Once upon a time, in ye olden days of strange names and before google maps, seven friends needed to figure out a driving route from their parking lot in San Francisco (SF) down south to their hotel in Los Angeles (LA).
The first friend, Alice, tackled the “central bottleneck” of the problem: she figured out that they probably wanted to take the I-5 highway most of the way (the blue 5’s in the map above). But it took Alice a little while to figure that out, so in the meantime, the rest of the friends each tried to make some small marginal progress on the route planning.
The second friend, The Subproblem Solver, decided to find a route from Monterey to San Louis Obispo (SLO), figuring that SLO is much closer to LA than Monterey is, so a route from Monterey to SLO would be helpful. Alas, once Alice had figured out that they should take I-5, all The Subproblem Solver’s work was completely useless, because I-5 dodges the whole Monterey-to-SLO area entirely.
The third friend, The Forward Chainer, started from the parking lot in San Francisco and looked for a route which would generally just go south and a little east, toward LA, whenever possible. Alas, once Alice figured out that they should take I-5, The Forward Chainer’s work was completely useless, because it turned out that the fastest strategy was to head east from San Francisco (toward I-5), rather than south.
The fourth friend, The Backward Chainer, started from their hotel in LA and looked for a route which would generally just go north and a little west, toward San Francisco. Alas, this turned out to be completely useless in much the same way as The Forward Chainer’s work… though by dumb luck it was a “near miss”, in some sense, as only a few routes looked better than the I-5 by The Backward Chainer’s “go north and west from hotel” criterion.
The fifth friend, The Very General Helper, bought snacks for the trip. Snacks are great no matter the route. Everybody likes The Very General Helper, she’s great.
The sixth friend, The Clever One, realized that they’d probably need to stop for gas along the way, so she found a gas station about halfway between SF and LA. It was in Paso Robles, near the coast. Alas, once Alice figured out that they should take I-5, The Clever One’s work was also completely useless. The friends just found a different gas station on I-5 rather than make a detour all the way out to Paso Robles.
The seventh friend, The One Who Actually Thought This Through A Bit, realized upfront that once Alice figured out the main route, it would totally change all the subproblems her friends were tackling. So, she squinted at a map a bit, trying to figure out if there was any particular subproblem which would predictably generalize - a subproblem which would be useful to solve for any (or at least most) plausible choices made by Alice, without having to know in advance what main route Alice would go with. And she realized that the mountains just north of LA only had a couple easy passes through them - one for I-5, and another out by the coast (route 1). So, she tried to figure out routes from both I-5 and route 1 to their hotel in LA. Her work turned out to be useful: as soon as Alice figured out that they needed to take I-5 most of the way, The One Who Actually Thought This Through A Bit promptly offered a route from I-5 to their hotel in LA.
The Generalizable Lesson
Making marginal progress on a problem, i.e. tackling a non-bottlenecking subproblem, has a hidden extra requirement: a solution must generalize to work well with the whole wide class of possible solutions to other subproblems (especially the main bottleneck).
When tackling the bottleneck itself, one does not need to worry as much about this generalization requirement. Why? Well, the whole point of a “bottleneck” is that it’s the main hard/costly part; we’re perfectly happy to make other subproblems more difficult (on the margin) in exchange for solving the main bottleneck. So if a solution to the main bottleneck plays poorly with solutions to other subproblems, whatever, it’s cheaper to go find new solutions to those other subproblems than a new solution to the bottleneck.
But when solving a non-bottleneck problem, we have no such “out”. Solutions to our subproblem must generalize enough to work with solutions to other subproblems. And that’s a pretty tricky constraint, when we don’t already know how to solve the main bottleneck(s).
Application: <Your Research Field>
So let’s say you’re working on <your research field here>[1]. You don’t fancy yourself one of the greatest minds in the field, you’re just trying to make a marginal contribution.
… alas, in this specific way your challenge is actually harder than solving the big hard central problems. Because your marginal contribution needs to be sufficiently generalizable to play well with whatever techniques are ultimately used to solve the big hard central problems… and you have no idea what those techniques might be. Indeed, probably one of the main reasons you’re aiming for a marginal contribution in the first place is to avoid needing to worry about those big hard central problems.
So you have basically two options, corresponding to The Very General Helper and The One Who Actually Thought This Through A Bit in the parable above.
- The Very General Helper strategy: find a way to contribute which will be helpful no matter how the big hard central problems are solved. Remember that big hard problems are often solved in Weird Ways totally orthogonal to anything you ever considered, so your contribution had better be very robustly generalizably valuable.
- The One Who Actually Thought This Through A Bit strategy: think through the big hard central problems enough to find some predictable aspect of them, some particular subproblem which will come up no matter how the big hard central problems are solved. Again, remember that big hard problems are often solved in Weird Ways totally orthogonal to anything you ever considered, so you better be very sure your subproblem will robustly and generalizably show up as a subproblem of any solution to the big hard central problems.
Notice the theme in both of these: robust generalization. If you do not choose robustly generalizable subproblems and find robustly generalizable solutions to them, then most likely, your contribution will not be small; it will be completely worthless. Once the bottleneck problems are sorted out, the problem will predictably look very different, because that’s what happens when a bottleneck is handled; your subproblem and solution need to generalize to that very different scenario in order to actually be useful.
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Ok, fine, it's AI alignment/safety.
Or, as Orwell would prefer, "typically interact trivially".