 302
Kingdom of Armenia                                 1631 +/- 253
Khanate of Khiva                                   1696 +/- 319
Swedish Empire                                     1598 +/- 221
Tajammu al-Arabi                                   1682 +/- 306
Emirate of Córdoba                                 1662 +/- 286
Minamoto clan                                      1636 +/- 262
ZANU                                               1679 +/- 305
ZAPU                                               1679 +/- 305
Grand Duchy of Tuscany                             1641 +/- 267
Italian Resistance                                 1677 +/- 305
Mirdasid Emirate of Aleppo                         1698 +/- 327
Al-Qaeda                                           1468 +/- 98
Zug                                                1653 +/- 283
Provisional IRA                                    1695 +/- 326
Liu Bang                                           1697 +/- 330
EOKA                                               1693 +/- 326
Samnites                                           1586 +/- 219
Merovingian                                        1696 +/- 329
Targowica Confederates                             1694 +/- 327
Slovak National Council                            1693 +/- 327
Fatimid Caliphate                                  1525 +/- 161
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party                        1670 +/- 306
Gutian                                             1692 +/- 329
Río de la Plata Viceroyalty                        1689 +/- 326
First Philippine Republic                          1629 +/- 266
Bulgarian Empires                                  1688 +/- 326
Dzungar Khanate                                    1616 +/- 254
Piyama-Radu                                        1689 +/- 327
Elamites                                           1688 +/- 327
Portuguese Republican Party                        1686 +/- 326
Monferrat                                          1685 +/- 325
Mohawk                                             1546 +/- 186
Jin dynasty                                        1654 +/- 295
Octavian                                           1664 +/- 305
Republic of Acre                                   1687 +/- 329
Emperor Go-Daigo                                   1687 +/- 329
United Provinces                                   1619 +/- 262
Romanian Army                                      1682 +/- 325
Irish Kingdoms                                     1646 +/- 289
Chichimeca                                         1683 +/- 328
Ministry of Defence                                1605 +/- 250
Irish Republic                                     1679 +/- 324
mercenaries                                        1561 +/- 206
Republic of Spanish Haiti                          1683 +/- 329
Ayutthaya Kingdom                                  1626 +/- 272
Poland-Lithuania                                   1677 +/- 324
Kushite Egypt                                      1678 +/- 327
Ottoman Algeria                                    1673 +/- 324
Tai Tribesmen                                      1675 +/- 327
Khoikhoi                                           1640 +/- 294
Sovereign Tagalog Nation                           1671 +/- 325
Parthian Empire                                    1558 +/- 212
IPOB                                               1660 +/- 315
Prussian Confederation                             1672 +/- 327
Orozquistas                                        1670 +/- 325
Zapatistas                                         1670 +/- 325
Magonistas                                         1670 +/- 325
Albanian                                           1589 +/- 245
Three Leagues                                      1666 +/- 324
Athanagild                                         1668 +/- 327
Moab                                               1668 +/- 327
Ammon                                              1668 +/- 327
Ethniki Etaireia                                   1661 +/- 322
Supreme Macedonian-Adrianople Committee            1661 +/- 322
Bulgarian Secret Revolutionary Brotherhood         1661 +/- 322
Boatmen of Thessaloniki                            1661 +/- 322
Serbian Chetnik Organization                       1661 +/- 322
Oirats                                             1664 +/- 325
Southern Provinces of the Netherlands              1665 +/- 327
Al-Islah                                           1522 +/- 184
Lordship of Ireland                                1664 +/- 326
Armenian fedayi                                    1659 +/- 322
Qajar Persia                                       1659 +/- 322
Agrigentum                                         1663 +/- 326
Cumae                                              1663 +/- 326
Yamato Kingship                                    1663 +/- 326
Emperor Yūryaku                                    1663 +/- 326
Eucratides I                                       1662 +/- 325
Sui dynasty                                        1626 +/- 289
Hashemite                                          1658 +/- 322
Unification of Saudi Arabia                        1658 +/- 322
Kingdom of Asturias                                1661 +/- 326
Dos Pilas                                          1594 +/- 259
tenentistas                                        1661 +/- 326
Bruneian Empire                                    1658 +/- 323
Tabaristan                                         1660 +/- 326
Shirvan                                            1660 +/- 326
Burtas                                             1660 +/- 326
Kingdom of Spain                                   1509 +/- 177
Yan                                                1609 +/- 277
Principality of Beloozero                          1654 +/- 323
Principality of Rostov                             1654 +/- 323
Principality of Yaroslavl                          1654 +/- 323
Principality of Suzdal—Nizhny Novgorod             1654 +/- 323
Principality of Murom                              1654 +/- 323
Bavaria-Landshut                                   1619 +/- 288
First Brazilian Republic                           1595 +/- 263
Panamanian opposition                              1657 +/- 326
Chinese collaborators                              1651 +/- 323
Mongol Military Government                         1651 +/- 323
Caracol                                            1564 +/- 235
Crusaders                                          1640 +/- 312
FNLA                                               1535 +/- 208
Euthydemid                                         1650 +/- 324
Veii                                               1651 +/- 325
Ukrainian SSR                                      1586 +/- 261
Arzawa                                             1642 +/- 317
Fan Noli                                           1651 +/- 326
United Provinces of New Granada                    1637 +/- 313
Al-Muntafiq                                        1591 +/- 268
Tongmenghui                                        1649 +/- 325
Basotho                                            1648 +/- 325
Catholic League                                    1506 +/- 184
Etruscans                                          1573 +/- 252
House of Lusignan                                  1644 +/- 323
Emus                                               1644 +/- 323
Russian Provisional Government                     1609 +/- 289
Conservatives                                      1605 +/- 285
Babylonia                                          1597 +/- 277
Qing Empire of China                               1569 +/- 250
Sō clan                                            1641 +/- 323
Hellenic Macedonian Committee                      1643 +/- 325
Kingdom of Imereti                                 1601 +/- 284
Trucial Oman Scouts                                1640 +/- 323
Sikh militia                                       1641 +/- 324
Quraysh tribe                                      1606 +/- 289
Vietnamese protectorate of Cambodia                1638 +/- 322
Qing Dynasty                                       1596 +/- 282
Paeonians                                          1639 +/- 325
Korea                                              1631 +/- 317
Free City of Lübeck                                1492 +/- 179
Cadusii                                            1636 +/- 323
Revolutionary committee (Revkom)                   1637 +/- 325
Hanseatic League                                   1586 +/- 274
26th of July Movement                              1635 +/- 324
Kish (Sumer)                                       1637 +/- 325
Nabatean Kingdom                                   1637 +/- 325
Colony of Natal                                    1637 +/- 325
Samoa                                              1637 +/- 325
Bougainville Revolutionary Army                    1637 +/- 325
Ilum-ma-ili                                        1633 +/- 322
Yuezhi                                             1633 +/- 323
Saka                                               1633 +/- 323
Wusun                                              1633 +/- 323
Rojava                                             1578 +/- 269
La Corona                                          1631 +/- 323
Volga Bulgaria                                     1621 +/- 313
Wei                                                1621 +/- 314
Qi                                                 1621 +/- 314
Iraqi Government                                   1596 +/- 288
Shihab dynasty                                     1557 +/- 250
Government of Colombia                             1630 +/- 324
Fatimids                                           1630 +/- 325
Kingdom of Romania                                 1558 +/- 253
Western Roman Empire                               1518 +/- 212
Sudetendeutsches Freikorps                         1629 +/- 324
Bzhedug                                            1628 +/- 323
Hatuqway                                           1628 +/- 323
Normandy                                           1625 +/- 323
Kingdom of Iberia                                  1626 +/- 324
Adwan                                              1626 +/- 324
Bani Sakhr                                         1626 +/- 324
Ukrainian People's Republic                        1560 +/- 258
Kingdom of Marwar                                  1622 +/- 322
West Frisia                                        1623 +/- 324
Kabardians                                         1623 +/- 324
Shamkhalate of Tarki                               1623 +/- 324
Amal                                               1523 +/- 225
Han empire                                         1623 +/- 324
Kingdom of Dazhou                                  1620 +/- 323
Sciri                                              1569 +/- 272
People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan           1620 +/- 324
Kingdom of Judah                                   1536 +/- 241
Koxinga                                            1618 +/- 324
Scorpion I                                         1619 +/- 325
Narmer                                             1619 +/- 325
Shang                                              1619 +/- 325
Achaeans                                           1619 +/- 325
Mycenaens                                          1619 +/- 325
Spartans                                           1619 +/- 325
Zhou                                               1619 +/- 325
King Cheng of Zhou                                 1619 +/- 325
Amphictyonic League of Delphi                      1619 +/- 325
XXVII Dynasty of Egypt                             1619 +/- 325
Chios                                              1619 +/- 325
Kos                                                1619 +/- 325
Byzantion                                          1619 +/- 325
Parni                                              1619 +/- 325
Euthydemus I                                       1619 +/- 325
Sullans                                            1619 +/- 325
Arminius                                           1619 +/- 325
Lülin                                              1619 +/- 325
Hermunduri                                         1619 +/- 325
Guangdong                                          1619 +/- 325
Yuan Shao                                          1619 +/- 325
Cao Cao                                            1619 +/- 325
Sun Ce                                             1619 +/- 325
Eastern Jin dynasty                                1619 +/- 325
Bonifacius                                         1619 +/- 325
Salian Franks                                      1619 +/- 325
Tournai                                            1619 +/- 325
Cambrai                                            1619 +/- 325
Taghlib                                            1619 +/- 325
Yamato court                                       1619 +/- 325
Chenla                                             1619 +/- 325
Western Gokturks                                   1619 +/- 325
Samo's Empire                                      1619 +/- 325
Prince Ōama                                        1619 +/- 325
Toniná                                             1619 +/- 325
Empress Kōken                                      1619 +/- 325
Yumtän                                             1619 +/- 325
Ismail I                                           1619 +/- 325
Tĩnh Hải quân                                      1619 +/- 325
Earls of Lade                                      1619 +/- 325
Hammudid dynasty                                   1619 +/- 325
Rebels                                             1619 +/- 325
Sardinian judicati                                 1619 +/- 325
County of Anjou                                    1619 +/- 325
County of Maine                                    1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Strathclyde                             1619 +/- 325
Seljuk Turks                                       1619 +/- 325
Peter Orseolo                                      1619 +/- 325
Minamoto no Yoriyoshi                              1619 +/- 325
County of Urgell                                   1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Galicia                                 1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Castille                                1619 +/- 325
Seljuq Empire                                      1619 +/- 325
House of Barcelona                                 1619 +/- 325
Emperor Go-Shirakawa                               1619 +/- 325
Parakrama Pandyan II                               1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Polonnaruwa                             1619 +/- 325
Kamakura shogunate                                 1619 +/- 325
County of Champagne                                1619 +/- 325
County of Bar                                      1619 +/- 325
Hōjō clan                                          1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Tumapel                                 1619 +/- 325
Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen                     1619 +/- 325
Mecklenburgian                                     1619 +/- 325
Duchy of Białogarda                                1619 +/- 325
Novgorod Republic                                  1619 +/- 325
Sophie of Thuringia                                1619 +/- 325
Kublai Khan                                        1619 +/- 325
Stephen                                            1619 +/- 325
Guelphs                                            1619 +/- 325
Singhasari Kingdom                                 1619 +/- 325
Bulgarian nobility                                 1619 +/- 325
Clan MacDougall                                    1619 +/- 325
Inuit                                              1619 +/- 325
Władysław I the Elbow-high                         1619 +/- 325
Unterwalden                                        1619 +/- 325
Bosnian Kingdom                                    1619 +/- 325
Muscovy                                            1619 +/- 325
Stefan Dušan                                       1619 +/- 325
Northern Court                                     1619 +/- 325
Kartids                                            1619 +/- 325
House of Wettin                                    1619 +/- 325
Magnus II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg              1619 +/- 325
Grzymała                                           1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Ava                                     1619 +/- 325
Union                                              1619 +/- 325
Western court                                      1619 +/- 325
Henry VII, Count of Waldeck                        1619 +/- 325
Bavaria-Munich                                     1619 +/- 325
L'Aquila                                           1619 +/- 325
Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland             1619 +/- 325
Soest                                              1619 +/- 325
Frederick II, Elector of Saxony                    1619 +/- 325
John II of Aragon and Navarre                      1619 +/- 325
House of Neville                                   1619 +/- 325
Thomas de Courtenay, 5th Earl of Devon             1619 +/- 325
House of Lancaster                                 1619 +/- 325
Tarascan state                                     1619 +/- 325
Duchy of Württemberg                               1619 +/- 325
Royalists of Aragon                                1619 +/- 325
Royalist Castilians                                1619 +/- 325
Revival Lê dynasty                                 1619 +/- 325
Prince-Bishopric of Münster                        1619 +/- 325
Captaincies of Brazil                              1619 +/- 325
Governorate of New Castile                         1619 +/- 325
Kamata Kingdom                                     1619 +/- 325
Regency of Algiers                                 1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Beni Abbas                              1619 +/- 325
King                                               1619 +/- 325
Sigismund III Vasa                                 1619 +/- 325
House of Ascania                                   1619 +/- 325
Tokugawa Ieyasu                                    1619 +/- 325
Trịnh lords                                        1619 +/- 325
Plymouth Colony                                    1619 +/- 325
Saybrook Colony                                    1619 +/- 325
Narragansett people                                1619 +/- 325
Mohegan people                                     1619 +/- 325
Isles of Scilly                                    1619 +/- 325
House of Kinlaza                                   1619 +/- 325
Husainid dynasty                                   1619 +/- 325
Dutch West India Company                           1619 +/- 325
Warsaw Confederation                               1619 +/- 325
Province of Carolina                               1619 +/- 325
Ahmed Karamanli                                    1619 +/- 325
British Government forces                          1619 +/- 325
Sultanate of Muscat                                1619 +/- 325
Anlo                                               1619 +/- 325
Khafiya                                            1619 +/- 325
Zubarah                                            1619 +/- 325
European settlers                                  1619 +/- 325
Frontiersmen                                       1619 +/- 325
Toussaint Louverture                               1619 +/- 325
Karađorđe                                          1619 +/- 325
Captaincy General of Santo Domingo                 1619 +/- 325
Forces of                                          1619 +/- 325
Henri Christophe                                   1619 +/- 325
Chief Black Hoof                                   1619 +/- 325
Seku Amadu                                         1619 +/- 325
Cherokees                                          1619 +/- 325
Choctaws                                           1619 +/- 325
United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarve 1619 +/- 325
Shaka Zulu                                         1619 +/- 325
Free Province of Guayaquil                         1619 +/- 325
First Mexican Empire                               1619 +/- 325
Republicans                                        1619 +/- 325
Provisional Government of Mexico                   1619 +/- 325
Local militia                                      1619 +/- 325
Queen Mary II                                      1619 +/- 325
Pelucones                                          1619 +/- 325
Military of Chile                                  1619 +/- 325
Freie Ämter militia                                1619 +/- 325
House of Orléans                                   1619 +/- 325
Luis José de Orbegoso                              1619 +/- 325
Andrés de Santa Cruz                               1619 +/- 325
North Peru                                         1619 +/- 325
Voortrekkers                                       1619 +/- 325
Te Ati Awa Iwi                                     1619 +/- 325
Sweden-Norway                                      1619 +/- 325
Mexican rebels                                     1619 +/- 325
Zamindars                                          1619 +/- 325
Punti                                              1619 +/- 325
Pedro Santana                                      1619 +/- 325
Benigno Filomeno de Rojas Ramos                    1619 +/- 325
Gregorio Luperón                                   1619 +/- 325
Juan Luis Franco Bidó                              1619 +/- 325
José Desiderio Valverde Pérez                      1619 +/- 325
Santiago Rodríguez Masagó                          1619 +/- 325
Buenaventura Baez                                  1619 +/- 325
Domingo Daniel Pichardo Pró                        1619 +/- 325
Manuel de Regla Mota y Álvarez                     1619 +/- 325
Granadine Confederation                            1619 +/- 325
Saud                                               1619 +/- 325
Dominican Liberals                                 1619 +/- 325
Nissage Saget                                      1619 +/- 325
Republican Party                                   1619 +/- 325
Homesteaders                                       1619 +/- 325
Qu'aiti                                            1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Porto-Novo                              1619 +/- 325
Najd                                               1619 +/- 325
Tswana                                             1619 +/- 325
Salvadoran Rebels                                  1619 +/- 325
German Kamerun                                     1619 +/- 325
Colombian Conservative Party                       1619 +/- 325
North Borneo                                       1619 +/- 325
Italian Empire                                     1619 +/- 325
Emirate of Sharjah                                 1619 +/- 325
Viranşehir                                         1619 +/- 325
Nicaraguan Conservative Party                      1619 +/- 325
menhuan                                            1619 +/- 325
Xidaotang                                          1619 +/- 325
Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies              1619 +/- 325
Mario García Menocal                               1619 +/- 325
New Caledonia                                      1619 +/- 325
Qajars                                             1619 +/- 325
Pahlavis                                           1619 +/- 325
State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs                1619 +/- 325
Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic      1619 +/- 325
Emirate of Riyadh                                  1619 +/- 325
First Portuguese Republic                          1619 +/- 325
Polish Military Organization                       1619 +/- 325
Free State of Fiume                                1619 +/- 325
French Syria                                       1619 +/- 325
Warfallan                                          1619 +/- 325
Old Guangxi clique                                 1619 +/- 325
Emir Abdullah                                      1619 +/- 325
Kingdom of Iraq (British administration)           1619 +/- 325
Mexican                                            1619 +/- 325
Sultanate of Tarim                                 1619 +/- 325
Toda                                               1619 +/- 325
Truku                                              1619 +/- 325
Spanish Republic                                   1619 +/- 325
Mexican Government                                 1619 +/- 325
First Austrian Republic                            1619 +/- 325
Fatherland's Front                                 1619 +/- 325
Jewish Settlement Police                           1619 +/- 325
Jewish Supernumerary Police                        1619 +/- 325
Special Night Squads                               1619 +/- 325
FOSH                                               1619 +/- 325
Peulot Meyuhadot                                   1619 +/- 325
Bakr Sidqi                                         1619 +/- 325
Nationalist Spain                                  1619 +/- 325
Berwari                                            1619 +/- 325
Polish Underground State                           1619 +/- 325
People's Republic of Bulgaria                      1619 +/- 325
Muslim Conference                                  1619 +/- 325
House of Pahlavi                                   1619 +/- 325
Paraguayan Army                                    1619 +/- 325
State Protection Authority                         1619 +/- 325
Free Officers                                      1619 +/- 325
National Civic Union                               1619 +/- 325
es                                                 1619 +/- 325
Army                                               1619 +/- 325
Air Force                                          1619 +/- 325
Sarawak                                            1619 +/- 325
Brazilian Armed Forces                             1619 +/- 325
Brazilian Navy                                     1619 +/- 325
Brazilian Air Force                                1619 +/- 325
Brazilian military government                      1619 +/- 325
military                                           1619 +/- 325
Ceylon                                             1619 +/- 325
Eritrean People's Liberation Front                 1619 +/- 325
Vanuatu                                            1619 +/- 325
National Resistance Army                           1619 +/- 325
Abdul Fattah Ismail                                1619 +/- 325
Ciskei                                             1619 +/- 325
Ba'athist Iraq                                     1619 +/- 325
Algerian government                                1619 +/- 325
North Ossetian militia and security forces         1619 +/- 325
North Ossetian Republican Guard                    1619 +/- 325
South Ossetian militia                             1619 +/- 325
Terek Cossacks                                     1619 +/- 325
Russian Army                                       1619 +/- 325
Samburu                                            1619 +/- 325
Somali Region                                      1619 +/- 325
Fano                                               1619 +/- 325
Transitional Sovereignty Council                   1619 +/- 325
Republic of Pisa                                   1526 +/- 233
Islamic State of Afghanistan                       1504 +/- 211
Principality of Albania                            1604 +/- 311
Tang                                               1542 +/- 250
Myinsaing Kingdom                                  1614 +/- 323
Antigonid Macedonia                                1616 +/- 325
Kingdom of Bithynia                                1615 +/- 325
Taira clan                                         1563 +/- 273
Portuguese Angola                                  1615 +/- 325
Dutch East Indies                                  1614 +/- 325
Kingdom of Ahom                                    1596 +/- 307
Konbaung dynasty                                   1611 +/- 322
Yamato                                             1562 +/- 274
Babylon                                            1458 +/- 170
Goryeo                                             1510 +/- 222
Southern Xiongnu                                   1612 +/- 325
Hungarian National Council                         1609 +/- 322
Kingdom of Kakheti                                 1609 +/- 323
Adab                                               1611 +/- 325
Liao dynasty                                       1576 +/- 289
Coalition Forces                                   1608 +/- 322
Varendra                                           1609 +/- 325
White movement                                     1607 +/- 324
Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic                    1607 +/- 324
Zaidis                                             1515 +/- 231
Communist Party                                    1539 +/- 255
Golden Horde                                       1423 +/- 139
Konrád II Ota                                      1608 +/- 325
Cimmerians                                         1592 +/- 309
Parliaments of England and Scotland                1607 +/- 325
Uruguayan                                          1607 +/- 325
United States of Colombia                          1607 +/- 325
Suevi                                              1606 +/- 325
Tonina                                             1606 +/- 325
Lý dynasty                                         1606 +/- 325
Karamanli dynasty                                  1606 +/- 325
Chogyal                                            1606 +/- 325
1st Army Corps                                     1606 +/- 325
Gepids                                             1554 +/- 273
Greek city states                                  1580 +/- 299
North German Confederation                         1603 +/- 323
FROLINAT                                           1531 +/- 250
GUNT                                               1531 +/- 250
Holy League                                        1585 +/- 305
Mulay Hafid                                        1603 +/- 323
Tây Sơn dynasty                                    1555 +/- 275
Afro-Shirazi Party                                 1604 +/- 325
Umma Party                                         1604 +/- 325
Kingdom of Mrauk U                                 1587 +/- 310
Kingdom of Germany                                 1602 +/- 325
Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq                                  1401 +/- 125
Sokoto Caliphate                                   1592 +/- 315
Mito Domain                                        1600 +/- 325
North Ossetian volunteers                          1599 +/- 325
Shu Han                                            1539 +/- 266
Kiowa                                              1565 +/- 291
Kingdom of Bulgaria                                1495 +/- 222
Upper Yafa                                         1597 +/- 325
Kingdom of Nepal                                   1575 +/- 305
Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Syria Region         1595 +/- 325
South West Africa                                  1595 +/- 325
Tanukhids                                          1576 +/- 309
Persians                                           1566 +/- 299
First Spanish Republic                             1590 +/- 325
Bourbon                                            1590 +/- 325
Himariotes                                         1561 +/- 299
Trinovantes                                        1571 +/- 310
Susa                                               1570 +/- 309
Sea Peoples                                        1566 +/- 309
First Hungarian Republic                           1566 +/- 309
Hungarian Soviet Republic                          1566 +/- 309
Imperial City of Nuremberg                         1565 +/- 309
Malagasy                                           1515 +/- 259
Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus  1581 +/- 326
Rabih az-Zubayr                                    1562 +/- 307
Principality of Serbia                             1551 +/- 297
Great Moravia                                      1562 +/- 311
New Kingdom of Egypt                               1546 +/- 295
Finnish White Guards                               1500 +/- 249
Peloponnesian League                               1456 +/- 207
Emirate of Ha'il                                   1545 +/- 296
Franks                                             1487 +/- 240
Duchy of Bohemia                                   1521 +/- 274
Kingdom of Hanover                                 1459 +/- 213
Illyrians                                          1552 +/- 307
Thracians                                          1552 +/- 307
Zhao                                               1539 +/- 295
Champa                                             1540 +/- 297
Han                                                1551 +/- 309
Sparta                                             1387 +/- 144
FLEC                                               1435 +/- 196
Kingdom of Kartli                                  1544 +/- 305
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan                               1499 +/- 261
Ahom kingdom                                       1544 +/- 306
Ikkō-ikki                                          1544 +/- 306
Hyksos                                             1543 +/- 306
Quiriguá                                           1544 +/- 308
Teutonic Knights                                   1408 +/- 173
Hotak dynasty                                      1534 +/- 301
Duklja                                             1506 +/- 274
Kingdom of Kotte                                   1538 +/- 307
Principality of Kiev                               1536 +/- 305
Principality of Chernigov                          1536 +/- 305
Principality of Pereiaslavl'                       1536 +/- 305
Maniots                                            1521 +/- 291
Villistas                                          1513 +/- 283
Carrancistas                                       1513 +/- 283
Seditionistas                                      1513 +/- 283
Aetolian League                                    1434 +/- 206
Tokugawa Shogunate                                 1435 +/- 208
Kingdom of Castile                                 1470 +/- 243
Pharisees                                          1529 +/- 306
Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd                          1526 +/- 303
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan                     1466 +/- 245
Kingdom of Aragon                                  1525 +/- 305
Massachusetts Bay Colony                           1525 +/- 305
KLA                                                1502 +/- 282
Conservative Party                                 1524 +/- 304
Eretria                                            1514 +/- 295
Raskamboni Front                                   1551 +/- 331
Azania                                             1551 +/- 331
Lakota                                             1496 +/- 276
Duchy of Bavaria                                   1474 +/- 256
Armenian Revolutionary Federation                  1518 +/- 304
Beiyang Government                                 1516 +/- 303
Khanate of Bukhara                                 1515 +/- 303
Heruli                                             1454 +/- 244
Protestants                                        1417 +/- 207
Viceroyalty of Peru                                1515 +/- 305
Mata'afans                                         1515 +/- 305
Papua New Guinea                                   1515 +/- 305
Seven Warring States                               1513 +/- 305
Dutch East India Company                           1464 +/- 256
Cattle Barons                                      1513 +/- 305
Duchy of Gdańsk                                    1421 +/- 214
Khazars                                            1513 +/- 306
Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti                          1458 +/- 253
KDP                                                1386 +/- 186
Tripolitania                                       1482 +/- 283
Zulu Kingdom                                       1494 +/- 296
John VI Kantakouzenos                              1501 +/- 305
Yuan dynasty                                       1405 +/- 209
Ecuador                                            1441 +/- 246
Lydia                                              1486 +/- 292
Kathiri                                            1491 +/- 298
New France                                         1375 +/- 182
Mataram Sultanate                                  1495 +/- 304
Austria-Hungary                                    1361 +/- 172
Knights of Malta                                   1465 +/- 279
Licinius                                           1476 +/- 292
Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen                     1407 +/- 223
Chagatai Khanate                                   1433 +/- 250
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom                             1386 +/- 204
Jahriyya                                           1475 +/- 294
Kingdom of Naples                                  1369 +/- 190
Margravate of Meissen                              1473 +/- 293
Diriyah                                            1462 +/- 285
Duchy of Kuyavia                                   1482 +/- 305
Qajar dynasty                                      1465 +/- 290
Calakmul                                           1412 +/- 237
Serbian Despotate                                  1416 +/- 241
Pechenegs                                          1400 +/- 225
East Francia                                       1468 +/- 294
Aragon                                             1461 +/- 289
Rus' Khaganate                                     1391 +/- 219
Swabian League                                     1459 +/- 291
Federalists                                        1393 +/- 226
Armenians                                          1382 +/- 217
Liberal Party                                      1415 +/- 250
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization     1438 +/- 273
Sinaloa Cartel                                     1409 +/- 249
Duchy of Aquitaine                                 1436 +/- 275
Neo-Sumerian Empire                                1447 +/- 288
Susquehannock                                      1440 +/- 281
Elis                                               1395 +/- 239
Kingdom of Iraq                                    1434 +/- 279
Delhi Sultanate                                    1442 +/- 288
SSNP                                               1383 +/- 232
Segerseni                                          1500 +/- 350
Achaemenid Empire                                  1500 +/- 350
Himiko                                             1500 +/- 350
Sima Yue                                           1500 +/- 350
Yamato kingship                                    1500 +/- 350
Prince Shiraka                                     1500 +/- 350
Ōtomo clan                                         1500 +/- 350
Tortuguero                                         1500 +/- 350
Charles Martel                                     1500 +/- 350
Aguateca                                           1500 +/- 350
Piedras Negras                                     1500 +/- 350
Emperor Wenzong of Tang                            1500 +/- 350
Welsh kingdoms                                     1500 +/- 350
Aristocrates                                       1500 +/- 350
Kingdom of Thessalonica                            1500 +/- 350
Independent Bengal                                 1500 +/- 350
House of Mecklenburg                               1500 +/- 350
Armagnacs                                          1500 +/- 350
Muromachi Shogunate                                1500 +/- 350
Charles VIII of Sweden                             1500 +/- 350
Imperial City of Zurich                            1500 +/- 350
Habsburg                                           1500 +/- 350
Further Austria                                    1500 +/- 350
Despotate of the Morea                             1500 +/- 350
Marinids                                           1500 +/- 350
German Knights                                     1500 +/- 350
Habsburg Netherlands                               1500 +/- 350
Castile-Aragon Union                               1500 +/- 350
Selim I                                            1500 +/- 350
Bayezid II                                         1500 +/- 350
Dalarna                                            1500 +/- 350
Småland                                            1500 +/- 350
John IX of Haugwitz                                1500 +/- 350
Iga ikki                                           1500 +/- 350
Prince-Bishopric of Basel                          1500 +/- 350
Electorate of Bavaria                              1500 +/- 350
Upper Austria                                      1500 +/- 350
Aboriginal Taiwanese                               1500 +/- 350
Muhyiddin                                          1500 +/- 350
County of East Frisia                              1500 +/- 350
Danish West India Company                          1500 +/- 350
Yogyakarta Sultanate                               1500 +/- 350
Surakarta Sunanate                                 1500 +/- 350
Province of North Carolina                         1500 +/- 350
Order of Saint John                                1500 +/- 350
Viceroyalty of New Granada                         1500 +/- 350
Adats                                              1500 +/- 350
New South Wales                                    1500 +/- 350
Colonial Brazil                                    1500 +/- 350
Mthethwa Paramountcy                               1500 +/- 350
Omani Empire                                       1500 +/- 350
Owu Kingdom                                        1500 +/- 350
Philiki Etaireia                                   1500 +/- 350
Comte de Villèle                                   1500 +/- 350
State of Honduras                                  1500 +/- 350
Government of Peru                                 1500 +/- 350
State of Venezuela                                 1500 +/- 350
Latter Day Saint movement                          1500 +/- 350
French Second Republic                             1500 +/- 350
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte                           1500 +/- 350
Kingdom of Siam                                    1500 +/- 350
Klang                                              1500 +/- 350
Straits Settlements                                1500 +/- 350
Kalkadoon people                                   1500 +/- 350
Jicarilla Apaches                                  1500 +/- 350
Texas Rangers                                      1500 +/- 350
Mfengu                                             1500 +/- 350
Aweida                                             1500 +/- 350
Arizona Rangers                                    1500 +/- 350
Los Angeles Rangers                                1500 +/- 350
Kingdom of Baguirmi                                1500 +/- 350
State of Makran                                    1500 +/- 350
Cretan State                                       1500 +/- 350
Saisiyat                                           1500 +/- 350
Nyasaland                                          1500 +/- 350
Monaco                                             1500 +/- 350
Eloy Alfaro                                        1500 +/- 350
Portuguese First Republic                          1500 +/- 350
Romanian volunteers                                1500 +/- 350
Austro-Hungarian volunteers                        1500 +/- 350
Kosovar                                            1500 +/- 350
Nejd and Hasa                                      1500 +/- 350
Lij Iyasu                                          1500 +/- 350
Murmansk Legion                                    1500 +/- 350
Gabriele D'Annunzio                                1500 +/- 350
Aden Protectorate                                  1500 +/- 350
British Colonial Forces                            1500 +/- 350
Haile Selassie                                     1500 +/- 350
Tibet (1912–1951)                                  1500 +/- 350
Sichuan clique                                     1500 +/- 350
UK                                                 1500 +/- 350
United States Army Military Government in Korea    1500 +/- 350
Communist Party of India                           1500 +/- 350
Kurdish Democrats                                  1500 +/- 350
National Democratic Party                          1500 +/- 350
Independence Party                                 1500 +/- 350
Congo-Léopoldville                                 1500 +/- 350
French Somaliland                                  1500 +/- 350
Guyana                                             1500 +/- 350
Syrian Government                                  1500 +/- 350
Syrian Ba'ath Party                                1500 +/- 350
Bana Mura                                          1500 +/- 350
Ecurie Mbembe                                      1500 +/- 350
Roman Senate                                       1438 +/- 289
Venizelist                                         1436 +/- 286
citation needed                                    1250 +/- 101
Palestine Police Force                             1409 +/- 265
Western Togoland Restoration Front                 1488 +/- 345
Frente 33                                          1488 +/- 345
Popular Liberation Army                            1488 +/- 345
South African Republic                             1381 +/- 238
Dominican rebels                                   1486 +/- 344
Nicaraguan rebels                                  1485 +/- 344
Creek                                              1485 +/- 343
Turakina                                           1485 +/- 343
Northern Shoshone                                  1485 +/- 343
Nez Perce                                          1485 +/- 343
Hualapai                                           1484 +/- 343
Modoc                                              1484 +/- 343
Ku Klux Klan                                       1484 +/- 343
Xiongnu                                            1429 +/- 289
Popular Resistance Councils                        1484 +/- 343
Chōshū Domain                                      1483 +/- 343
Dakota Sioux                                       1483 +/- 343
Hezbollah Al-Hejaz                                 1483 +/- 343
Spokane                                            1483 +/- 343
Coeur d'Alene                                      1483 +/- 343
Paloos                                             1483 +/- 343
Northern Paiute                                    1483 +/- 343
State of Deseret                                   1482 +/- 343
Utah Territory                                     1482 +/- 343
Nauvoo Legion                                      1482 +/- 343
Sakdalista                                         1482 +/- 342
Scottish Jacobite                                  1482 +/- 343
Nisqually                                          1482 +/- 342
Muckleshoot                                        1482 +/- 342
Puyallup                                           1482 +/- 342
Klickitat                                          1482 +/- 342
Haida                                              1482 +/- 342
Nicaraguan                                         1427 +/- 287
Brulé                                              1481 +/- 342
Rogue River                                        1481 +/- 342
Yakama                                             1481 +/- 342
Miwok                                              1481 +/- 342
Yokuts                                             1481 +/- 342
Cahuilla                                           1481 +/- 342
Cupeno                                             1481 +/- 342
Quechan                                            1481 +/- 342
Yurok                                              1481 +/- 342
Karuk                                              1481 +/- 342
Tolowa                                             1481 +/- 342
Nomlaki                                            1481 +/- 342
Chimariko                                          1481 +/- 342
Wintun                                             1481 +/- 342
Hupa                                               1481 +/- 342
Tsnungwe                                           1481 +/- 342
Wiyot                                              1481 +/- 342
Whilkut                                            1481 +/- 342
Yuki                                               1481 +/- 342
Anushilan Samiti                                   1479 +/- 341
Khilafat Movement                                  1479 +/- 341
Egba                                               1479 +/- 341
Marri                                              1479 +/- 341
Khetran                                            1479 +/- 341
Bunerwals                                          1478 +/- 341
Swatis                                             1478 +/- 341
Harakat Ansar                                      1478 +/- 341
Jaish ul-Adl                                       1478 +/- 341
Ansar Al-Furqan                                    1478 +/- 341
Antanum                                            1478 +/- 341
Gumuz                                              1478 +/- 341
Liberation Front                                   1478 +/- 341
Buadin                                             1478 +/- 341
OLF/Shanne                                         1478 +/- 341
Tok Janggut                                        1478 +/- 341
Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Naxalb 1478 +/- 341
Communist Party of United States of India          1478 +/- 341
Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) New De 1478 +/- 341
Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) (Mahad 1478 +/- 341
Centre of Indian Communists                        1478 +/- 341
People's Liberation Army of Manipur                1478 +/- 341
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army                         1478 +/- 341
Purbo Banglar Communist Party                      1478 +/- 341
Left Socialist Revolutionary Party                 1477 +/- 341
Second Czechoslovak Republic                       1477 +/- 341
First Slovak Republic                              1477 +/- 341
Third Czechoslovak Republic                        1477 +/- 341
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic                    1477 +/- 341
Puerto Rican Nationalist Party                     1477 +/- 340
Al-Badr                                            1477 +/- 340
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front                     1477 +/- 340
Khost                                              1476 +/- 340
Giriama                                            1476 +/- 340
Combat support                                     1476 +/- 340
Cayuse                                             1476 +/- 340
Zulu                                               1476 +/- 340
Government                                         1476 +/- 341
Kano Emirate                                       1475 +/- 340
Unified National Leadership of the Uprising        1475 +/- 340
Republic of Afghanistan                            1413 +/- 278
Kebur Zabangna                                     1475 +/- 340
Bangsamoro Republik                                1475 +/- 340
Scotti                                             1475 +/- 340
Attacotti                                          1475 +/- 340
Niger Delta Justice Defence Group                  1475 +/- 340
Niger Delta Volunteers                             1475 +/- 340
Reformed Egbesu Fraternities                       1475 +/- 340
Egbesu Boys of the Niger Delta                     1475 +/- 340
Egbesu Red Water Lions                             1475 +/- 340
Indigenous People of Biafra                        1475 +/- 340
Kadungure Mapondera                                1475 +/- 340
Aro Confederacy                                    1475 +/- 339
Manchukuo                                          1394 +/- 259
Carausius                                          1474 +/- 339
Gallic tribes                                      1474 +/- 339
Belgic tribes                                      1474 +/- 339
Aquitanian tribes                                  1474 +/- 339
Germanic tribes                                    1474 +/- 339
Iberian tribes                                     1474 +/- 339
Kickapoo Nation                                    1474 +/- 339
Potawatomi Nation                                  1474 +/- 339
Tla-o-qui-aht                                      1474 +/- 339
AIDESEP                                            1473 +/- 339
Polish rebels                                      1473 +/- 339
Mir Baloch Khan                                    1473 +/- 339
Mir Mehrab Khan Nausherwani                        1473 +/- 339
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam                   1473 +/- 339
Iberian Kingdom                                    1473 +/- 339
Brunswick-Lüneburg (Celle)                         1472 +/- 339
Ambazonia                                          1472 +/- 339
Kingdom of Benin                                   1472 +/- 339
BaPedi                                             1472 +/- 339
Third Burmese Empire                               1472 +/- 338
Maori King Movement                                1421 +/- 288
Bannock                                            1470 +/- 338
Caledonians                                        1471 +/- 338
Oromo                                              1471 +/- 338
Somali                                             1471 +/- 338
Spartacus                                          1471 +/- 338
Palestinian Authority                              1471 +/- 338
until 2003                                         1471 +/- 338
Southern Cheyenne                                  1470 +/- 337
Pennsylvania Dutch                                 1471 +/- 338
Quadi                                              1470 +/- 338
Iazyges                                            1470 +/- 338
Sabaot Land Defence Force                          1470 +/- 338
Marsi                                              1470 +/- 338
Sarmatian                                          1470 +/- 338
ELN                                                1470 +/- 338
EPL                                                1470 +/- 338
IRAFP                                              1470 +/- 338
M-19                                               1470 +/- 338
MOEC                                               1470 +/- 338
MAQL                                               1470 +/- 338
GRA                                                1470 +/- 338
PRT                                                1470 +/- 338
Christian Democracy                                1469 +/- 338
Italian Social Movement                            1469 +/- 338
Italian Social Democratic Party                    1469 +/- 338
National Italian Workers' Union                    1469 +/- 338
'Ndrangheta                                        1469 +/- 338
Tibet                                              1366 +/- 235
Onge                                               1469 +/- 337
Arcadians                                          1469 +/- 338
Simon Bar Kokhba                                   1469 +/- 338
Bhutan                                             1468 +/- 337
Sioux                                              1467 +/- 336
Cimbri                                             1468 +/- 337
Teutons                                            1468 +/- 337
Far-left terrorists                                1468 +/- 337
Red Brigades                                       1468 +/- 337
Front Line                                         1468 +/- 337
October 22 Group                                   1468 +/- 337
PAC                                                1468 +/- 337
Continuous Struggle                                1468 +/- 337
PO                                                 1468 +/- 337
AO                                                 1468 +/- 337
Far-right terrorists                               1468 +/- 337
National Vanguard                                  1468 +/- 337
Black Order                                        1468 +/- 337
NAR                                                1468 +/- 337
Third Position                                     1468 +/- 337
Daniel Shays                                       1468 +/- 338
Brigantes                                          1468 +/- 337
Qara Khitai                                        1468 +/- 337
Western Confederacy                                1468 +/- 337
British Canada                                     1468 +/- 337
Cyrenaica                                          1467 +/- 337
Aegyptus                                           1467 +/- 337
Mesopotamia                                        1467 +/- 337
Avar Khanate                                       1467 +/- 337
North Caucasus                                     1467 +/- 337
Western Xia                                        1467 +/- 337
Manchuria                                          1467 +/- 337
Dali Kingdom                                       1467 +/- 337
Khwarizmian Empire                                 1467 +/- 337
Kara-Khitan Khanate                                1467 +/- 337
Sukhothai Kingdom                                  1467 +/- 337
Chăm Pa                                            1467 +/- 337
Singhasari                                         1467 +/- 337
NSCN                                               1467 +/- 337
PREPAK                                             1467 +/- 337
ULFA                                               1467 +/- 337
ATTF                                               1467 +/- 337
Balearic                                           1467 +/- 337
BAMOSD                                             1466 +/- 336
MEND                                               1466 +/- 336
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army                     1466 +/- 336
slaves                                             1466 +/- 337
Al-Ashtar Brigades                                 1465 +/- 336
Ramadan Asswehly                                   1466 +/- 337
Nubia                                              1379 +/- 250
Yìhéquán                                           1464 +/- 336
Gunditjmara people                                 1464 +/- 336
Ogaden National Liberation Front                   1464 +/- 336
Dembos                                             1464 +/- 336
Thracian                                           1464 +/- 336
Blancos                                            1323 +/- 196
Dacian Kingdom                                     1463 +/- 336
Bali                                               1462 +/- 335
Niger Movement for Justice                         1461 +/- 334
ADC                                                1461 +/- 334
Batavi                                             1463 +/- 336
Cananefates                                        1463 +/- 336
Frisii                                             1463 +/- 336
Lingones                                           1463 +/- 336
Treveri                                            1463 +/- 336
Ovimbundu Kingdoms                                 1463 +/- 336
Zanj                                               1462 +/- 336
Pauravas                                           1462 +/- 336
Thrace                                             1462 +/- 336
Getae                                              1462 +/- 336
Aday                                               1461 +/- 335
Sybiracy                                           1461 +/- 335
Lautaro Youth Movement                             1462 +/- 335
Mohmands                                           1459 +/- 333
Khanate of Kokand                                  1460 +/- 335
Kharijite                                          1461 +/- 335
Kashgaria                                          1461 +/- 335
Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian Commonwealth           1460 +/- 334
Berg                                               1460 +/- 335
Sultanate of Bijapur                               1460 +/- 335
Ahmadnagar Sultanate                               1460 +/- 335
Estonian peasants                                  1460 +/- 334
Xueyantuo                                          1460 +/- 335
Aq Taghlik Khojas                                  1460 +/- 335
Kokand Khanate                                     1460 +/- 335
Prince-Bishopric of Warmia                         1460 +/- 335
Zayyanid dynasty                                   1460 +/- 335
Qaysi                                              1460 +/- 335
Fretilin                                           1459 +/- 334
Falintil                                           1459 +/- 334
Chartists                                          1459 +/- 334
Kucha                                              1459 +/- 335
Forest Brothers                                    1458 +/- 334
Royal State of Hyderabad                           1459 +/- 334
Judean                                             1459 +/- 334
Adiabene                                           1459 +/- 334
Communist Party of Chile                           1458 +/- 335
Kurdistan Communities Union                        1457 +/- 333
PYD                                                1457 +/- 333
YDG-H                                              1457 +/- 333
YPS                                                1457 +/- 333
YPS-Jin                                            1457 +/- 333
HBDH                                               1457 +/- 333
Kurdistan Freedom Hawks                            1457 +/- 333
Pinjarup                                           1458 +/- 334
Byblos                                             1458 +/- 334
Taiwanese aborigines                               1458 +/- 334
National Revolution Front                          1457 +/- 333
Runda Kumpulan Kecil                               1457 +/- 333
Pattani Islamic Mujahideen Movement                1457 +/- 333
United Mujahideen Front of Pattani                 1457 +/- 333
Islamic Front for the Liberation of Pattani        1457 +/- 333
Patani United Liberation Organisation              1457 +/- 333
BNPP                                               1457 +/- 333
Rwenzururu                                         1457 +/- 333
Khanty                                             1457 +/- 334
Federal Republic of Mindanao                       1456 +/- 333
Nlaka'pamux                                        1454 +/- 331
Pontic rebels                                      1457 +/- 334
Koçgiri                                            1457 +/- 334
Ethem the Circassian                               1457 +/- 334
Truku Tribe                                        1457 +/- 334
Junagadh                                           1457 +/- 334
White Lotus                                        1457 +/- 334
Sokehs                                             1457 +/- 334
Ulster                                             1457 +/- 334
Mide                                               1457 +/- 334
Munster                                            1457 +/- 334
Connacht                                           1457 +/- 334
Macedonian Empire                                  1456 +/- 333
Pontiac                                            1455 +/- 333
Nazi Party                                         1456 +/- 334
Karluk                                             1456 +/- 334
Safavid Empire                                     1354 +/- 232
Heavenly Kingdom of the Great Mingshun             1455 +/- 333
Illyria                                            1455 +/- 333
Triple Alliance                                    1454 +/- 333
Yagan                                              1455 +/- 333
Free Papua Movement                                1454 +/- 333
Achaea                                             1454 +/- 333
Epidaurus                                          1454 +/- 333
Troezen                                            1454 +/- 333
Miner                                              1454 +/- 333
Adivasi                                            1454 +/- 333
Celts                                              1454 +/- 333
Amhara Region                                      1453 +/- 332
Albanian Kingdom                                   1453 +/- 333
Kaska                                              1454 +/- 333
Azzi-Hayasa                                        1454 +/- 333
Mushki                                             1454 +/- 333
Zubayrids                                          1454 +/- 333
Karasahr                                           1453 +/- 333
Khasi                                              1453 +/- 333
Judea                                              1383 +/- 263
Anjou                                              1453 +/- 333
Zintan Brigade                                     1452 +/- 332
Brigade 93                                         1452 +/- 332
Libyan National Army                               1452 +/- 332
Ansar Al-Sharia Brigades                           1452 +/- 332
Haryanka dynasty                                   1453 +/- 333
Celtic Britons                                     1452 +/- 333
Ardiaei                                            1452 +/- 332
Tasmanian Aborigines                               1452 +/- 332
Senussi                                            1449 +/- 329
Darfur Emirate                                     1449 +/- 329
Shi-gakkō                                          1453 +/- 333
Herero                                             1452 +/- 333
Namaqua                                            1452 +/- 333
Middle Francia                                     1452 +/- 333
Catalan Counties                                   1452 +/- 333
Al-Andalus                                         1452 +/- 333
First Bulgarian Empire                             1452 +/- 333
Khazaria                                           1452 +/- 333
West Francia                                       1452 +/- 333
Principality of Lower Pannonia                     1452 +/- 333
Principality of Littoral Croatia                   1452 +/- 333
Khoshut Khanate                                    1452 +/- 333
Senussi Order                                      1451 +/- 332
Gaochang                                           1452 +/- 333
Gallic Empire                                      1449 +/- 330
Firmus                                             1448 +/- 330
Province of Egypt                                  1448 +/- 330
Praieiros                                          1452 +/- 333
Karangasem                                         1451 +/- 332
Gelgel                                             1451 +/- 332
Wiradjuri                                          1451 +/- 332
Cochinchina rebels                                 1450 +/- 331
Lesser Nogai Horde                                 1451 +/- 332
Sarmatians                                         1448 +/- 329
Alamanni                                           1448 +/- 329
Albona Republic                                    1450 +/- 332
Suleimankhel                                       1451 +/- 332
Islamic Jihad                                      1446 +/- 328
Zaian Confederation                                1449 +/- 331
Tarim Basin                                        1450 +/- 332
Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg                        1450 +/- 332
Imperial City Schweinfurt                          1450 +/- 332
Bishopric of Würzburg                              1450 +/- 332
Archbishopric of Mainz                             1450 +/- 332
Archbishopric of Trier                             1450 +/- 332
Bishopric of Speyer                                1450 +/- 332
Ouaddai Empire                                     1449 +/- 331
Mossi                                              1448 +/- 331
Cossack                                            1449 +/- 332
peasant                                            1449 +/- 332
Tatar                                              1449 +/- 332
Bashkir                                            1449 +/- 332
nobles                                             1449 +/- 332
Bogd Khaanate                                      1449 +/- 331
White Guards                                       1449 +/- 331
Lobi                                               1448 +/- 331
Dyula                                              1448 +/- 331
Ma al-'Aynayn                                      1448 +/- 331
Mahafaly                                           1448 +/- 331
Kumyk                                              1448 +/- 331
Dendi Kingdom                                      1448 +/- 331
Borno                                              1448 +/- 331
Gbaya rebels                                       1447 +/- 331
Syrian rebels                                      1447 +/- 331
Araucanía                                          1449 +/- 332
Rai dynasty                                        1449 +/- 332
Great Horde                                        1447 +/- 331
Chushi Gangdruk                                    1447 +/- 330
Communist Workers' Party of Germany                1448 +/- 332
Union of Iranian Communists                        1446 +/- 331
Kanaks                                             1446 +/- 330
Union of the Peoples of Cameroon                   1446 +/- 330
Tahiti                                             1446 +/- 330
Huahine                                            1446 +/- 330
Raiatea                                            1446 +/- 330
Bora Bora                                          1446 +/- 330
Tahaa                                              1446 +/- 330
Republic of Formosa                                1447 +/- 331
Messianic                                          1447 +/- 331
MEK                                                1446 +/- 330
Calderonistas                                      1446 +/- 331
Huguenot                                           1445 +/- 330
Vendéens                                           1445 +/- 330
Chouans                                            1445 +/- 330
Émigrés                                            1445 +/- 330
Ikhwan                                             1351 +/- 236
Decembrists                                        1441 +/- 327
Di                                                 1445 +/- 331
Qiang                                              1445 +/- 331
Assyrian Babylon                                   1444 +/- 331
Mesopotamian Sealands                              1444 +/- 331
Guti                                               1444 +/- 331
Meluhha                                            1444 +/- 331
Tidore                                             1445 +/- 331
Comintern                                          1445 +/- 331
Kingdom of Jimma                                   1445 +/- 331
Musulamii                                          1444 +/- 331
Seminole                                           1439 +/- 326
Kurdistan Free Life Party                          1439 +/- 326
Ouzes                                              1445 +/- 331
Iudaea                                             1440 +/- 327
Muang Phuan                                        1444 +/- 331
Lan Na                                             1444 +/- 331
North Korean                                       1445 +/- 331
Bastarnae                                          1444 +/- 331
Kingdom of Macedonia                               1444 +/- 331
Scordisci                                          1444 +/- 331
Malacca Sultanate                                  1444 +/- 331
HWA                                                1443 +/- 330
Muslim Brotherhood                                 1443 +/- 330
FMLN                                               1443 +/- 330
RN                                                 1443 +/- 330
Comanche                                           1373 +/- 260
Tibetan Empire                                     1443 +/- 330
Silesia                                            1443 +/- 331
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine      1440 +/- 328
Palestinian                                        1440 +/- 328
Jerusalem                                          1440 +/- 328
Arab Israeli                                       1440 +/- 328
coffee                                             1442 +/- 330
House of Saud                                      1442 +/- 330
Otaibah                                            1442 +/- 330
Al-Dhafeer                                         1442 +/- 330
Hyderabad State                                    1442 +/- 331
Irish Catholic Confederate                         1442 +/- 330
Vironians                                          1441 +/- 330
Sadducees                                          1384 +/- 273
Tuyuhun                                            1440 +/- 330
Yapen                                              1440 +/- 330
Samos                                              1440 +/- 330
PFLP                                               1434 +/- 323
Ashur-apla-idi                                     1440 +/- 330
Nasir-Sin                                          1440 +/- 330
Sin-namir                                          1440 +/- 330
Ipqi-Ishtar                                        1440 +/- 330
Adad-salulu                                        1440 +/- 330
WPSK                                               1441 +/- 331
North Ingria                                       1439 +/- 329
Lac Viet                                           1440 +/- 330
Bolsheviks                                         1387 +/- 278
Alexander Kerensky                                 1440 +/- 330
Joint Niger Delta Liberation Force                 1431 +/- 321
New Delta Avengers                                 1431 +/- 321
Niger Delta Marine Force                           1431 +/- 321
Red Egbesu Water Lions                             1431 +/- 321
Reformed Egbesu Boys of the Niger Delta            1431 +/- 321
Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta   1431 +/- 321
Niger Delta People's Volunteer Force               1431 +/- 321
Niger Delta Liberation Front                       1431 +/- 321
Joint Revolutionary Council                        1431 +/- 321
Niger Delta Vigilante                              1431 +/- 321
Brigade 2506                                       1438 +/- 328
Principality of Bengal                             1440 +/- 330
Alluri Sitarama Raju                               1435 +/- 325
DHKP-C                                             1438 +/- 328
Durrani Empire                                     1439 +/- 330
Tungus Republic                                    1439 +/- 330
Riffian people                                     1437 +/- 328
Xiang Liang                                        1439 +/- 330
Kuaiji                                             1439 +/- 330
Paiute                                             1431 +/- 322
Wukui                                              1438 +/- 329
Pan                                                1438 +/- 329
Shangren                                           1438 +/- 329
Yuan                                               1438 +/- 329
Yong (Qi)                                          1438 +/- 329
zh                                                 1438 +/- 329
Lu                                                 1438 +/- 329
Beidi                                              1438 +/- 329
Vellore                                            1437 +/- 329
Corsican Republic                                  1436 +/- 328
Moriscos                                           1437 +/- 328
Apacheria                                          1433 +/- 325
Chiricahua Apache                                  1433 +/- 325
Jicarilla Apache                                   1433 +/- 325
Mescalero Apache                                   1433 +/- 325
Lipan Apache                                       1433 +/- 325
Western Apache                                     1433 +/- 325
Plains Apache                                      1433 +/- 325
Yavapai                                            1433 +/- 325
Yuma                                               1433 +/- 325
Mohave                                             1433 +/- 325
Marind                                             1437 +/- 329
Turdetani                                          1437 +/- 329
Bastetani                                          1437 +/- 329
Greek colonists                                    1437 +/- 329
Germani                                            1437 +/- 329
Tartessian                                         1437 +/- 329
Celtiberian                                        1437 +/- 329
Grand Principality of Serbia                       1436 +/- 328
Voivodeship of Ahtum                               1438 +/- 330
Alalakh                                            1438 +/- 330
Hurrians                                           1438 +/- 330
Creole                                             1436 +/- 328
Eastern Turkic Khaganate                           1437 +/- 329
Baizai                                             1432 +/- 324
Balaios                                            1437 +/- 330
Mamlûk Sultanate                                   1437 +/- 329
Kozhikode Zamorin Raja                             1437 +/- 329
Republic of Ragusa                                 1437 +/- 329
Dayuan                                             1437 +/- 329
Old Prussians                                      1437 +/- 329
Kiks.ádi clan                                      1436 +/- 328
Dominican Army                                     1437 +/- 330
Republic of Novgorod                               1436 +/- 329
Dai                                                1436 +/- 329
Banate of Bosnia                                   1436 +/- 329
Mau Mau                                            1434 +/- 327
Samurai                                            1436 +/- 329
Sicyon                                             1373 +/- 266
Lordship of Sati and Dagnum                        1436 +/- 329
Jonima Estate                                      1436 +/- 329
Principality of Dukagjini                          1436 +/- 329
Despotate of Serbia                                1436 +/- 329
Wallachian contingents                             1436 +/- 329
Khostwal                                           1436 +/- 329
Waziri                                             1436 +/- 329
Brazilian Integralist Action                       1436 +/- 329
Jesuits                                            1435 +/- 328
Mutair                                             1436 +/- 329
Committee for Independence of Georgia              1435 +/- 329
Lullubi                                            1435 +/- 329
Tepehuanos                                         1434 +/- 327
Serb National Council at Timișoara                 1435 +/- 329
Serb National Council at Pančevo                   1435 +/- 329
Timișoara Citizens' Guard                          1435 +/- 329
Octobrists                                         1435 +/- 329
Green Cadres                                       1435 +/- 329
Socialist                                          1435 +/- 329
Romanian                                           1435 +/- 329
Front for Change and Concord in Chad               1426 +/- 320
Military Command Council for the Salvation of the  1426 +/- 320
Union of Forces of Resistance                      1426 +/- 320
Front de la Nation pour la Démocratie et la Justic 1426 +/- 320
National Resistance Brigades                       1430 +/- 323
Okjeo                                              1435 +/- 329
Ye                                                 1435 +/- 329
Nuhašše                                            1430 +/- 324
Peasant                                            1434 +/- 329
robbers                                            1434 +/- 329
arsonists                                          1434 +/- 329
Kingdom of Württemberg                             1345 +/- 240
Armenian diaspora                                  1425 +/- 320
Polish independence movement                       1433 +/- 328
Wiman Joseon                                       1434 +/- 328
Akshak                                             1434 +/- 329
Zhèng                                              1434 +/- 329
Xǔ                                                 1434 +/- 329
Xia                                                1434 +/- 329
Dingyang                                           1434 +/- 329
Liang                                              1434 +/- 329
Wu                                                 1434 +/- 329
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan                          1425 +/- 320
Lashkar-e-Islam                                    1425 +/- 320
Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi              1425 +/- 320
Sidicini                                           1368 +/- 263
Tuareg                                             1428 +/- 323
Burgundians                                        1433 +/- 328
Tel Megiddo                                        1433 +/- 328
Schleswig-Holstein                                 1432 +/- 327
Catalan Republic                                   1431 +/- 327
Somogy                                             1434 +/- 329
Elpidius                                           1432 +/- 327
Bahia Republic                                     1433 +/- 329
Government of Rwanda                               1433 +/- 329
Impuzamugambi                                      1433 +/- 329
Ochese Creeks                                      1426 +/- 322
Shardana                                           1432 +/- 328
Slovak Republic                                    1431 +/- 327
Independent Maya                                   1431 +/- 327
Juthungi                                           1424 +/- 320
Tunip                                              1426 +/- 323
Puebloans                                          1430 +/- 327
Badung                                             1431 +/- 328
Tabanan                                            1431 +/- 328
Marhasi                                            1431 +/- 328
Gwangju                                            1430 +/- 327
Carpatho-Ukraine                                   1429 +/- 327
Rohingya                                           1430 +/- 328
Dian Kingdom                                       1430 +/- 328
Tepehuánes                                         1429 +/- 327
Xiximes                                            1429 +/- 327
Welfs                                              1429 +/- 327
Boulogne                                           1429 +/- 327
Provisional Council of the Chechen Republic        1430 +/- 328
National Salvation Committee                       1430 +/- 328
Pherae                                             1430 +/- 328
filibusters                                        1429 +/- 327
ULIMO-J                                            1431 +/- 329
Hungarian National Socialist Party                 1428 +/- 326
Caxcans                                            1430 +/- 328
Boholano                                           1427 +/- 326
Portuguese loyal to Prior of Crato                 1428 +/- 327
Montoneros                                         1429 +/- 328
ERP                                                1429 +/- 328
Kingdom of Sitawaka                                1428 +/- 327
Uyghur                                             1427 +/- 326
East Turkestan People's Revolutionary Party        1427 +/- 326
Jangalis                                           1429 +/- 328
Simko                                              1429 +/- 328
Colonel Pesian                                     1429 +/- 328
TKP/ML-TİKKO                                       1427 +/- 326
MKP-HKO-PHG                                        1427 +/- 326
MLKP                                               1427 +/- 326
Maoist Party Centre                                1427 +/- 326
THKP-C                                             1427 +/- 326
Saika Ikki                                         1428 +/- 328
Ashikaga Yoshiaki                                  1428 +/- 328
Mōri clan                                          1428 +/- 328
Iga–Kōka alliance                                  1428 +/- 328
Wokou                                              1427 +/- 327
Juliana Republic                                   1428 +/- 328
Hunza                                              1428 +/- 328
Nagar                                              1428 +/- 328
Paulicians                                         1426 +/- 326
Ava Kingdom                                        1427 +/- 328
Confederation of Shan States                       1427 +/- 328
Mrauk-U Kingdom                                    1427 +/- 328
Prome Kingdom                                      1427 +/- 328
São Paulo                                          1427 +/- 328
Uaxactun                                           1427 +/- 328
Bejucal                                            1427 +/- 328
El Zotz                                            1427 +/- 328
Duchy of Urbino                                    1425 +/- 325
Chen Sheng                                         1427 +/- 328
Wu Guang                                           1427 +/- 328
Tlingit                                            1422 +/- 323
Nanyue                                             1426 +/- 327
Latin Empire of Constantinople                     1425 +/- 326
Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1301)                     1425 +/- 326
County of Holland                                  1425 +/- 326
Miao                                               1421 +/- 321
Srivijaya                                          1426 +/- 327
Safavid dynasty                                    1330 +/- 231
Bedouins                                           1421 +/- 322
Democratic Republic of Georgia                     1324 +/- 225
Wabanaki Confederacy                               1260 +/- 161
Kabul Khel                                         1420 +/- 321
Bijapur Sultanate                                  1426 +/- 328
Vaalgras                                           1426 +/- 327
Masalit tribes                                     1425 +/- 326
Kingdom of Kottayam                                1425 +/- 326
Niger Delta Avengers                               1413 +/- 315
Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate              1413 +/- 315
Niger Delta Red Squad                              1413 +/- 315
Adaka Boro Avengers                                1413 +/- 315
Asawana Deadly Force of Niger Delta                1413 +/- 315
Niger Delta Revolutionary Crusaders                1413 +/- 315
Egbesu Mightier Fraternity                         1413 +/- 315
Aramaea                                            1426 +/- 327
New South Wales Corps                              1423 +/- 325
Numidia                                            1419 +/- 321
Islamists                                          1413 +/- 315
Ansar Bait al-Maqdis                               1413 +/- 315
Hasm Movement                                      1413 +/- 315
Bedouin                                            1413 +/- 315
Jund al-Islam                                      1413 +/- 315
Popular Resistance Movement                        1413 +/- 315
Takfir wal-Hijra                                   1413 +/- 315
Army of Islam                                      1413 +/- 315
Al Furqan Brigades                                 1413 +/- 315
Hong Gyeong-nae                                    1424 +/- 327
Neo-Inca State                                     1424 +/- 327
Quds Force                                         1411 +/- 313
Hvar rebels                                        1422 +/- 325
Hephthalites                                       1423 +/- 326
Tetela rebels                                      1424 +/- 327
Kingdom of Kush                                    1423 +/- 326
PBCP                                               1423 +/- 326
PBCP-J                                             1423 +/- 326
PBSP                                               1423 +/- 326
BCP                                                1423 +/- 326
GMF                                                1423 +/- 326
Hukbalahap                                         1412 +/- 316
Guelders                                           1421 +/- 325
Palestinian Fedayeen                               1416 +/- 320
Lanfang Republic                                   1423 +/- 327
Counts of Toulouse                                 1421 +/- 325
Slovene                                            1420 +/- 325
Degar                                              1422 +/- 327
Minyue                                             1422 +/- 326
Sadzen                                             1422 +/- 326
League of the Rhine                                1420 +/- 324
Royalist forces                                    1423 +/- 328
Kedah Sultanate                                    1422 +/- 327
Waxhaw                                             1413 +/- 318
Santee                                             1413 +/- 318
Galba                                              1422 +/- 327
Otho                                               1422 +/- 327
Vitellius                                          1422 +/- 327
Germanians                                         1422 +/- 327
Pertinax                                           1422 +/- 327
Didius Julianus                                    1422 +/- 327
Pescennius Niger                                   1422 +/- 327
Dublin                                             1422 +/- 327
Orkney                                             1422 +/- 327
Man                                                1422 +/- 327
İsa Çelebi                                         1422 +/- 327
Musa Çelebi                                        1422 +/- 327
Süleyman Çelebi                                    1422 +/- 327
Mustafa Çelebi                                     1422 +/- 327
Yan Xishan                                         1422 +/- 327
Feng Yuxiang                                       1422 +/- 327
Wang Jingwei                                       1422 +/- 327
Li Zongren                                         1422 +/- 327
Sipahi                                             1419 +/- 324
Second Mexican Empire                              1413 +/- 319
Belgian Foreign Legion                             1413 +/- 319
Egyptian                                           1413 +/- 319
Sudanese                                           1413 +/- 319
Illini                                             1412 +/- 318
Levant                                             1421 +/- 327
Eastern Chalukyas                                  1421 +/- 327
Odda                                               1421 +/- 327
Scottish Covenanters                               1420 +/- 327
Toubou Front for the Salvation of Libya            1411 +/- 318
San                                                1420 +/- 327
SSC-Khatumo                                        1412 +/- 319
Dhulbahante                                        1412 +/- 319
Warsangali                                         1412 +/- 319
Puntland Security Force                            1412 +/- 319
Majeerteen                                         1412 +/- 319
Duchy of Anacopia                                  1420 +/- 326
Duchy of Kldekari                                  1420 +/- 326
Duchy of Klarjeti                                  1420 +/- 326
Iceni                                              1412 +/- 319
Carbonari                                          1420 +/- 327
Tamati Waka Nene                                   1420 +/- 327
Miao people                                        1419 +/- 327
Isin                                               1419 +/- 326
Der                                                1419 +/- 326
Sutum                                              1419 +/- 326
Rapiqum                                            1419 +/- 326
Duchy of Pomerania                                 1419 +/- 326
Chandradwip Kingdom                                1419 +/- 327
Zayd ibn Ali                                       1417 +/- 325
Ghilzai                                            1411 +/- 319
White Legion                                       1419 +/- 326
Mkhedrioni                                         1419 +/- 326
Forest Brotherhood                                 1419 +/- 326
Mahsud tribesmen                                   1416 +/- 324
Arabi Pasha                                        1410 +/- 318
Republic of Ararat                                 1418 +/- 326
Tawhid al-Jihad                                    1404 +/- 312
Sultanate of Banjar                                1417 +/- 326
Syrian Interim Government                          1401 +/- 309
Syrian opposition                                  1401 +/- 309
Syrian Salvation Government                        1401 +/- 309
Pathans of Afghanistan                             1415 +/- 324
Arab Christians                                    1418 +/- 326
Hamazi                                             1417 +/- 326
Qiang people                                       1418 +/- 326
Xianbei people                                     1418 +/- 326
Qashqai                                            1417 +/- 325
Khamseh                                            1417 +/- 325
Buyir Ahmadi                                       1417 +/- 325
Bakhtiari                                          1417 +/- 325
Idrisid Emirate of Asir                            1366 +/- 275
Nukapu                                             1415 +/- 324
Zanzibari                                          1417 +/- 326
Slave traders                                      1417 +/- 326
Jiaoxi                                             1416 +/- 326
Jiaodong                                           1416 +/- 326
Zichuan                                            1416 +/- 326
Jinan                                              1416 +/- 326
Alghero                                            1415 +/- 325
Emirate of Bukhara                                 1405 +/- 314
Radical Civic Union                                1417 +/- 326
East Indonesia                                     1415 +/- 325
Hittites                                           1417 +/- 326
Mycenaean Greece                                   1417 +/- 326
Algiers                                            1407 +/- 317
Liberal                                            1417 +/- 327
Shawnees                                           1416 +/- 327
Kingdom of Hawaii                                  1404 +/- 315
VNQDD                                              1416 +/- 326
mercenary                                          1415 +/- 326
First Punic War                                    1415 +/- 326
Libyans                                            1415 +/- 326
Numidians                                          1415 +/- 326
Duke of Monmouth                                   1413 +/- 323
Ibadi                                              1416 +/- 326
Ga Tribes                                          1415 +/- 326
Redshirts                                          1403 +/- 314
Hawaiian Patriotic League                          1403 +/- 314
Kingdom of Koya                                    1415 +/- 326
Empire of China                                    1415 +/- 326
Ranuccio II Farnese, Duke of Parma                 1415 +/- 326
West Russian Volunteer Army                        1415 +/- 326
Pashtuns                                           1415 +/- 326
Yusufzai                                           1415 +/- 326
Yarmuti                                            1415 +/- 326
Ebla                                               1415 +/- 326
Amenmesse                                          1415 +/- 326
Seti II                                            1415 +/- 326
Tausret                                            1415 +/- 326
Edom                                               1415 +/- 326
Philistia                                          1415 +/- 326
Barracks emperors                                  1415 +/- 326
Usurpers                                           1415 +/- 326
Sultanate of Morocco                               1415 +/- 326
Pashalik of Tripoli                                1415 +/- 326
Kingdom of Maui                                    1415 +/- 326
Kingdom of Kauai                                   1415 +/- 326
Kingdom of O'ahu                                   1415 +/- 326
Funj Sultanate                                     1415 +/- 326
Sultanate of Darfur                                1415 +/- 326
Shaigiya tribe                                     1415 +/- 326
Alajuela                                           1415 +/- 326
John Kinney Gang                                   1415 +/- 326
Jesse Evans Gang                                   1415 +/- 326
Seven Rivers Warriors                              1415 +/- 326
Provisional Government of Saskatchewan             1415 +/- 326
Cree                                               1415 +/- 326
Assiniboine                                        1415 +/- 326
Bone                                               1415 +/- 326
Luwu                                               1415 +/- 326
Wajo                                               1415 +/- 326
Shikak                                             1415 +/- 326
Herki                                              1415 +/- 326
Begzadeh                                           1415 +/- 326
Islamic Djamaat of Dagestan                        1412 +/- 323
Pashtun                                            1413 +/- 324
Uriankhai                                          1414 +/- 326
Azerbaijan SSR                                     1413 +/- 325
Ute                                                1401 +/- 312
Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200              1413 +/- 325
Confederation of the Equator                       1414 +/- 326
Scythia                                            1414 +/- 326
Despotate of Epirus                                1413 +/- 325
RENAMO                                             1408 +/- 320
Army mutineers                                     1412 +/- 324
Sylheti                                            1412 +/- 324
Gaza Strip                                         1398 +/- 311
Emirate of Granada                                 1404 +/- 316
Shona                                              1413 +/- 326
Thomas Stukley                                     1413 +/- 326
Abu Abdallah Mohammed II Saadi                     1413 +/- 326
South Yemen                                        1356 +/- 269
Allied Democratic Forces                           1406 +/- 319
National Army for the Liberation of Uganda         1406 +/- 319
al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades                          1398 +/- 312
Shunga Empire                                      1412 +/- 325
Saqqawists                                         1315 +/- 228
Fox people                                         1401 +/- 315
Shower Posse                                       1405 +/- 319
Diponegoro                                         1411 +/- 325
Antae                                              1410 +/- 324
Thomas Wyatt                                       1409 +/- 323
Ehrenburg                                          1411 +/- 325
Eltz                                               1411 +/- 325
Schöneck                                           1411 +/- 325
Waldeck                                            1411 +/- 325
NPA                                                1395 +/- 309
MLPP-RHB                                           1395 +/- 309
APP                                                1395 +/- 309
RPA                                                1395 +/- 309
ABB                                                1395 +/- 309
CPLA                                               1395 +/- 309
Llywelyn the Great                                 1409 +/- 324
Duchy of Bar                                       1411 +/- 326
Boer                                               1408 +/- 323
Delphi                                             1411 +/- 326
Gildo                                              1410 +/- 325
Jianwen Emperor                                    1411 +/- 326
Ionia                                              1402 +/- 317
Aeolis                                             1402 +/- 317
Doris                                              1402 +/- 317
Caria                                              1402 +/- 317
Latin Empire                                       1409 +/- 324
Prince of Ning                                     1409 +/- 324
Kyrgyz                                             1387 +/- 302
Tajik                                              1387 +/- 302
contractors                                        1387 +/- 302
Uzbeks                                             1387 +/- 302
provisional government                             1387 +/- 302
Principality of Wales                              1408 +/- 323
Mamluk Forces                                      1411 +/- 326
Prince of Anhua                                    1409 +/- 324
Sheikdom of Upper Asir                             1410 +/- 326
Ba'ath Party Loyalists                             1393 +/- 309
Tokharistan                                        1400 +/- 315
Sogdian                                            1400 +/- 315
Khwarazm                                           1400 +/- 315
Fergana                                            1400 +/- 315
Türgesh Kaghanate                                  1400 +/- 315
Rif Republic                                       1396 +/- 312
Nanzhao                                            1410 +/- 326
Supporting the Duke of Guastalla                   1398 +/- 315
Communist Party of Indonesia                       1399 +/- 315
Serb                                               1400 +/- 316
Herzegovina                                        1400 +/- 316
Bosporans                                          1409 +/- 326
Hermenegild                                        1408 +/- 324
Irish rebels                                       1406 +/- 323
Democratic Kampuchea                               1392 +/- 308
Alina                                              1397 +/- 314
Anu                                                1397 +/- 314
Bhrigus                                            1397 +/- 314
Bhalanas                                           1397 +/- 314
Dasa                                               1397 +/- 314
Druhyus                                            1397 +/- 314
Mātsyeyas                                          1397 +/- 314
Puru                                               1397 +/- 314
Panis                                              1397 +/- 314
Oromo Liberation Army                              1391 +/- 308
Civic Union                                        1409 +/- 326
Hephthalite                                        1408 +/- 326
Cavalier                                           1397 +/- 314
St. John Administration                            1408 +/- 326
Kumamoto Domain                                    1399 +/- 317
LJM                                                1382 +/- 300
SARC                                               1382 +/- 300
SLFA                                               1382 +/- 300
SLMJ                                               1382 +/- 300
Nestorians                                         1407 +/- 325
Francis Lovell                                     1404 +/- 322
Hmong                                              1407 +/- 325
Nguni                                              1397 +/- 315
Buleleng                                           1402 +/- 320
Jembrana                                           1402 +/- 320
West Bank                                          1393 +/- 311
Idrisid Emirate                                    1407 +/- 325
Islamic Amal                                       1392 +/- 310
ASALA                                              1392 +/- 310
Al-Tawhid                                          1392 +/- 310
Order of Malta                                     1403 +/- 322
Principality of Arbanon                            1406 +/- 325
British tribes                                     1393 +/- 312
Clodius Albinus                                    1400 +/- 319
Resistance Patriots of Dongo                       1391 +/- 310
Kediri Kingdom                                     1406 +/- 325
Baiyue                                             1406 +/- 325
Hasmonean dynasty                                  1406 +/- 325
Emishi                                             1406 +/- 325
County Haag                                        1406 +/- 325
Electorate of Mainz                                1406 +/- 325
Taínos                                             1406 +/- 325
Pemulwuy                                           1406 +/- 325
Fondom of Bafut                                    1406 +/- 325
Paraguayan                                         1406 +/- 325
Lavr Kornilov                                      1406 +/- 325
Autonomous Government of Khorasan                  1406 +/- 325
Nghệ-Tĩnh Soviets                                  1406 +/- 325
Watchtower Movement                                1406 +/- 325
Cylon of Athens                                    1406 +/- 325
Cantabri                                           1406 +/- 325
Astures                                            1406 +/- 325
Shu                                                1406 +/- 325
Nanman                                             1406 +/- 325
Empress Matilda                                    1406 +/- 325
Henry Plantagenet                                  1406 +/- 325
Vasily Kosoy                                       1406 +/- 325
Dmitry Shemyaka                                    1406 +/- 325
Duchy of Bavaria-Landshut                          1406 +/- 325
Oda Nobunaga                                       1406 +/- 325
Oda Nobutada                                       1406 +/- 325
Muhammad Azam Shah                                 1406 +/- 325
Muhammad Kam Bakhsh                                1406 +/- 325
Fakirs                                             1406 +/- 325
Sannyasis                                          1406 +/- 325
Brabant rebels                                     1406 +/- 325
United Belgian States                              1406 +/- 325
Mombasa                                            1406 +/- 325
Pate                                               1406 +/- 325
Septembrists                                       1406 +/- 325
Miguelists                                         1406 +/- 325
Federalist Rebels                                  1406 +/- 325
South African Communist Party                      1406 +/- 325
Syndicalists                                       1406 +/- 325
Jungle Commando                                    1406 +/- 325
Tucayana Amazonas                                  1406 +/- 325
Scutari Vilayet                                    1403 +/- 322
Legion of the Just Ruler                           1399 +/- 319
Veche                                              1404 +/- 323
Lollards                                           1403 +/- 322
Ladakh                                             1406 +/- 325
Contras                                            1405 +/- 325
Zaraniq                                            1402 +/- 322
Maratha Confederacy                                1395 +/- 315
First Saudi State                                  1402 +/- 322
Khanate of Sibir                                   1403 +/- 323
Restored Hanthawaddy Kingdom                       1405 +/- 325
Gengshi Emperor                                    1405 +/- 325
Amurru kingdom                                     1394 +/- 315
Armenian fedayees                                  1401 +/- 322
IMARO                                              1401 +/- 322
SMAC                                               1401 +/- 322
Kruševo Republic                                   1401 +/- 322
Strandzha Republic                                 1401 +/- 322
Mesopotamian                                       1401 +/- 322
West Sumatra                                       1404 +/- 325
Emirate of Botan                                   1401 +/- 322
Communards                                         1401 +/- 322
Daesitiates                                        1392 +/- 313
Breuci                                             1392 +/- 313
Dalmatae                                           1392 +/- 313
Andizetes                                          1392 +/- 313
Pannonians                                         1392 +/- 313
Pirustae                                           1392 +/- 313
Liburnians                                         1392 +/- 313
Japodes                                            1392 +/- 313
Sulaymaniyah                                       1400 +/- 322
Qaradāgh                                           1400 +/- 322
Burgundian                                         1404 +/- 325
Hephthalite Empire                                 1350 +/- 272
Ali Pasha of Yanina                                1400 +/- 322
Scots                                              1403 +/- 325
Indonesian Socialist Party                         1402 +/- 323
Chechen                                            1393 +/- 315
Silesian                                           1394 +/- 316
Two Sicilies                                       1402 +/- 324
Sharjah                                            1401 +/- 323
Afridi                                             1390 +/- 312
Fulvia                                             1390 +/- 313
Lucius Antonius                                    1390 +/- 313
Sextus Pompeius                                    1390 +/- 313
Chukchis                                           1402 +/- 324
Alevi                                              1400 +/- 322
Alids                                              1388 +/- 311
Palestinian Islamic Jihad                          1383 +/- 306
July Monarchy                                      1399 +/- 322
Bandeirantes Paulistas                             1399 +/- 322
Darul Islam                                        1395 +/- 318
Gutian dynasty of Sumer                            1400 +/- 323
United Tajik Opposition                            1394 +/- 317
Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan            1394 +/- 317
People of Kazan                                    1389 +/- 313
Chyuvasha                                          1389 +/- 313
Meadow Cheremisa                                   1389 +/- 313
URNG                                               1399 +/- 323
Batlhaping                                         1400 +/- 324
Streltsy                                           1398 +/- 322
KDP-I                                              1388 +/- 313
Garamantes                                         1394 +/- 318
Molossia                                           1389 +/- 314
Thessaly                                           1389 +/- 314
Lordship of Athens and Thebes                      1388 +/- 313
Triarchs of Negroponte                             1388 +/- 313
Lordship of Salona                                 1388 +/- 313
Marquisate of Bodonitsa                            1388 +/- 313
Lydian Empire                                      1388 +/- 313
Gandhara Empire                                    1388 +/- 313
Lüneburg                                           1387 +/- 312
Mecklenburg                                        1387 +/- 312
Pomerania                                          1387 +/- 312
Principality of Guria                              1396 +/- 321
Shanti Bahini                                      1398 +/- 323
Michael Glinski                                    1387 +/- 313
Second French Empire                               1263 +/- 189
Kemalist                                           1399 +/- 325
Eastern Roman Empire                               1275 +/- 201
Baekje                                             1331 +/- 258
Leinster                                           1389 +/- 316
Ostrogothic Kingdom                                1396 +/- 323
Nubian                                             1397 +/- 324
Torgut                                             1395 +/- 322
Waldensians                                        1396 +/- 323
Communist party of Thailand                        1394 +/- 322
Epirus                                             1384 +/- 311
Magna Graecia                                      1384 +/- 311
Party of the Poor                                  1385 +/- 313
Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre                    1385 +/- 313
Atwot Dinka                                        1389 +/- 317
National Liberation Army of Bolivia                1387 +/- 315
SRF                                                1366 +/- 294
Mohe                                               1384 +/- 313
Donghak                                            1382 +/- 311
Souliotes                                          1392 +/- 321
Sajids                                             1395 +/- 324
Florence                                           1393 +/- 323
Milan                                              1393 +/- 323
Siena                                              1393 +/- 323
Lâm Ấp                                             1395 +/- 324
Kingdom of Manipur                                 1383 +/- 313
INM                                                1386 +/- 315
PSP                                                1386 +/- 315
Coptic                                             1381 +/- 311
French East India Company                          1317 +/- 247
Isaac Komnenos of Cyprus                           1393 +/- 323
First East Turkestan Republic                      1393 +/- 322
Aratta                                             1395 +/- 325
Xia dynasty                                        1395 +/- 325
Ancient Egypt                                      1395 +/- 325
Ugarit                                             1395 +/- 325
Shang dynasty                                      1395 +/- 325
Shu Du of Cai                                      1395 +/- 325
Urartu                                             1395 +/- 325
Miletus                                            1395 +/- 325
Nanda Empire                                       1395 +/- 325
Gojoseon                                           1395 +/- 325
Parthia                                            1395 +/- 325
Marians                                            1395 +/- 325
Dongbuyeo                                          1395 +/- 325
Chatti                                             1395 +/- 325
Shanyue                                            1395 +/- 325
Eastern Wu                                         1395 +/- 325
Former Qin                                         1395 +/- 325
Flavius Aetius                                     1395 +/- 325
Roman Dalmatia                                     1395 +/- 325
Banu Bakr                                          1395 +/- 325
Tsukushi Province                                  1395 +/- 325
Funan                                              1395 +/- 325
Eastern Gokturks                                   1395 +/- 325
Frisian Kingdom                                    1395 +/- 325
Francia                                            1395 +/- 325
Musaylima                                          1395 +/- 325
Mishihase                                          1395 +/- 325
Prince Ōtomo                                       1395 +/- 325
Fujiwara no Hirotsugu                              1395 +/- 325
Fujiwara no Nakamaro                               1395 +/- 325
Paphlagonia                                        1395 +/- 325
Ösung                                              1395 +/- 325
Nasr I                                             1395 +/- 325
Southern Han                                       1395 +/- 325
Henry II                                           1395 +/- 325
Finnish tribes                                     1395 +/- 325
Ghaznavid Empire                                   1395 +/- 325
Hungarian pagans                                   1395 +/- 325
County of Portugal                                 1395 +/- 325
Kerman Seljuk Sultanate                            1395 +/- 325
Kiyohara clan                                      1395 +/- 325
Nizari Ismaili state                               1395 +/- 325
House of Baux                                      1395 +/- 325
Emperor Sutoku                                     1395 +/- 325
Jo clan                                            1395 +/- 325
Kingdom of Kediri                                  1395 +/- 325
Stedingers                                         1395 +/- 325
Henry III, Margrave of Meissen                     1395 +/- 325
Ariq Böke                                          1395 +/- 325
Béla IV                                            1395 +/- 325
Ghibellines                                        1395 +/- 325
Melayu Kingdom                                     1395 +/- 325
Clan Campbell                                      1395 +/- 325
Norsemen                                           1395 +/- 325
Kraków                                             1395 +/- 325
Seuna Empire                                       1395 +/- 325
Serbian Kingdom                                    1395 +/- 325
Stefan Uroš III                                    1395 +/- 325
Sarbadars                                          1395 +/- 325
House of Schwarzburg                               1395 +/- 325
Wenceslaus I, Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg              1395 +/- 325
Nałęcz                                             1395 +/- 325
Kingdom of Hanthawaddy                             1395 +/- 325
Eastern court                                      1395 +/- 325
Lords of Padberg                                   1395 +/- 325
Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury             1395 +/- 325
Dietrich II of Moers                               1395 +/- 325
William III, Landgrave of Thuringia                1395 +/- 325
Principality of Ansbach                            1395 +/- 325
Charles, Prince of Viana                           1395 +/- 325
House of Percy                                     1395 +/- 325
William Bonville, 1st Baron Bonville               1395 +/- 325
House of York                                      1395 +/- 325
Kingdom of Lanna                                   1395 +/- 325
Chimor Empire                                      1395 +/- 325
Tlatelolco                                         1395 +/- 325
Purépecha                                          1395 +/- 325
Togashi clan                                       1395 +/- 325
Trần Cao                                           1395 +/- 325
Agermanats rebels                                  1395 +/- 325
Comuneros rebels                                   1395 +/- 325
Mạc dynasty                                        1395 +/- 325
Anabaptists                                        1395 +/- 325
Hanthawaddy Kingdom                                1395 +/- 325
Garha Kingdom                                      1395 +/- 325
Queen                                              1395 +/- 325
Maximilian III                                     1395 +/- 325
Ishida Mitsunari                                   1395 +/- 325
Ryūkyū Kingdom                                     1395 +/- 325
Toyotomi clan                                      1395 +/- 325
Duchy of Surabaya                                  1395 +/- 325
Republic of the Seven United Netherlands           1395 +/- 325
House of Kimpanzu                                  1395 +/- 325
Muradid dynasty                                    1395 +/- 325
Royal African Company                              1395 +/- 325
Sandomierz Confederation                           1395 +/- 325
Edward Hyde                                        1395 +/- 325
Jacobite Rebels                                    1395 +/- 325
Safavids Bahrain                                   1395 +/- 325
Anexo                                              1395 +/- 325
Black Caribs                                       1395 +/- 325
Indigenous Australians                             1395 +/- 325
Chickamauga Cherokee                               1395 +/- 325
André Rigaud                                       1395 +/- 325
Dahije                                             1395 +/- 325
Hausa Kingdoms                                     1395 +/- 325
Bamana Empire                                      1395 +/- 325
Federal League                                     1395 +/- 325
King Zwide                                         1395 +/- 325
Mtetwa Paramountcy                                 1395 +/- 325
Imperialists                                       1395 +/- 325
Mexican Empire                                     1395 +/- 325
Canton of Aargau                                   1395 +/- 325
House of Bourbon                                   1395 +/- 325
Zulu kingdom                                       1395 +/- 325
Sami                                               1395 +/- 325
Santa Anna dictatorship                            1395 +/- 325
Hakka                                              1395 +/- 325
Federal State of Cauca                             1395 +/- 325
Rahman                                             1395 +/- 325
Al Khalifa                                         1395 +/- 325
Dominican Conservatives                            1395 +/- 325
Sylvain Salnave                                    1395 +/- 325
Liberal Republican Party                           1395 +/- 325
Bosnia Vilayet                                     1395 +/- 325
Wassoulou Empire                                   1395 +/- 325
Tamasese                                           1395 +/- 325
Abushiri ibn Salim al-Harthi                       1395 +/- 325
Bornu Empire                                       1395 +/- 325
Salvadoran Government                              1395 +/- 325
Colombian Liberal Party                            1395 +/- 325
Ras Al Khaimah                                     1395 +/- 325
Nicaraguan Liberal Party                           1395 +/- 325
Black Hand                                         1395 +/- 325
Bogd Khanate of Mongolia                           1395 +/- 325
Sun Yat-sen                                        1395 +/- 325
Kru                                                1395 +/- 325
Bolshevik Party                                    1395 +/- 325
Monarchy of the North                              1395 +/- 325
Lithuanian                                         1395 +/- 325
Tripolitanian Republic                             1395 +/- 325
Chinese Revolutionary Party                        1395 +/- 325
Adolfo de la Huerta                                1395 +/- 325
Arats                                              1395 +/- 325
Cristeros                                          1395 +/- 325
Generalitat of Catalonia                           1395 +/- 325
Spanish Maquis                                     1395 +/- 325
Force Publique                                     1395 +/- 325
Goryani                                            1395 +/- 325
Costa Rican government                             1395 +/- 325
Arab Federation                                    1395 +/- 325
Communist Party of Brazil                          1395 +/- 325
Biafra                                             1395 +/- 325
FRONASA                                            1395 +/- 325
Eritrean Liberation Front                          1395 +/- 325
Uganda National Liberation Army                    1395 +/- 325
ZIPRA                                              1395 +/- 325
SLPP                                               1395 +/- 325
Ali Nasir Muhammad                                 1395 +/- 325
Transkei                                           1395 +/- 325
Kurdistan                                          1395 +/- 325
Armed Islamic Group                                1395 +/- 325
Caprivi Liberation Army                            1395 +/- 325
Turkana                                            1395 +/- 325
Afar Region                                        1395 +/- 325
ENDF                                               1395 +/- 325
Austro-Hungarian Empire                            1360 +/- 290
Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine      1360 +/- 290
Democratic Republic of Armenia                     1360 +/- 290
pro-independence movements                         1360 +/- 290
Tupinambá People                                   1382 +/- 313
Japanese Korea                                     1382 +/- 313
House of Obrenović                                 1393 +/- 324
Baloch separatists                                 1379 +/- 309
Pashtun Zalmay                                     1379 +/- 309
Picts                                              1386 +/- 317
Berbers                                            1382 +/- 313
Bashkirs                                           1393 +/- 324
Southern Ming                                      1379 +/- 311
Shun dynasty                                       1379 +/- 311
Daxi dynasty                                       1379 +/- 311
Lan Xang                                           1380 +/- 312
Shasu                                              1384 +/- 316
Acaxee                                             1378 +/- 310
Alizai                                             1380 +/- 313
Paraguayan People's Army                           1371 +/- 304
Armed Peasant Association                          1371 +/- 304
Mapuche                                            1379 +/- 312
Bakhtiari Tribesmen                                1391 +/- 323
Gonobahini                                         1390 +/- 323
Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party                      1390 +/- 323
FR Yugoslavia                                      1330 +/- 263
Iraqi Army                                         1391 +/- 324
Tibetan Buddhists                                  1391 +/- 325
Pulajanes                                          1374 +/- 307
Moro people                                        1374 +/- 307
Ar people                                          1377 +/- 310
Nogai Horde                                        1377 +/- 310
Apache                                             1380 +/- 314
Seibal                                             1390 +/- 323
Texas                                              1389 +/- 323
Esmeraldas Province                                1390 +/- 324
Seleucid Empire                                    1252 +/- 186
José Miguel Gómez                                  1386 +/- 320
House of Ibelin                                    1376 +/- 310
Mahabad                                            1370 +/- 305
Azerbaijan People's Republic                       1370 +/- 305
Spain loyal to Charles                             1367 +/- 301
Haydamak                                           1373 +/- 308
Tiandihui                                          1389 +/- 324
Ajuran Sultanate                                   1370 +/- 305
Mbunda Kingdom                                     1377 +/- 313
Qing dynasty of China                              1375 +/- 310
Duchy of Lubiszewo                                 1326 +/- 262
Muslim Brotherhood of Syria                        1386 +/- 322
Old Believers                                      1386 +/- 321
Kingdom of Granada                                 1366 +/- 301
Cursed soldiers                                    1376 +/- 312
Anouvong                                           1385 +/- 322
King of Vientiane                                  1385 +/- 322
Freischar                                          1367 +/- 303
Kingdom of Kurdistan                               1382 +/- 318
Pridi Phanomyong                                   1385 +/- 322
Eshnunna                                           1387 +/- 324
Mantineia                                          1372 +/- 309
Great Seljuk Empire                                1373 +/- 310
Atabegs of Azerbaijan                              1373 +/- 310
Muslims of China                                   1386 +/- 323
New Guangxi Clique                                 1385 +/- 322
Kingdom of Waalo                                   1384 +/- 322
Toucouleur Empire                                  1384 +/- 322
Murut                                              1380 +/- 317
Hayato                                             1386 +/- 324
People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam    1379 +/- 317
Winnebago                                          1379 +/- 317
Independent Party of Color                         1381 +/- 319
Agar Dinka                                         1378 +/- 317
Timor Leste Defence Force                          1349 +/- 288
Iron Guard                                         1384 +/- 323
Guna                                               1386 +/- 324
Britons                                            1378 +/- 317
Western Chu                                        1385 +/- 324
Zapatista Army of National Liberation              1369 +/- 308
Mughal Empire                                      1225 +/- 164
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan                    1339 +/- 278
Afghan National Security Forces                    1339 +/- 278
RS                                                 1339 +/- 278
(IPAP)                                             1339 +/- 278
Jamiat-e Islami                                    1339 +/- 278
Junbish-i-Milli                                    1339 +/- 278
Hezbe Wahdat                                       1339 +/- 278
ISAF                                               1339 +/- 278
MD                                                 1339 +/- 278
Republic of Macedonia                              1339 +/- 278
MAP                                                1339 +/- 278
Samnium                                            1365 +/- 305
Martinianus                                        1372 +/- 311
Tecumseh's Confederacy                             1377 +/- 316
French Armenian Legion                             1383 +/- 323
Congolese Party of Labour                          1377 +/- 317
Provisional Government of Milan                    1359 +/- 299
Republic of San Marco                              1359 +/- 299
Central Italy Rebels                               1359 +/- 299
Pequawket                                          1369 +/- 309
Maliseet                                           1369 +/- 309
Moors                                              1383 +/- 323
Nationalist Party of China                         1369 +/- 309
Sheikhdom of Mohammerah                            1360 +/- 300
ASMLA                                              1360 +/- 300
Iranian Arab protesters                            1360 +/- 300
Jaffna kingdom                                     1383 +/- 324
Portugal loyal to António, Prior of Crato          1367 +/- 308
Sogdiana                                           1364 +/- 304
Megara                                             1373 +/- 314
Qing Empire                                        1371 +/- 312
Early Lý dynasty                                   1383 +/- 324
FUC                                                1346 +/- 287
RFD                                                1346 +/- 287
CDR                                                1346 +/- 287
UFDP                                               1346 +/- 287
RDL                                                1346 +/- 287
UFDD-F                                             1346 +/- 287
CNR                                                1346 +/- 287
MDJT                                               1346 +/- 287
UFCD                                               1346 +/- 287
FSR                                                1346 +/- 287
UFR                                                1346 +/- 287
UMC                                                1346 +/- 287
FPRN                                               1346 +/- 287
UDC                                                1346 +/- 287
MPRD                                               1346 +/- 287
Principality of Najran                             1383 +/- 324
Mexican Liberal Party                              1380 +/- 322
Red Ruhr Army                                      1368 +/- 309
States of Holland                                  1369 +/- 310
Patriots                                           1369 +/- 310
Vitalian                                           1381 +/- 323
Parlements                                         1365 +/- 307
Princes of the Blood                               1365 +/- 307
Principality of Catalonia                          1358 +/- 301
Habsburg monarchy                                  1364 +/- 307
Revolutionary Serbia                               1364 +/- 307
People's Radical Party                             1382 +/- 324
Chofu Domain                                       1362 +/- 305
Kiheitai Volunteers                                1362 +/- 305
Samogitia                                          1381 +/- 323
Goths                                              1356 +/- 299
Marcomanni                                         1375 +/- 317
Earldom of Orkney                                  1380 +/- 323
Philip of Monfort                                  1356 +/- 300
John of Arsuf                                      1356 +/- 300
Ausoni                                             1364 +/- 308
Vestini                                            1364 +/- 308
Defenders                                          1365 +/- 309
Ngāti Toa                                          1370 +/- 313
Böcklerbund                                        1379 +/- 323
Eyalet of Bosnia                                   1355 +/- 299
Budin Eyalet                                       1355 +/- 299
Dohna                                              1380 +/- 324
Homesteader                                        1380 +/- 324
Merina Kingdom                                     1368 +/- 312
Danzig                                             1364 +/- 309
Kazallu                                            1363 +/- 307
al-Ikhwan                                          1377 +/- 322
Maxentius                                          1365 +/- 310
Kasanje Kingdom                                    1367 +/- 312
Mitanni                                            1356 +/- 301
Shan                                               1375 +/- 321
Aceh Sultanate                                     1367 +/- 313
Liberatores                                        1358 +/- 304
Hazaras                                            1357 +/- 304
Caucasian Front                                    1362 +/- 309
Irish                                              1359 +/- 306
Scottish Gaelic mercenaries                        1359 +/- 306
RAF Movement                                       1356 +/- 303
Iglesia ni Cristo                                  1356 +/- 303
Pingnan Guo                                        1376 +/- 323
Montenegrin Greens                                 1361 +/- 309
Southern Resistance                                1349 +/- 297
Security Belt                                      1349 +/- 297
Dagohoy rebel group                                1360 +/- 308
British supporters                                 1360 +/- 308
Helots                                             1362 +/- 309
Perioeci                                           1362 +/- 309
Ahmad Shah Massoud                                 1376 +/- 324
Royalists of the British Isles                     1363 +/- 311
Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front                   1348 +/- 297
Vandalic Kingdom                                   1374 +/- 323
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes              1362 +/- 311
Mahsud                                             1348 +/- 297
Yarahmadzai tribe                                  1367 +/- 317
Emirate of Sicily                                  1359 +/- 309
Zirids                                             1359 +/- 309
Sadiavahe movement                                 1361 +/- 310
Phokas clan                                        1356 +/- 305
Principality of Tao-Klarjeti                       1356 +/- 305
Buyid dynasty                                      1356 +/- 305
Bardas Skleros                                     1356 +/- 305
Gujarat Sultanate                                  1351 +/- 301
Aksumites                                          1347 +/- 298
Kinda                                              1347 +/- 298
Crusader states                                    1353 +/- 303
Sultanate of Sulu                                  1348 +/- 298
Kadesh                                             1349 +/- 300
ru                                                 1352 +/- 302
Syrian                                             1359 +/- 310
Veleti                                             1373 +/- 324
Hungarian                                          1359 +/- 310
Chalcis                                            1363 +/- 314
Hunters' Lodges                                    1354 +/- 305
Republic of Canada                                 1354 +/- 305
Segesta                                            1346 +/- 297
Irish Republican Brotherhood                       1346 +/- 298
Irish Volunteers                                   1346 +/- 298
Irish Citizen Army                                 1346 +/- 298
Cumann na mBan                                     1346 +/- 298
Hibernian Rifles                                   1346 +/- 298
Fianna Éireann                                     1346 +/- 298
Robber Barons                                      1372 +/- 324
Algonquian                                         1344 +/- 297
Huron                                              1344 +/- 297
Erie                                               1344 +/- 297
Neutral                                            1344 +/- 297
Petun                                              1344 +/- 297
Ojibwe                                             1344 +/- 297
Wenro                                              1344 +/- 297
Mahican                                            1344 +/- 297
Innu                                               1344 +/- 297
Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy   1356 +/- 309
Lombard duchies                                    1343 +/- 296
Raška                                              1343 +/- 296
and Sicily                                         1332 +/- 285
Other Italian states                               1332 +/- 285
PRF                                                1355 +/- 307
PCP                                                1355 +/- 307
KNLA                                               1324 +/- 277
Communist Party of Burma                           1324 +/- 277
Communist Party (Burma)                            1324 +/- 277
MNDAA                                              1324 +/- 277
NDAA                                               1324 +/- 277
SSA                                                1324 +/- 277
SSAS                                               1324 +/- 277
SSAN                                               1324 +/- 277
SSNA                                               1324 +/- 277
WNA                                                1324 +/- 277
UWSA                                               1324 +/- 277
PNO                                                1324 +/- 277
MTA                                                1324 +/- 277
God's Army                                         1324 +/- 277
ABSDF                                              1324 +/- 277
SSVF                                               1324 +/- 277
RNA                                                1324 +/- 277
TNLA                                               1324 +/- 277
Jihadists                                          1324 +/- 277
ROC                                                1324 +/- 277
Ngati Ruanui Iwi                                   1354 +/- 307
Seljuk Empire                                      1231 +/- 185
Somali Salvation Democratic Front                  1370 +/- 323
CKRF                                               1337 +/- 291
KDF                                                1337 +/- 291
KIF                                                1337 +/- 291
KKK                                                1337 +/- 291
KNF                                                1337 +/- 291
NSCN-K                                             1337 +/- 291
NSCN-IM                                            1337 +/- 291
RNHPF                                              1337 +/- 291
UKDA                                               1337 +/- 291
UKLF                                               1337 +/- 291
UNPC                                               1337 +/- 291
Median Empire                                      1346 +/- 300
Andronikos IV Palaiologos                          1344 +/- 299
Savcı Bey                                          1344 +/- 299
Brazilian Communist Party                          1355 +/- 310
Hazara                                             1346 +/- 301
Abdul Hamid II                                     1350 +/- 304
Kingdom of Tungning                                1345 +/- 300
Rongyos Gárda                                      1351 +/- 306
Lajtabánság                                        1351 +/- 306
Bosnian                                            1351 +/- 306
Muslim                                             1351 +/- 306
Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar                            1368 +/- 324
Kavango                                            1353 +/- 309
Russian government                                 1341 +/- 297
Russian Armed Forces                               1341 +/- 297
Federal Security Service                           1341 +/- 297
National Guard of Russia                           1341 +/- 297
Kadyrovites                                        1341 +/- 297
Yaqui                                              1339 +/- 295
Mayo                                               1339 +/- 295
Opata                                              1339 +/- 295
Pima                                               1339 +/- 295
Swabian League of Cities                           1367 +/- 324
Reorganized National Government of China           1339 +/- 296
Mengjiang                                          1339 +/- 296
Semu                                               1366 +/- 322
Campanians                                         1349 +/- 305
Phocaean                                           1350 +/- 307
Alalia                                             1350 +/- 307
Liu Wenhui                                         1350 +/- 307
Wang Jialie                                        1350 +/- 307
Ma Clique                                          1350 +/- 307
Government of Bophuthatswana                       1350 +/- 307
Afrikaner Volksfront                               1350 +/- 307
AWB                                                1350 +/- 307
Shining Path                                       1349 +/- 306
Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement                 1349 +/- 306
Avars                                              1336 +/- 294
Slavic allies                                      1336 +/- 294
Sasanian Iberia                                    1336 +/- 294
Jewish and Samaritan rebels                        1336 +/- 294
Việt Minh                                          1335 +/- 293
Wa                                                 1348 +/- 306
Gaya                                               1348 +/- 306
Guominjun                                          1348 +/- 306
Pagan Kingdom                                      1355 +/- 313
Federation of South Arabia                         1349 +/- 307
Minamoto no Yoshinaka                              1349 +/- 307
Cartago                                            1349 +/- 308
Malayan Communist Party                            1343 +/- 303
Vyazma                                             1347 +/- 307
Ukrainian diaspora                                 1299 +/- 258
EU                                                 1299 +/- 258
Prussians                                          1328 +/- 288
Polabian Slavs                                     1328 +/- 288
Government of Yemen                                1340 +/- 300
Security Forces                                    1340 +/- 300
Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany     1346 +/- 306
Huáscar                                            1345 +/- 306
Tumebamba                                          1345 +/- 306
PRC                                                1312 +/- 273
English East India Company                         1361 +/- 322
March 23 Movement                                  1321 +/- 282
Zamorin of Calicut                                 1338 +/- 299
Congress Poland                                    1344 +/- 306
Duchy of Samogitia                                 1347 +/- 308
Alikhel                                            1333 +/- 294
Jaji                                               1333 +/- 294
Ahmadzai                                           1333 +/- 294
Bakiyev                                            1315 +/- 276
Dervish State                                      1341 +/- 302
Toyotomi Japan                                     1345 +/- 307
Norodom Ranariddh                                  1334 +/- 297
FUNCINPEC                                          1334 +/- 297
Avar Khaganate                                     1343 +/- 306
Jewish                                             1346 +/- 309
Government of Iran                                 1337 +/- 300
Zaire                                              1236 +/- 199
Mohmand                                            1333 +/- 297
Shaybanid dynasty                                  1343 +/- 307
Italian Social Republic                            1333 +/- 297
Roman Catholics                                    1342 +/- 306
rōnin                                              1342 +/- 306
Lê Văn Khôi                                        1360 +/- 324
Hau-Hauist                                         1342 +/- 306
English Roman Catholics                            1339 +/- 303
Yarkent Khanate                                    1341 +/- 306
Isḥāqi                                             1341 +/- 306
Nguyễn dynasty                                     1288 +/- 253
SPLM-IO                                            1303 +/- 268
Nuer White Army                                    1303 +/- 268
SSDM                                               1303 +/- 268
Cobra Faction                                      1303 +/- 268
TFNF                                               1303 +/- 268
SSFDP                                              1303 +/- 268
NAS                                                1303 +/- 268
SSPA                                               1303 +/- 268
Arrow Boys                                         1303 +/- 268
Wau State insurgents                               1303 +/- 268
UNMISS                                             1303 +/- 268
Cartels                                            1305 +/- 270
Los Metros                                         1305 +/- 270
Knights Templar Cartel                             1305 +/- 270
La Familia Michoacana                              1305 +/- 270
Los Zetas                                          1305 +/- 270
Juárez Cartel                                      1305 +/- 270
Milenio Cartel                                     1305 +/- 270
Beltrán-Leyva Cartel                               1305 +/- 270
Independent Cartel of Acapulco                     1305 +/- 270
MS-13                                              1305 +/- 270
Jalisco New Generation Cartel                      1305 +/- 270
Tijuana Cartel                                     1305 +/- 270
Logan Heights Gang                                 1305 +/- 270
Black Flag Army                                    1333 +/- 298
Nguyen dynasty                                     1333 +/- 298
Gauls                                              1284 +/- 249
Kuva-yi Inzibatiye                                 1314 +/- 280
Kingdom of Israel                                  1340 +/- 306
Kingdom of Thuringia                               1357 +/- 323
Al Qasimi                                          1338 +/- 305
Naranjo                                            1290 +/- 256
Electorate of Brandenburg                          1313 +/- 280
County of Nevers                                   1327 +/- 294
County of Vermandois                               1327 +/- 294
County of Burgundy                                 1327 +/- 294
Margraviate of Austria                             1327 +/- 294
Powhatan Confederacy                               1329 +/- 296
Nejd                                               1335 +/- 303
Huejotzingo                                        1338 +/- 305
Atlixco                                            1338 +/- 305
Loon                                               1326 +/- 293
Staufen                                            1326 +/- 293
Limburg                                            1326 +/- 293
Brabant                                            1326 +/- 293
Utrecht                                            1326 +/- 293
Liège                                              1326 +/- 293
Fujiwara no Nobuyori                               1338 +/- 306
Provisional Democratic Government                  1332 +/- 299
National Liberation Front                          1332 +/- 299
Dai Nam                                            1335 +/- 303
Ang Snguon                                         1338 +/- 306
Copán                                              1340 +/- 308
Cossack Hetmanate of Petro Doroshenko              1335 +/- 304
Tun Mutahir                                        1327 +/- 295
Johor                                              1327 +/- 295
Zviadists                                          1334 +/- 303
National Guard of Georgia                          1334 +/- 303
Waka'                                              1336 +/- 305
Patriote movement                                  1335 +/- 304
Principality of Salerno                            1325 +/- 294
Principality of Benevento                          1325 +/- 294
Principality of Capua                              1325 +/- 294
Republic of Amalfi                                 1325 +/- 294
Duchy of Naples                                    1325 +/- 294
Wampanoag                                          1325 +/- 294
Nipmuc                                             1325 +/- 294
Podunk                                             1325 +/- 294
Narragansett                                       1325 +/- 294
Nashaway                                           1325 +/- 294
al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula                  1319 +/- 288
Finnic peoples                                     1316 +/- 285
Baltic people                                      1316 +/- 285
Sultan al-Adwan                                    1334 +/- 304
Iraqi                                              1353 +/- 323
First Empire of Haiti                              1324 +/- 295
APCO                                               1317 +/- 287
PFLA                                               1317 +/- 287
AFLA                                               1317 +/- 287
Kauravas                                           1335 +/- 306
Duryodhana                                         1335 +/- 306
Optimates                                          1335 +/- 306
Confederacy of the Veleti                          1335 +/- 306
Wolinians                                          1335 +/- 306
Blois                                              1335 +/- 306
Heeckeren faction                                  1335 +/- 306
Pomerania-Barth                                    1335 +/- 306
Hudson's Bay Company                               1335 +/- 306
Selkirk's settlers                                 1335 +/- 306
Unitarios                                          1335 +/- 306
Swahili                                            1335 +/- 306
Henga                                              1335 +/- 306
Republic of Chile                                  1335 +/- 306
Army of Chile                                      1335 +/- 306
Lithuanian-Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic   1335 +/- 306
Pala Empire                                        1336 +/- 307
Mai-Mai Kata Katanga                               1312 +/- 283
Mai Mai Gédéon                                     1312 +/- 283
CORAK                                              1312 +/- 283
CPK                                                1312 +/- 283
Mai Mai Yakutumba                                  1312 +/- 283
Imamate of Oman                                    1330 +/- 301
Klungkung                                          1324 +/- 296
Rapid Support Forces                               1332 +/- 304
UÇPMB                                              1351 +/- 324
Kingdom of Leinster                                1332 +/- 305
Frankish Kingdom                                   1332 +/- 306
Imperial German Army                               1320 +/- 293
Bavarian Soviet Republic                           1320 +/- 293
Adamawa Emirate                                    1333 +/- 306
Democratic Republic of Yemen                       1351 +/- 324
Liberian                                           1310 +/- 284
FPI                                                1310 +/- 284
Ugandan government                                 1318 +/- 292
Pro-Indonesian militias                            1298 +/- 272
Aitarak                                            1298 +/- 272
Besi Merah Putih                                   1298 +/- 272
Laksaur                                            1298 +/- 272
Mahidi                                             1298 +/- 272
Lucerne                                            1317 +/- 292
Bern                                               1317 +/- 292
Solothurn                                          1317 +/- 292
Basel                                              1317 +/- 292
Aargau                                             1317 +/- 292
National Resistance Front of Afghanistan           1349 +/- 324
Arabs of Palestine                                 1312 +/- 286
Army of the Holy War                               1312 +/- 286
White Movement                                     1299 +/- 274
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic                   1314 +/- 289
Kurucs                                             1348 +/- 323
Tripoli                                            1264 +/- 238
Misrata Brigades                                   1264 +/- 238
Petroleum Facilities Guard                         1264 +/- 238
Tripoli Brigade                                    1264 +/- 238
Tripoli Protection Force                           1264 +/- 238
Tuareg militias                                    1264 +/- 238
Toubou militias                                    1264 +/- 238
Amazigh                                            1264 +/- 238
Zintan Brigades                                    1264 +/- 238
FACT                                               1264 +/- 238
CCMSR                                              1264 +/- 238
FARC                                               1308 +/- 283
Hawazin                                            1330 +/- 305
Thaqif                                             1330 +/- 305
FAF                                                1319 +/- 294
Empire of Trebizond                                1317 +/- 292
Popular Mobilization Forces                        1268 +/- 243
League of Revolutionaries                          1268 +/- 243
Kingdom of Hejaz                                   1329 +/- 304
National Salvation Government                      1261 +/- 237
Libya Shield Force                                 1261 +/- 237
LROR                                               1261 +/- 237
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb                    1261 +/- 237
February 17th Martyrs Brigade                      1261 +/- 237
Rafallah al-Sahati Brigade                         1261 +/- 237
Shura Council of Mujahideen in Derna               1261 +/- 237
Ansar al-Sharia (Derna)                            1261 +/- 237
Abu Salim Martyrs                                  1261 +/- 237
Benghazi Defense Brigades                          1261 +/- 237
Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shura Council             1261 +/- 237
Derna Protection Force                             1261 +/- 237
Arab Islamic Front of Azawad                       1323 +/- 299
Popular Front for the Liberation of Azawad         1323 +/- 299
West Ukrainian People's Republic                   1323 +/- 300
Sabines                                            1331 +/- 307
Tenentista movement                                1331 +/- 307
Sanhadja                                           1328 +/- 305
Berber                                             1328 +/- 305
Northern Xiongnu                                   1320 +/- 297
Métis Forces                                       1321 +/- 298
Louis Riel                                         1321 +/- 298
NDF                                                1330 +/- 307
JVP                                                1329 +/- 307
Kingdom of Dahomey                                 1321 +/- 298
Iraqi Ba'ath Party                                 1288 +/- 266
Sunni tribes                                       1288 +/- 266
Other Sunni insurgents and militia                 1288 +/- 266
Shia tribes                                        1288 +/- 266
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic                     1303 +/- 281
North Borneo Federation                            1313 +/- 292
Jihadist groups                                    1309 +/- 288
BIFF                                               1309 +/- 288
Ngai Te Rangi Iwi                                  1326 +/- 305
Jadran                                             1307 +/- 286
Rehoboth Basters                                   1315 +/- 294
Kingdom of Aksum                                   1325 +/- 304
Ambrosian Republic                                 1304 +/- 283
Margravate of Mantua                               1304 +/- 283
Maximinus Daia                                     1327 +/- 306
Duchy of Austria                                   1313 +/- 292
Duchy of Carinthia                                 1313 +/- 292
Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg                   1313 +/- 292
Bishopric of Passau                                1313 +/- 292
Fetkeapers                                         1313 +/- 292
van Bronckhorsts                                   1313 +/- 292
Onstas                                             1313 +/- 292
tom Broks                                          1313 +/- 292
Yamana clan                                        1313 +/- 292
Ōuchi clan                                         1313 +/- 292
Hatakeyama Yoshinari                               1313 +/- 292
Shiba Yoshikado                                    1313 +/- 292
Kazan Khanate                                      1313 +/- 292
Cheremis                                           1313 +/- 292
Ar warriors                                        1313 +/- 292
Nogay cavalry                                      1313 +/- 292
Diauehi                                            1325 +/- 305
Jurchen                                            1324 +/- 304
Diyarbakır                                         1322 +/- 302
IFLO                                               1301 +/- 281
OIM                                                1301 +/- 281
COPLF                                              1301 +/- 281
OYRM                                               1301 +/- 281
Wash                                               1325 +/- 305
Latins                                             1325 +/- 305
Yaroslav I                                         1325 +/- 305
CNDP                                               1271 +/- 251
M23                                                1271 +/- 251
Maya                                               1324 +/- 305
Society of United Irishmen                         1314 +/- 295
Left-wing groups                                   1311 +/- 292
TKP/ML (TİKKO)                                     1311 +/- 292
Devrimci Yol                                       1311 +/- 292
Athamania                                          1296 +/- 276
Bulgarian volunteers                               1247 +/- 228
Grand Duchy of Baden                               1269 +/- 250
Grand Duchy of Hesse                               1269 +/- 250
Principality of Reuss Elder Line                   1269 +/- 250
Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen                            1269 +/- 250
County of Schaumburg-Lippe                         1269 +/- 250
Royal Navy                                         1303 +/- 284
Royal Air Force                                    1303 +/- 284
Frederick, Duke of Bohemia                         1325 +/- 306
Pascal Lissouba                                    1307 +/- 288
Islamic State Province in East Asia                1295 +/- 277
Maute group                                        1295 +/- 277
English and Scottish Royalists                     1323 +/- 306
National Party                                     1323 +/- 306
National Unity Government                          1276 +/- 259
People's Defence Force                             1276 +/- 259
Chin National Defence Force                        1276 +/- 259
Karenni Nationalities Defence Force                1276 +/- 259
Kachin Independence Army                           1276 +/- 259
Karen National Liberation Army                     1276 +/- 259
Karen National Defence Organisation                1276 +/- 259
All Burma Students' Democratic Front               1276 +/- 259
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army          1276 +/- 259
Karenni Army                                       1276 +/- 259
Chin National Army                                 1276 +/- 259
Ta'ang National Liberation Army                    1276 +/- 259
Chinland Defence Force                             1276 +/- 259
Arakan Army (Kayin State)                          1276 +/- 259
Bamar People's Liberation Army                     1276 +/- 259
Rohingya Solidarity Organisation                   1276 +/- 259
National League for Democracy                      1276 +/- 259
Mamluk Sultanate                                   1314 +/- 297
Elam                                               1220 +/- 203
Infante Carlos of Spain                            1301 +/- 284
King Miguel of Portugal                            1301 +/- 284
Hindu Shahis                                       1323 +/- 306
Xin dynasty                                        1323 +/- 306
Aztec Triple Alliance                              1320 +/- 304
Sulaimankhel                                       1300 +/- 285
Nippur                                             1310 +/- 295
Taifa of Mallorca                                  1307 +/- 293
Islamic State in the Greater Sahara                1250 +/- 236
Kingdom of Great Britain                           1306 +/- 293
FNL-Nzabampema                                     1263 +/- 249
FNL/Palipehutu                                     1263 +/- 249
FPB                                                1263 +/- 249
Abbey of Saint Gall                                1287 +/- 274
Canton of Lucerne                                  1287 +/- 274
Canton of Uri                                      1287 +/- 274
Canton of Schwyz                                   1287 +/- 274
Canton of Unterwalden                              1287 +/- 274
Canton of Zug                                      1287 +/- 274
Valais                                             1287 +/- 274
Freie Ämter                                        1287 +/- 274
Ainu                                               1309 +/- 296
Republic of the Sudan                              1304 +/- 291
Democratic Republic of the Sudan                   1304 +/- 291
Miguel                                             1302 +/- 290
Union of Democratic Forces for Unity               1287 +/- 275
People's Army for the Restoration of Democracy     1287 +/- 275
Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace       1287 +/- 275
Movement of Central African Liberators for Justice 1287 +/- 275
Patriotic Convention for Saving the Country        1287 +/- 275
Democratic Front of the Central African People     1287 +/- 275
pirates                                            1308 +/- 296
Chu                                                1300 +/- 288
Seljuqs                                            1304 +/- 293
DRFLA                                              1290 +/- 279
Cleopatra III                                      1292 +/- 281
Nabatea                                            1292 +/- 281
Retjenu                                            1293 +/- 282
Taurus (Bull)                                      1315 +/- 305
Caliphate of Córdoba                               1315 +/- 305
Abe clan                                           1315 +/- 305
Chola dynasty                                      1315 +/- 305
Emperor Go-Toba                                    1315 +/- 305
Livonian order                                     1315 +/- 305
Southern Court                                     1315 +/- 305
Bavaria-Ingolstadt                                 1315 +/- 305
Governorate of New Toledo                          1315 +/- 305
Sultanate of Tuggurt                               1315 +/- 305
Alexandre Pétion                                   1315 +/- 305
Felipe Santiago Salaverry                          1315 +/- 305
Santal                                             1315 +/- 305
Kanak                                              1315 +/- 305
Republic of German-Austria                         1315 +/- 305
Anhui clique                                       1315 +/- 305
Social Democratic Party of Austria                 1315 +/- 305
Kashmir                                            1315 +/- 305
Dominican Air Force                                1315 +/- 305
Navy                                               1315 +/- 305
Nagriamel                                          1315 +/- 305
National Revolutionary Council                     1315 +/- 305
Mahdist                                            1286 +/- 276
Guaraní                                            1305 +/- 295
Jaffna Kingdom                                     1324 +/- 315
Adal Sultanate                                     1297 +/- 287
Chalcedonian Christian                             1314 +/- 305
Poland loyal to Augustus                           1281 +/- 272
Irish Jacobites                                    1285 +/- 276
Kingdom of Ndongo-Matamba                          1291 +/- 282
Rio Grande Tupis                                   1291 +/- 282
Kurdistan Islamic Group                            1292 +/- 284
Kurdistan Islamic Movement                         1292 +/- 284
Palenque                                           1313 +/- 306
Ottoman Tripolitania                               1313 +/- 306
Alam al-Din                                        1298 +/- 291
Arslan                                             1298 +/- 291
Sawaf                                              1298 +/- 291
Cortes                                             1303 +/- 295
Schmalkaldic League                                1267 +/- 260
Hesse                                              1267 +/- 260
Black Hawk's                                       1287 +/- 280
British Band                                       1287 +/- 280
Sauk                                               1287 +/- 280
Fox                                                1287 +/- 280
Kickapoo                                           1287 +/- 280
Arab Liberation Army                               1284 +/- 278
New Spain                                          1267 +/- 261
Timucua                                            1267 +/- 261
Natchez                                            1267 +/- 261
KCK                                                1295 +/- 289
KDP/North                                          1295 +/- 289
Red Sticks                                         1304 +/- 298
First Czechoslovak Republic                        1304 +/- 299
OAS                                                1290 +/- 284
Nduma Defense of Congo                             1251 +/- 246
CNPSC                                              1251 +/- 246
Raia Mutomboki                                     1251 +/- 246
Central Africa Province                            1251 +/- 246
Arakan Army                                        1262 +/- 257
Christian II                                       1270 +/- 266
Christopher of Oldenburg                           1270 +/- 266
Scania                                             1270 +/- 266
Malmö                                              1270 +/- 266
Copenhagen                                         1270 +/- 266
Zealand                                            1270 +/- 266
ICI                                                1251 +/- 248
ATU                                                1265 +/- 262
SOD                                                1265 +/- 262
SSS                                                1265 +/- 262
NPFL                                               1265 +/- 262
NPP                                                1265 +/- 262
RUF                                                1265 +/- 262
RDFG                                               1265 +/- 262
Communist Party of Germany                         1292 +/- 289
Iberia                                             1280 +/- 277
ULIMO                                              1307 +/- 306
Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia    1307 +/- 306
Nazi Germany                                       1165 +/- 164
Nama                                               1288 +/- 287
Libya Shield 1                                     1238 +/- 237
Taira no Masakado                                  1290 +/- 290
Fujiwara no Sumitomo                               1290 +/- 290
Ivaylo of Bulgaria                                 1287 +/- 287
Tzani                                              1271 +/- 272
Zahalni                                            1289 +/- 290
Hmong insurgents                                   1305 +/- 306
Zand dynasty                                       1303 +/- 305
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan                 1272 +/- 273
1991                                               1272 +/- 273
Government of Paraguay                             1296 +/- 298
Mujahideen Shura Council                           1252 +/- 255
Kingdom of the Kombo                               1311 +/- 314
Latin League                                       1288 +/- 291
Radical Hussites                                   1274 +/- 277
Taborites                                          1274 +/- 277
Orebites                                           1274 +/- 277
Vilayat Dagestan                                   1254 +/- 258
Vilayat Iriston                                    1254 +/- 258
Vilayat KBK                                        1254 +/- 258
Vilayat Nokhchicho                                 1254 +/- 258
Riyad-us Saliheen Brigade                          1254 +/- 258
Arab Mujahideen                                    1254 +/- 258
Wilayat al-Qawqaz                                  1254 +/- 258
Tkdaya                                             1288 +/- 292
Tamimi                                             1300 +/- 304
Sepoys of the East India Company                   1269 +/- 273
Awadh                                              1269 +/- 273
Jhansi                                             1269 +/- 273
Sambyeolcho                                        1298 +/- 303
Royalists                                          1283 +/- 287
County of Barcelona                                1270 +/- 275
Navajo                                             1273 +/- 278
Peru-Bolivian Confederation                        1288 +/- 293
Ninja militia                                      1273 +/- 278
Crimean Khanate                                    1109 +/- 114
Angoche Sultanate                                  1284 +/- 289
Arcadia                                            1273 +/- 278
Polotsk                                            1252 +/- 258
Vitebsk                                            1252 +/- 258
Smolensk                                           1252 +/- 258
Kiev                                               1252 +/- 258
Volhynia                                           1252 +/- 258
Arapaho                                            1270 +/- 276
Zadran                                             1269 +/- 275
Katanga                                            1215 +/- 222
South Kasai                                        1215 +/- 222
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula                  1276 +/- 282
ETA                                                1262 +/- 269
Basque National Liberation Movement                1262 +/- 269
ETA (pm)                                           1262 +/- 269
Iparretarrak                                       1262 +/- 269
PJAK                                               1276 +/- 283
Saxons                                             1281 +/- 288
Republican faction                                 1236 +/- 244
Spanish Republican Army                            1236 +/- 244
Popular Front                                      1236 +/- 244
FAI                                                1236 +/- 244
UGT                                                1236 +/- 244
Basque Army                                        1236 +/- 244
Galicianist Party                                  1236 +/- 244
International Brigades                             1236 +/- 244
THKO                                               1272 +/- 280
Aquitaine                                          1242 +/- 250
County of Hainaut                                  1242 +/- 250
Simba and Kwilu rebels                             1211 +/- 219
Imereti                                            1279 +/- 288
Kalinga                                            1277 +/- 286
Nawab of Arcot                                     1264 +/- 273
UNITA                                              1141 +/- 150
Promised Day Brigades                              1243 +/- 252
Badr Brigades                                      1243 +/- 252
Soldiers of Heaven                                 1243 +/- 252
Other militias                                     1243 +/- 252
Canaan                                             1267 +/- 277
Drenthe                                            1279 +/- 289
Province of Groningen                              1279 +/- 289
Mary, Queen of Scots                               1279 +/- 289
English and Welsh Catholics                        1279 +/- 289
Johor Sultanate                                    1264 +/- 275
New Netherland                                     1293 +/- 304
Gortys                                             1257 +/- 269
Kydonia                                            1257 +/- 269
Cambodian pro-Vietnamese faction                   1276 +/- 288
CPM                                                1251 +/- 262
MRLA                                               1251 +/- 262
Vilayat Galgayche                                  1244 +/- 256
Cholula                                            1279 +/- 291
Barzani tribesmen                                  1292 +/- 304
Tver                                               1276 +/- 288
Brandenburg                                        1258 +/- 270
English Royalists                                  1276 +/- 289
KIA                                                1238 +/- 251
ERC                                                1228 +/- 242
FitzGeralds                                        1265 +/- 280
Desmond                                            1265 +/- 280
Irish clans                                        1265 +/- 280
Khiva                                              1241 +/- 256
White Army                                         1241 +/- 256
Bukhara                                            1241 +/- 256
House of Lorraine                                  1274 +/- 289
Holstein-Gottorp                                   1230 +/- 246
Shinwari tribesmen                                 1245 +/- 262
First French Empire                                1180 +/- 197
Pamplico                                           1253 +/- 270
Cothechney                                         1253 +/- 270
Coree                                              1253 +/- 270
Mattamuskeet                                       1253 +/- 270
Matchepungo                                        1253 +/- 270
Revolutionary United Front                         1243 +/- 260
Armed Forces Revolutionary Council                 1243 +/- 260
West Side Boys                                     1243 +/- 260
Choctaw                                            1233 +/- 251
Bolshevik                                          1286 +/- 304
Aurunci                                            1262 +/- 280
Moro National Liberation Front                     1205 +/- 223
Moro Islamic Liberation Front                      1205 +/- 223
MRLO                                               1205 +/- 223
Ampatuan militias                                  1205 +/- 223
Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance         1270 +/- 289
German                                             1232 +/- 251
Aram                                               1272 +/- 291
Inaros II                                          1284 +/- 304
Kirrha                                             1283 +/- 304
Anna Anachoutlou                                   1256 +/- 277
Lazic nobility                                     1256 +/- 277
Georgian                                           1256 +/- 277
Lashkar al-Zil                                     1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Yemen)                            1077 +/- 98
AQIS                                               1077 +/- 98
Khorasan                                           1077 +/- 98
Nusrat al-Islam                                    1077 +/- 98
AQKB                                               1077 +/- 98
Tawhid al-Jihad (Gaza Strip)                       1077 +/- 98
Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades                         1077 +/- 98
Islamist lone wolves                               1077 +/- 98
Sinai Province                                     1077 +/- 98
Libya Province                                     1077 +/- 98
Jund al-Khilafah                                   1077 +/- 98
Yemen Province                                     1077 +/- 98
Caucasus Province                                  1077 +/- 98
ISS                                                1077 +/- 98
Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigade                          1077 +/- 98
IMU                                                1077 +/- 98
MIT                                                1077 +/- 98
Afghan Taliban                                     1077 +/- 98
East Turkestan Islamic Movement                    1077 +/- 98
TNSM                                               1077 +/- 98
Lashkar-e-Omar                                     1077 +/- 98
Mullah Dadullah Front                              1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia)                          1077 +/- 98
Masked Brigade                                     1077 +/- 98
Ahrar ash-Sham                                     1077 +/- 98
Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid                             1077 +/- 98
Jaish al-Islam                                     1077 +/- 98
Indian Mujahideen                                  1077 +/- 98
Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front               1077 +/- 98
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group                   1077 +/- 98
Rajah Sulaiman movement                            1077 +/- 98
Salafia Jihadia                                    1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Mali)                             1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Mauritania)                       1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Morocco)                          1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Egypt)                            1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Yarmouk Area)                     1077 +/- 98
Turaifie group                                     1077 +/- 98
Al-Qaeda in the Malay Archipelago                  1077 +/- 98
Al-Qaeda in Bosnia and Herzegovina                 1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sunna (Mozambique)                        1077 +/- 98
JTJ                                                1077 +/- 98
Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat            1077 +/- 98
Tunisian Combatant Group                           1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Syria)                            1077 +/- 98
Harakat Sham al-Islam                              1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Libya)                            1077 +/- 98
Islamic Emirate of Waziristan                      1077 +/- 98
Ansar al-Sharia (Derna, Libya)                     1077 +/- 98
Black Banner Organization                          1077 +/- 98
Iraqi Baath Party loyalists                        1077 +/- 98
FPRC                                               1182 +/- 204
MPC                                                1182 +/- 204
Séléka                                             1182 +/- 204
CPJP                                               1182 +/- 204
CPSK                                               1182 +/- 204
UFDR                                               1182 +/- 204
FDPC                                               1182 +/- 204
Anti-balaka                                        1182 +/- 204
MRPRC                                              1182 +/- 204
Army for the Liberation of Rwanda                  1246 +/- 268
State Committee on the State of Emergency          1255 +/- 277
KGB                                                1255 +/- 277
Kingdom of Dublin                                  1268 +/- 290
German auxiliaries                                 1214 +/- 237
Onondaga                                           1214 +/- 237
Cayuga                                             1214 +/- 237
Chilean Government                                 1244 +/- 267
Popular Unity                                      1244 +/- 267
GAP                                                1244 +/- 267
Ghent                                              1248 +/- 271
Ansar al-Sunna                                     1222 +/- 245
Khorasan Province                                  1074 +/- 97
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi                                  1074 +/- 97
Chalcidian League                                  1278 +/- 302
Somali Democratic Republic                         1193 +/- 217
SNF                                                1193 +/- 217
Hierapytna                                         1235 +/- 259
Olous                                              1235 +/- 259
Aetolia                                            1235 +/- 259
Spartan                                            1235 +/- 259
Acarnania                                          1235 +/- 259
Insurgents                                         1145 +/- 169
Harakat al-Shabaab Mujahedeen                      1145 +/- 169
al-Itihaad al-Islamiya                             1145 +/- 169
Mu'askar Anole                                     1145 +/- 169
Pirates                                            1145 +/- 169
Gulf Cartel                                        1243 +/- 267
Aizu                                               1265 +/- 288
Soldiers of Egypt                                  1073 +/- 97
Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula                        1073 +/- 97
PLA                                                1224 +/- 248
LNM                                                1224 +/- 248
LNRF                                               1224 +/- 248
French Union                                       1221 +/- 245
Cabinet of Yemen                                   1232 +/- 256
Cheyenne                                           1242 +/- 267
Strategic Reserve                                  1230 +/- 255
Saudi-led coalition                                1230 +/- 255
South Vietnam                                      1173 +/- 198
DLF                                                1248 +/- 273
PFLOAG                                             1248 +/- 273
NDFLOAG                                            1248 +/- 273
PFLO                                               1248 +/- 273
People's Mujahedin of Iran                         1228 +/- 254
National Resistance                                1228 +/- 254
Tihamah Resistance                                 1228 +/- 254
Republic of Siena                                  1239 +/- 264
its possessions                                    1202 +/- 228
Jundallah                                          1071 +/- 97
State of the Teutonic Order                        1276 +/- 303
Ndebele                                            1264 +/- 291
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom                           1268 +/- 296
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                             1172 +/- 200
Darfur                                             1172 +/- 200
Crown of Castille                                  1273 +/- 302
Khalifa Islamiyah Mindanao                         1191 +/- 220
14K Triad                                          1191 +/- 220
Argentine Confederation                            1180 +/- 209
Ba'ath loyalists                                   1121 +/- 151
Sunni insurgents                                   1121 +/- 151
Al-Qaeda in Iraq                                   1121 +/- 151
Ansar al-Sunnah                                    1121 +/- 151
Shia insurgents                                    1121 +/- 151
Anglo-Saxons                                       1259 +/- 289
Maute Group                                        1067 +/- 97
Ovambo                                             1243 +/- 273
al-Qaeda in Iraq                                   1065 +/- 96
Lendu                                              1224 +/- 256
Nationalist and Integrationist Front               1224 +/- 256
Front for Patriotic Resistance in Ituri            1224 +/- 256
Popular Front for Justice in Congo                 1224 +/- 256
Popular Resistance Committees                      1221 +/- 254
Sassanid Persian Empire                            1252 +/- 285
Atropatene                                         1238 +/- 271
Boko Haram                                         1042 +/- 74
Oromo Liberation Front                             1182 +/- 214
Foreign Mujahideen                                 1182 +/- 214
Revolutionary Left Movement                        1230 +/- 263
Gebhard, Truchsess von Waldburg                    1218 +/- 251
House of Neuenahr-Alpen                            1218 +/- 251
House of Waldburg                                  1218 +/- 251
House of Palatinate-Zweibrücken                    1218 +/- 251
House of Solms-Braunfels                           1218 +/- 251
Commune of Estonia                                 1224 +/- 258
Finnish Jäger troops                               1241 +/- 275
Imam Shamil Battalion                              1062 +/- 96
Estonians                                          1221 +/- 256
Semigallians                                       1221 +/- 256
Curonians                                          1221 +/- 256
Latgallians                                        1221 +/- 256
Selonians                                          1221 +/- 256
Livonians                                          1221 +/- 256
Xhosa tribesmen                                    1256 +/- 291
Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries          1060 +/- 96
Troy                                               1253 +/- 288
Dong Zhuo                                          1253 +/- 288
Kingdom of Soissons                                1253 +/- 288
Taifa of Dénia                                     1253 +/- 288
Principality of Polotsk                            1253 +/- 288
Ottoman                                            1253 +/- 288
Miꞌkmaq                                            1221 +/- 257
Mamluk Egypt Sultanate                             1218 +/- 254
Ayyubids                                           1218 +/- 254
West Germany                                       1185 +/- 221
Middle Egypt                                       1253 +/- 289
Lower Egypt                                        1253 +/- 289
foreign mujahideen                                 1195 +/- 231
Jamiat-i Islami                                    1194 +/- 231
Shura-i Nazar                                      1194 +/- 231
Ittehad-i Islami                                   1194 +/- 231
Harakat-i Islami                                   1194 +/- 231
Tyrol                                              1199 +/- 236
Black Brunswickers                                 1199 +/- 236
PDKI                                               1211 +/- 248
ISIL                                               1058 +/- 96
Righteous Harmony Society                          1195 +/- 233
UFDD                                               1192 +/- 230
URF                                                1192 +/- 230
Safi                                               1226 +/- 264
Hamawand                                           1237 +/- 275
clients                                            1160 +/- 199
Bonapartist Spain                                  1160 +/- 199
Lucca-Piombino                                     1160 +/- 199
Seneca                                             1197 +/- 235
SFR Yugoslavia                                     1266 +/- 305
Anjouan                                            1215 +/- 254
IPAP                                               1190 +/- 229
Sonno joi                                          1240 +/- 279
Spartacus League                                   1231 +/- 270
Republic of Ezo                                    1213 +/- 252
Islamic State's West Africa Province               1154 +/- 193
Kingdom of Italy (Napoleonic)                      1193 +/- 233
Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami                          1060 +/- 99
Lashkar-e-Taiba                                    1060 +/- 99
Jaish-e-Mohammed                                   1060 +/- 99
Hizbul Mujahideen                                  1060 +/- 99
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen                               1060 +/- 99
Cossacks                                           1227 +/- 267
Foreign mujahideen                                 1167 +/- 208
Islamic State in Somalia                           1167 +/- 208
Mark Antony                                        1240 +/- 281
Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel             1233 +/- 275
Principality of Calenberg                          1233 +/- 275
Farnese                                            1233 +/- 275
Dukes of Parma                                     1233 +/- 275
County of Guelders                                 1206 +/- 249
County of Luxembourg                               1206 +/- 249
Lordship of Ligny                                  1206 +/- 249
County of Nassau                                   1206 +/- 249
Prince-Bishopric of Liège                          1178 +/- 221
Free Syrian Army                                   1130 +/- 174
Saraya Ahl al-Sham                                 1130 +/- 174
Jaysh al-Islam                                     1130 +/- 174
Islamic Front                                      1130 +/- 174
Ghuraba al-Sham                                    1130 +/- 174
Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade                     1130 +/- 174
Partisans                                          1261 +/- 305
Song dynasty                                       1242 +/- 286
Western Bosnia                                     1229 +/- 274
Zanzibar                                           1238 +/- 285
CNT                                                1181 +/- 229
Electorate of Cologne                              1199 +/- 247
Iraqi Baath Party                                  1174 +/- 222
Orange Free State                                  1202 +/- 250
Oeselians                                          1201 +/- 250
Tamil Tigers                                       1228 +/- 277
ARDUF                                              1213 +/- 262
GMCIR                                              1115 +/- 165
PCIR                                               1115 +/- 165
Ba'athist                                          1115 +/- 165
Naqshbandi Army                                    1115 +/- 165
Anbar tribial militias                             1115 +/- 165
Free Iraqi Army                                    1115 +/- 165
Jihad and Reform Front                             1115 +/- 165
Janjaweed                                          1200 +/- 249
Basmachi                                           1198 +/- 249
Irish Catholic Confederation                       1227 +/- 277
Fascist Italy                                      1141 +/- 192
French Royalists                                   1185 +/- 236
Zimbabwe Rhodesia                                  1223 +/- 274
Republic of Sonora                                 1212 +/- 264
Raymond-Roupen of Antioch                          1201 +/- 253
Kingdom of Cilicia                                 1201 +/- 253
Jacobites                                          1205 +/- 258
Free Aceh Movement                                 1047 +/- 101
Ur                                                 1218 +/- 272
Kingdom of León                                    1213 +/- 267
Nazmiyeh                                           1159 +/- 214
Shahsevans                                         1159 +/- 214
Karamanid                                          1196 +/- 251
Fur tribes                                         1230 +/- 289
Osbat al-Ansar                                     1034 +/- 93
Al-Nusra Front                                     1034 +/- 93
Fatah al-Islam                                     1033 +/- 93
Bondelswarts                                       1206 +/- 265
National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad     1076 +/- 136
Macina Liberation Front                            1076 +/- 136
Jund al-Sham                                       1115 +/- 176
North Kalimantan Communist Party                   1218 +/- 279
Danishmendids                                      1138 +/- 199
Damascus                                           1138 +/- 199
Abdullah Azzam Brigades                            1031 +/- 93
Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation           1083 +/- 144
Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order            1083 +/- 144
Islamic Army of Iraq                               1083 +/- 144
Mahdi Army                                         1083 +/- 144
Special Groups                                     1083 +/- 144
Kingdom of Livonia                                 1193 +/- 255
Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg                        1172 +/- 234
Waziristan                                         1216 +/- 278
Brazilian Government                               1206 +/- 268
County of Blois                                    1209 +/- 273
Grenada                                            1186 +/- 250
Kingdom of Kandy                                   1191 +/- 256
Regency Council                                    1129 +/- 194
Rastakhiz Party                                    1129 +/- 194
Imperial Army                                      1129 +/- 194
Imperial Guard                                     1129 +/- 194
SAVAK                                              1129 +/- 194
Shahrbani                                          1129 +/- 194
Gendarmerie                                        1129 +/- 194
Central Powers                                     1142 +/- 207
...and co-belligerents                             1142 +/- 207
Aden-Abyan Islamic Army                            1186 +/- 252
Alans                                              1146 +/- 213
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan                     1187 +/- 254
Xhosa                                              1201 +/- 269
Romanian volunteers and advisors                   1195 +/- 263
Janissaries                                        1194 +/- 263
Khmer Republic                                     1143 +/- 212
Kingdom of Kongo                                   1187 +/- 256
Nguyễn lords                                       1206 +/- 276
Ptolemaic Egypt                                    1209 +/- 279
Magyars                                            1199 +/- 269
National Revolutionary Army                        1180 +/- 250
Algonquin                                          1153 +/- 224
Ojibwa                                             1153 +/- 224
Shawnee                                            1153 +/- 224
Second Athenian League                             1202 +/- 274
Pipiolos                                           1202 +/- 274
Knights Hospitaller                                1137 +/- 209
GP                                                 1143 +/- 216
RCD                                                1124 +/- 197
RCD-Goma                                           1124 +/- 197
MLC                                                1124 +/- 197
Forces for Renewal                                 1124 +/- 197
Mangal                                             1173 +/- 248
Progressive Socialist Party                        1191 +/- 266
Southern Transitional Council                      1164 +/- 240
Southern Movement                                  1164 +/- 240
Wilayat Barqa                                      1047 +/- 124
Wilayat Sinai                                      1047 +/- 124
Wilayat Khorasan                                   1047 +/- 124
Wilayat Kavkaz                                     1047 +/- 124
Abnaa ul-Calipha                                   1047 +/- 124
al-Nusra Front                                     1047 +/- 124
Khorasan group                                     1047 +/- 124
LCP                                                1162 +/- 240
Gelaohui                                           1196 +/- 274
Loyalists                                          1137 +/- 216
Republic of Liège                                  1224 +/- 302
Flanders                                           1159 +/- 238
Islamic State of Iraq                              1011 +/- 90
SNA                                                1115 +/- 196
Pakistani Taliban                                  1023 +/- 104
House of Nassau                                    1166 +/- 248
Vichy France                                       1104 +/- 187
Lord's Resistance Army                             1185 +/- 269
Kalmar Union                                       1177 +/- 262
Rhodesia                                           1116 +/- 201
Taifa of Majorca                                   1173 +/- 261
Taifa of Lérida                                    1185 +/- 273
Ukrainian Insurgent Army                           1188 +/- 279
Braccio da Montone                                 1180 +/- 271
Bulgarian Communist Party                          1182 +/- 275
Anarchists                                         1182 +/- 275
MOJWA                                              991 +/- 88
Ansar Dine                                         991 +/- 88
Supporting Emperor Rudolph                         1132 +/- 231
Principality of Strasbourg                         1132 +/- 231
Kingdom of Pontus                                  1157 +/- 256
Pequot                                             1161 +/- 262
Supreme Soviet of Russia                           1125 +/- 228
Congress of People's Deputies of Russia            1125 +/- 228
Vice President of Russia                           1125 +/- 228
Duchy of Lorraine                                  1142 +/- 246
Latvian SSR                                        1127 +/- 231
Jund al-Aqsa                                       982 +/- 87
Swiss mercenaries                                  1107 +/- 213
Antigonid dynasty                                  1160 +/- 266
Ansaru                                             978 +/- 87
White Flags                                        1043 +/- 152
United Front for the Liberation of Oppressed Races 1172 +/- 282
Chetniks                                           1176 +/- 287
Filibusters                                        1145 +/- 258
Ingush militia                                     1136 +/- 251
Muaskar Anole                                      1074 +/- 189
Ivan Skoropadsky                                   1129 +/- 245
Academi                                            1104 +/- 221
AQIM                                               969 +/- 86
FNLC                                               1133 +/- 250
Odawa                                              1100 +/- 219
Principality of Wallachia                          1135 +/- 256
Republic of Serbian Krajina                        1141 +/- 266
Republika Srpska                                   1141 +/- 266
Kingdom of Navarre                                 1103 +/- 228
Jamaat-ul-Ahrar                                    957 +/- 83
Principality of Mingrelia                          1104 +/- 230
Caughnawaga Mohawk                                 1080 +/- 207
Huns                                               1110 +/- 238
Tahrir al-Sham                                     951 +/- 84
Amorites                                           1109 +/- 244
Nogai Khanate                                      1041 +/- 177
Almoravids                                         1100 +/- 240
Bulgarian Agrarian National Union                  1122 +/- 264
Others                                             988 +/- 130
Mutayr                                             1074 +/- 217
Caucasus Emirate                                   959 +/- 107
Abenaki                                            1066 +/- 214
Napoleonic Kingdom of Naples                       1045 +/- 194
UPC                                                1024 +/- 173
Military of ISIL                                   995 +/- 145
Cossack Brigade                                    1031 +/- 183
Tutsi                                              1046 +/- 197
PLO                                                1058 +/- 216
Arab Higher Committee                              1056 +/- 220
PfP                                                1021 +/- 185
Islamic Jihad of Yemen                             947 +/- 112
Al-Mourabitoun                                     925 +/- 97
Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin                 965 +/- 145
al-Shabaab                                         925 +/- 109
Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia          960 +/- 157
Ras Kamboni Brigades                               960 +/- 157
Jabhatul Islamiya                                  960 +/- 157
Qajar Iran                                         983 +/- 188
Revolutionary Government of Cibao                  988 +/- 196
Future Movement                                    967 +/- 188
Ansar al-Islam                                     879 +/- 108
Rajah Sulaiman Movement                            885 +/- 118
Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters                875 +/- 116
Jemaah Islamiyah                                   875 +/- 116
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant               861 +/- 144
Islamic Courts Union                               827 +/- 110
Al-Shabaab                                         861 +/- 145
Hizbul Islam                                       822 +/- 109
Kurdish                                            795 +/- 164
Abu Sayyaf                                         710 +/- 93
Islamic State                                      702 +/- 112
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That's a lot of numbers and no explanation. I think this post doesn't warrant a ban from the site, but isn't good, so I'm going to vote it towards zero; in other words, if others downvote it past zero I will reverse my vote.

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