Discussion article for the meetup : Research Triangle Less Wrong Meetup
Location: Caribou Coffee, 1406 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC
Agenda: The game of Nomic. Rational discussion.
Join the mailing list! http://groups.google.com/group/RTLW
Location: Caribou Coffee, 1406 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC
Agenda: The game of Nomic. Rational discussion.
Join the mailing list! http://groups.google.com/group/RTLW
I'm going to be out of town this week, but I'm pretty sure curiousepic will be there. Does anyone else want to commit to being there?
Aha, the link works! Didn't realize it had been fixed until just now.
I am committing to be at the meetup, and I believe my partner (not a LW member, but he came with me to the June Wed meetup) will most likely be there as well.
Is it possible for you to pick up Alicorn and Ade? The venue being so close to me, it feels like the location's benefit would be wasted if I went to Durham and back! hwc or I could definitely taxi the next meetings that would be closer to Raleigh.
I'm going to be out of town this week, but I'm pretty sure curiousepic will be there. Does anyone else want to commit to being there?
Sound like I'm missing a good meeting. Instead I was at a party with scientists.