Thanks for posting this.
A note: Several of the links you posted aren't valid. "Measuring a qubit", "Why unitaries are the only matrices which preserve length", "Superdense coding: how to send two bits using one qubit", "Preparing the Bell state"
There's something weird going on with the links, but I'm starting to think the problem may be Firefox's, not yours. Sometimes they point correctly, sometimes they link back to this page.
This is excellent. Thank you for beginning with the basics.
One confusion. I'm only three videos in and you have suggested the mediums that could carry quantum information, but not how that information is produced in those mediums, read from those mediums, or stored.
That's what a superposition is! Finally!
It's been driving me up the wall that most descriptions of quantum computing really consist of 8-9 loosely related paragraphs followed by a reference to computational speed and super encryption.
Author: Michael Nielsen
The basics
Superdense coding
Quantum teleportation
The postulates of quantum mechanics (TBC)