Over the last year, VincentYu, gwern and others have provided many papers for the LessWrong community (87% success rate in 2012) through previous help desk threads. We originally intended to provide editing, research and general troubleshooting help, but article downloads are by far the most requested service.
If you're doing a LessWrong relevant project we want to help you. If you need help accessing a journal article or academic book chapter, we can get it for you. If you need some research or writing help, we can help there too.
Turnaround times for articles published in the last 20 years or so is usually less than a day. Older articles often take a couple days.
Please make new article requests in the comment section of this thread.
If you would like to help out with finding papers, please monitor this thread for requests. If you want to monitor via RSS like I do, many RSS readers will give you the comment feed if you give it the URL for this thread (or use this link directly).
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Citation: Богданович И. И. Влияние подготовки топлива в форсунке на тонкость распыла. Дисс. канд. техн.наук. М., 1948, 136 с. (Bogdanovich I. I. Influence of fuel preparation in the nozzle on the spray fineness. Diss. cand. Technical Sciences. Moscow, 1948, 136 pp.)
library URL: http://search.rsl.ru/en/record/01000176055
Old Russian dissertation. As far as I can tell, this is only available at the Russian State Library. If anyone could visit that library and scan the dissertation, I'd be appreciative.
I'd be more than willing to fulfill a similar request of anyone who could visit this library and get a good quality scan.
What I have tried: Google, Worldcat, Libgen, and other search engines have not returned this dissertation. My university interlibrary loan office participates in a special program to obtain foreign dissertations (usually on microfilm). They were unable to get a copy of this. I have also tried purchasing this dissertation on disserCat, but there is no scan of the dissertation available at present, so it is not for sale. I also emailed another Russian website which claimed to be able to sell the dissertation, but I never received a reply.
See also:
My personal website's list of papers I can't find
Libgen forum
Got this from a website that sells copies of Russian dissertations.
I definitely pulled out all the stops on this dissertation, and learned a fair amount in the process. If you're not living in Russia, and looking for a Russian dissertation, I would be a good person to contact. I can't get you the dissertation but I can put you in contact with people who can.