The Guild of the R.O.S.E. is an organization dedicated to improving the world, created by rationalists, for rationalists. We provide a support structure of a small Cohort for you to join, and a wider Guild to learn from.

As a member you will attend weekly classes using a flipped classroom model, in which readings and lectures are attended to asynchronously, while the class is hands-on activities and discussion. There will also be competitions with other Cohorts, and other extracurricular activities such as raising money for charity and Fermi Estimation challenges.

Our first Beta session will take place on September 1st. Our courses will begin with a series of classes on ‘Quantified Self-Assessment’, ‘Practical Decision Theory’, ‘Context and Communication’, and ‘Practical Social Networking’. Most future courses will broadly fall under the skills of Communication, Critical Thinking, and Meta-Skills (how to most effectively acquire skills).

Unlike the Alpha phase of the “Guild of Servants” (our previous moniker), the Beta phase has no set end date. We will continue the classes until we stress test the limits of our resources to our satisfaction. In addition to the application process on our website, accepted attendees will be contacted regarding a modest monthly fee for Guild Dues on Patreon.

If you are ready to join a community of people striving to help each other bloom, join the ROSE today at We are also holding a public online mixer on August 28th.


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This looks awesome! Would love to chat about being involved in some way.

I recommend checking the website and joining the Discord as a first step to get in contact with the group.