Hey downvoters! Did you read the article at the link? What specifically you do not like? Leave comments with your opinion, don't be shy, I'm interested in your mode of thinking.
I have not voted on this article, which has just come to my attention, but the flaw that leaps out at me is not in the material that you cite but the trite lesson you draw from it:
Be just a little bit less rational and more human, really. Listen to your grandma. Go play football.
Other commentators have had far more substantial things to say.
From the promptly deleted webpage at the Sequoia who proud to be "partners for the long term" with all backed by them companies, which page has been saved by all-remembering web.archive.org.
Read the story, it's interesting, no wonder they deleted it.
There is a difference between one die roll of 1,000 and 1,000 rolls of 1 and the corresponding difference in the probability of survival.
I'm even not sure there is a fraud. It could be just stupidity and overconfidence of person who see himself as very rational actor. Just read this:
Very rational indeed. So much time is saved, and time is money, right?
Be just a little bit less rational and more human, really. Listen to your grandma. Go play football.
It will pay off.