- Stackoverflow for programming
- Perhaps UpToDate for medical stuff (but I'm not a doctor so I'm not sure)
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy for accessible but rigorous summaries of the philosophical literature on a given topic (though again I'm not an expert on this)
- Even something most people here might take for granted but a lot of people in general wouldn't-- for questions that academics would research, going to Google Scholar and searching "x meta-analysis"
It seems like one big difference between someone totally unfamiliar with a given field/skill and someone familiar with it is just that the person familiar with it knows a really good (/the best) place (website, forum, potentially even a reference book etc) to look for answers about it.
It seems like simply learning where to look for answers about a given thing gives an instant boost, so I thought I'd ask people to share what the equivalents are for fields/topics that they have inside knowledge of. Doesn't have to be just academic fields, and sources don't have to be websites, it could be "call your local x, they'll have that info right on hand and are actually happy to take calls from the public".
This is obviously in the spirit of the classic The Best Textbooks on Every Subject, but where that aims to answer what you should read when you want to start learning all about a given field in general, here I'm asking where you should go when you have a more specific one-off thing you want answers on.
(I don't remember seeing a post like this before and didn't see one in a quick search, but if someone's aware of one and I'm doubling up let me know!)
In your answer say what topic/field/skill it's about, what 'place to look' you're suggesting, and what your suggestion is based on (e.g. "I've been a GP for 5 years and this is what all the GPs I know use when they have a medical question", or "I'm not an expert but I've personally found this useful").
Good for any particular topic or just in general?