I try to do this; but what I've found is that, when trying to self-study difficult material, I often get wedged early on with bits that I just can't understand or match against my model. Perhaps that's a sign that I should start simpler, but often it's not clear what the simpler thing I should start with is.
(Some friends and I once did a reading group of Griffiths' /Introduction to Elementary Particles/. We were, IIRC, a mixture of CS/Math/Physics, but no graduate-level physics, which is I think who the text is targeted at. We learned a lot, but also failed to grok a lot. It wasn't really clear what simpler thing we should step back to.)
This is a book for undergraduates, and it's a good thing that you didn't grok much. It's kind of like an intro chemistry book. If you really want to understand chemistry you need quantum mechanics, but it's a bad idea to start (most) chemistry students off with Schrodinger's equation. If you want to grok particle physics you need QFT, which is among the most difficult subjects. If a non-QFT person tells you that they read Griffiths' particles book and understood it all then they don't know what it means to understand something.
Some excellent advice there. I'm surprised spaced repetition isn't mentioned although that's more a question of when to study rather than how to study. I also liked point 2 - Its incredibly useful in biology which is composed of processes. Envisioning the biological process taking place is much easier than memorizing each step.
I would add that mindset is important. The goal in studying is to learn something - to end your studying session knowing more than you did before. Hence my general strategy is to try to figure out what I don't quite understand and then if I can't figure it out then I seek help. If I come across something that doesn't make complete sense, I will pause and ask myself : "so how does this work?"
If you're not challenging yourself, then you're not studying. Skimming over notes while nodding your head isn't studying. Looking over problem set answers and nodding when you understand and thinking "I would have never come up with that" when you don't understand is not studying. Selectively looking over things you already understand isn't studying.
Having said all of that, there seems to be an implicit assumption that top students do well because of how they study. I have no doubt that good studying habits help, but intelligence is also very important: From my experience good studying has raised my grades by 2/3 on average (for example from a B to a A-). Copying the studying habits of the best MIT student will not get you the same grades - that is an unrealistic expectation.
I found this Quora discussion very informative.
The author lists 8 other criteria, but this one had the biggest "light bulb" moment for me.
It was interesting to me because I intuitively would use this technique while listening/taking notes during lectures. But I never actually made a conscious decision to apply this consistently in all of my classes; it would only happen in classes I was interested in.