Mezik and I got talking this week and figured that being in an town with a major engineering program we might have enough less wrongians to begin a useful meet-up group. So we're making one happen.

Meet at 4pm at the USU Library If the weather is nice we will be outside of the cafe, otherwise we will head inside.

I'm drawing a bit of a blank as to what to do, but if we have enough people we will plan on playing paranoid debate.

What are some good question types for use in paranoid debate?

Edit: added a few tags. and question about good topics for paranoid debate.

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How did the meetup go? Did you play any paranoid debate? Even more specifically, did you find the scoring code helpful? If there's any simple way to make the code more helpful that I'd like to hear about it :-)

We met up on the 18th, and Mezik, and I and a few friends who were interested spent the afternoon talking about spaceflight, and the likely hood of us living to be able to visit other planets. With only three of us there for the meetup not much happens, but we are planning another one for next month, and will keep holding them so they become a regular event on campus.

Edit: Removed my previous reply and reported on the events of the meetup.

Would there be any interest in holding these further south? I'm in downtown SLC, without a car, but am otherwise interested.

Did anything wind up happening with this?

I would be interested in that as well. I live in Cottonwood Heights, which isn't TOO far a drive. In fact, I'm in the middle of making a meetup right now... Does Marriott Library @ UofU on a Sunday sound good?

Salt Lake is quite a drive for me, but I can try and make it down for one.

What are the chances we can find a place mid way between SLC/Logan to get a meetup until we can grow things enough to need two seperate groups, maybe somewhere between layton and ogden.

(contemplates drive)

We'd have to get into the habit of REALLY making these meetups count. I don't think I can justify an hour drive just to geek out over a couple of blog posts and the latest chapter of HPMoR. Once or twice maybe, just because I'm really sick of not being able to talk about this stuff without bending over backwards to cross inferential differences, but I don't trust that motivation to last very long.

I know Atheists of Utah already meets on Sundays in Ogden, at someplace called Grounds for Coffee. I'd never considered going to that before because of the drive, but it may be worth looking into if we're in the area.