How can I maximise my chances of having a decent life, given the very high likelihood that GAI will make all our intellectual labour useless in the next few years?
For example, I graduated from a good university a few years ago and am working as a software engineer in a multinational company, but my capabilities are middling at best. I am distressed that I will likely not be able to afford a house in the few years left before GAI renders me unable to afford a living. I am not a genius; it is very unlikely that I can join an AI research company and contribute meaningfully to AI research.
Assuming I have a small amount of money (100-200k) I can set aside, should I attempt to, for example, invest in companies that will likely be able to monetise GAI?
Or is there something else I should be doing to prepare for the time I have basically zero human capital?
Should I attempt to move to (and get citizenship from) a country with a larger amount of natural resources, assuming that human capital will become worthless quickly?
Is it reasonable to find potential outs (e.g. physician-assisted death) in case we cannot earn a living (and if unfriendly AI is basically confirmed)?
I bought index funds. I would say it has the advantage of being robust to AGI not happening, but with birth rates as they are I am not so sure that's true! If we survive, Hanson's economic growth calculations predict the economy will start doubling every few months. Provided the stock market can capture some of this, I guess learning how to live on very little (you really want to avoid burning your capital in this future, so should live as modestly as possible both so you can acquire capital and so you can use as little as possible until the market prices in such insane growth) and putting everything in index funds should be fine with even modest amounts of invested capital. However, I doubt property rights will be respected.