You might want to mention your timezone. I'd be available in ~7 hours, which is "tonight" my time, as long as the medium is text-only. Self-diagnosed Aspie, but the research says that's about as accurate as a formal diagnosis these days :)
I will be free around 6pm your time. No autism or Asperger's.
Edit: whoops, missed the day. Well, I hope that worked out for you.
Update 4: Thanks to all who attended. Good discussion.
Update 3: Meeting is at Join channel youonlylivetwice. I'm there now. Will try to start by 7pm, but if we get enough we might start early.
Update 2: Meeting is tonight (Aug 18). See my comment below if you plan to attend.
Update 1: I'm in Pacific time zone (UTC - 7 hours).
In the next few days, I have to make a decision that will affect the rest of my life. I want to find Third Alternatives and go over my thinking on solutions already proposed.
I need your help.
I would post here if I could, but it’s just too private, and I don’t have the consent of everyone involved. So I would like to convene a working group.
I propose we meet either tonight or tomorrow. (Right now, I'm thinking IRC, but I am open to suggestions on that.) I will try to keep things short. I wish there was more time, but time is precisely what I don’t have.
If you can help, please reply below in the comments or message me privately. I would like at least one participant to be an individual with a diagnosis of Asperger’s or autism.