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This divine interconnectedness, unconscious, subconscious, is quite plastic; impressionable. Every thought, and word spoken imprints this energy into its all encompassing fabric. This fabric is one of the ethereal, astral, realm, where we go when we sleep; the dream world. The act of conscious and unconscious manifestation through speech, thought, prayer begin in this realm; derived from. This may be likened to the "athlete's mindset", a delusional confidence, sometimes a projected arrogance parallels *your* reality with that of this often utopic variation. It is through this notion that the act of affirmation dwells through channels; thoughts articulated and not. Repetition instills and helps mold the subset-ted fabric in front of your eyes, that encourage this act in subconscious variety further, through the witness of habits created and acted on by, in part, the brain. Hypnotic, almost. What we call reality is subjective to the individual, I speculate it may be impartial to *all* external penetration, from others' minds, so or not so dissimilar to that of our own. Further speculation brings with it the seemingly utter chaos that is *everyone's* mind penetrates the ethereal fabric through conscious and subconscious manifestation. How would the universe simultaneously conspire in *your* favor, and others? Would there not be crossover interference? Perhaps the solution may be that of a projected reality. All people and going-ons are the manifestation and creation of your mind. That which you in some way choose before entering this world, or reality. I find if you ponder on a thing long enough, its appearance shapes differently, physically or otherwise. There exists an agreeableness to the self in all things, it may be seeked and not found, at least initially noticeably; it seeps into oneself until oneself becomes wary that it is he who creates his reality, *and perhaps that of others; though by this thought you would be entirely, maybe universally unique, one of one.*
Is reality *entirely* individual, or does chaos harmonize in a way we perhaps do not understand?
Maybe a harmony, a game. Each exists independently, and every intertwines with others games in different roles.
Chaos interests me. Thinking about chaos interests me. What interests me is the interplay between interruptive thoughts; in other words, intrusive, random, spontaneous, intuition, and ones awareness and ability to discern a thought of this, or one cultivated originally, organically, consciously, out of ones own mind. The former is chaos, the latter defines the opposite; utter awareness of self, and otherwise. I wonder if this is very hard to achieve.... perfect?
When two souls chaos' intersect, the harmony of their interaction varies based on the level of chaos inflected by each ones psyche unto another. Chaos may at some level be cultivated or, perhaps, created, by the ego. The ego may represent ones undoings and the home of many wrongdoings. This I suppose is if it does not harmonize with the vibration of your soul. They then, perhaps, could be two entirely different entities. Perhaps metaphors and stories try to personify these concepts time and time again through scripture and imagery across cultures. Perhaps they are beings who dwell in the ether; perhaps waiting for us to die, expectedly or un. I read the ether is the immediate plane of existence above us, where low level entities prevail and reside. They may influence us if our aura is permeable or weak, perhaps especially when in a dream state. The lowest chakra, the color red, sexual/sensuality, lust.
When our aura is impermeable, we tend to gravitate toward the highest; the one.
How, in this reality, does the intertwining of souls manifest in the material realm?
Synchronicities may make sense only to oneself. Patterns in numbers, or seeing the same people or events under different circumstances, repeatedly. This strengthens an argument in favor of a subjective reality. Every one thing external may represent, in physical metaphor or subconscious manifestation, a reflection of thought or ones current attitude/mental state. Moment to moment, our environment shifts as with our mind, if one is relatively clairvoyant, one can become aware that himself alone manipulates reality, thus allows the beginning of spiritual enlightenment, and subsequently things of and in this nature.
I read about a method to deeper delve into and thus expand your imagination. Looking at a photograph, and putting oneself into it. Then manipulate your environment as you dwell mentally in this photograph; allow your imagination to dominate your conscious entirely, become swallowed. The deserver expects that they cannot retreat into themselves because they feel restricted. perhaps by an individual greatly familiar with their psyche.
Perhaps it is rare now that one may see an outside of the blackness. The collective blackness created through the also collective unconscious; the scape of mind, where un each mind contributes its darkness to the larger tapestry encompassing everything, yet seemingly often giving back nothing. Holes we get pulled into through the act of satiation; feeding the desire that hath many branches; curiosity, lust, greed.... this sub-awareness we can think of as the start of a tear, exposing, initially, a particular blackness to the conscious mind. When one achieves what many call "enlightenment", does desire end? How many beginnings of how many "things" does desire spawn? Most, perhaps. On chaos, It is supposed this is inherently random, hence the name. It may take a discerning mind to, as such, discern purpose across multiplicities of events or moments throughout one's lifetime.
As above, so below. The viewpoint one splays in discussing a thought can be cast unto the big and small picture. When one is consciously discussing thoughts on traffic, and how disapproving they are of those who do not obey traffic laws, you may apply such philosophy to their outlook on life as a whole, or in part.