Airedale and I will host a meetup this Sunday, starting 5 pm, in the Elephant & Castle Pub and Restaurant on 111 West Adams Street. We'll put up a sign saying "LessWrong".

We're open to changing the time or venue, so check back here to be sure, or join our Google Group for future updates. Having the meetup in the Loop seemed the best compromise, but we haven't tried this particular venue before and maybe someone has a better idea.

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This meetup was a good time. It was nice to meet everyone, and I'll certainly make it to the next one.


Yes, great conversation. Great meeting everyone.

I'm coming from Madison. Would it be possible to move the meetup north to a part of the city that has more reasonable parking? (Not essential, just more convenient for me.)

We chose the Loop area for this meet-up because we hoped that residents from both Hyde Park and the North Side (as well as elsewhere) could meet kinda in the middle. If it turns out that no one from Hyde Park is coming, perhaps we could move it a bit further north. Steven and I are coming by train into Union Station, as is, I believe, multifoliaterose, so the Loop is pretty convenient for us. But if the consensus is that further north is more convenient, we are happy to move it. Do any other attendees want to chime in?

I'm coming by train into Union Station but will have plenty of time to travel elsewhere if convenient for others.

I'll be out of town a bit over the weekend, but I might be able to get back by then.

Drat. I'll have to skip out on account of illness.