Over the last year, VincentYu, gwern and others have provided many papers for the LessWrong community (87% success rate in 2012) through previous help desk threads. We originally intended to provide editing, research and general troubleshooting help, but article downloads are by far the most requested service.
If you're doing a LessWrong relevant project we want to help you. If you need help accessing a journal article or academic book chapter, we can get it for you. If you need some research or writing help, we can help there too.
Turnaround times for articles published in the last 20 years or so is usually less than a day. Older articles often take a couple days.
Please make new article requests in the comment section of this thread.
If you would like to help out with finding papers, please monitor this thread for requests. If you want to monitor via RSS like I do, many RSS readers will give you the comment feed if you give it the URL for this thread (or use this link directly).
If you have some special skills you want to volunteer, mention them in the comment section.
I'll be visiting the Library of Congress next week for one day. Let me know here if there's anything in particular you might want me to look at or scan there.
To keep this manageable, I'll only accept requests that appear difficult to obtain elsewhere. If it looks like you can get what you want via interlibrary loan, try that rather than asking me. If you are not affiliated with a university then I'd recommend talking to a librarian at a public library about this. Seems many public libraries will do interlibrary loan for free or a fee.
Likely I'll make a second trip to the Library of Congress in August, too.
Visited the Library of Congress this past Wednesday. I'll be going to the Library of Congress several times this summer, so reply to one of my comments here if you want anything in particular at the Library of Congress.
It was a fairly productive day, as I think I've found a good strategy for avoiding the phone book people at the scanner. For some reason, there's often a ton of people who do nothing other than look at old phone books. I assume this is for some sort of private investigator business or something along those lines. I never asked. Anyway, they ... (read more)