A core tenet of Bayesianism is that probability is in the mind. But it seems to me that even hardcore Bayesians can waffle a bit when it comes to the possibility that quantum probabilities are irreducible physical probabilities.
I don’t know enough about quantum physics to lay things out in any detailed disagreement, but it seems to me that if one finds a system that one cannot consistently make predictions for, it means we lack the knowledge to predict the systems, not that the system involves physical, outside-the-mind probabilities. For example, I could never predict the exact pattern of raindrops the next time it rains, but no one argues that that means those probabilities are therefore physical.
What is the Bayesian argument, if one exists, for why quantum dynamics breaks the “probability is in the mind” philosophy?
Ahh. The correlations being dependent on inputs, but things appearing random to Alice and Bob, does seem trickier than whatever I was imaginining was meant by quantum randomness/uncertainty. Don't fully have my head around it yet, but this difference seems important. Thanks!