I've noticed that there has recently been a lot of interest in spirituality, ritual and meaning within the rationality community. I could highlight the discussions of Jordan Peterson (SSC, SSC Follow Up, Put A Num On It), Valentine's recent posts (Fake Frameworks, Kensho, The Intelligent Social Web, Mythic Mode, Kaj Sotala's Response), discussions on Meditation (Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, Gupta on Enlightenment, Five Years After Starting Mindfulness Meditation) and a few others (Funeral Ritual, Open-Source Monasticism). I thought I would encourage this trend making this post as this seems like an interesting direction for exploration and I suspect more progress occurs when multiple people develop an interest in a topic at the same time than when they all explore individual directions.
This is an open thread, so you can post whatever you want about this topic, but here's a few possible discussion directions:
- Have you made any attempt to explore any kind of spirituality in the broadest sense? If so, what have you learned?
- In the past, attempts to engage with post-rationality didn't seem to be particularly successful. Perhaps now is a better time?
- What are the core rationality posts or resources on this topic? What are some resources from outside the rationality community that we may find helpful?
(I'm too lazy, but the links above could form the basis of a Wiki post)
I've been meditating since I was about 19, and before I came across rationality / effective altruism. There is quite a bit of overlap between the sets of things I've been able to learn from both schools of thought, but I think there are still a lot of very useful (possibly even necessary) things that can only be learned from meditative practices right now. This is not because rationality is inherently incapable of learning the same things, but because within rationality it would take very strong and well developed theories, perhaps developed through large scale empirical observations of human behavior, to come to the same conclusions. On the other hand, with meditation a lot of these same conclusions are just "obvious."
Most of these things have to do with subtle issues of psychology, particularly with values and morality. For example, before I began meditating, I generally believed that:
After having meditated for a long time, many of these beliefs were eradicated. Right now it seems more likely that:
If it turns out that meditating has given me better self-reflective capabilities, and the things I've observed are accurate, then this has some pretty far-reaching implications. If I'm not extremely atypical, then most people are probably very blind to their own intrinsic values. This is a worrying prospect for the long-term efficacy of effective altruism.
Hopefully this isn't too controversial to say, but it seems to me like a lot of the main currents within EA are operating more-or-less along the lines of my prior-to-meditating beliefs. Here I'm thinking about the type of ethics where you are encouraged to maximize your altruistic output. Things like, "earn to give", "choose only the career that maximizes your ability to be altruistic", "donate as much of your time and energy as you can to being altruistic", etc. Of course EA thought is very diverse, so this doesn't represent all of it. But the way that my values currently seem structured, it's probably unrealistic that I could actually fulfill these, unless I experienced an abnormally large amount of happiness for each altruistic act that outweighed most of my other values. It's of course possible that I'm unusually selfish or even a sociopath, but my prior on that is very low.
On the other hand, if my values really are malleable, and it is possible to influence those values, then it makes sense for me to spend a lot of time deciding how that process should proceed. This is only possible because my values are inconsistent. If they were consistent, it would be against my values to change them, but it seems that once a set of values is inconsistent, it could actually make sense to try to alter them. And meditation might turn out to be one of the ways to make these kind of changes to your own mind.