In Luke's recent post on what sort of posts we would like to see more of, one suggestion was "Open Thread: Math". This suggestion has been voted up by (at least) 12 people. Since it's going to take me less than 2 minutes to type this post, I figured I might as well just go ahead and post the thread, rather than vote up the suggestion.
So, this is an open thread on mathematics. As things stand, I have no idea what the rules should be (I don't know what the people who voted up the post suggestion expected the rules to be), but I guess the general principle should be that we have maths questions which are vaguely related to LW-type ideas, as there are plenty of more appropriate fora for general mathematical discussion already out there.
I'd had a "Computer science for electrical engineers" course in school, which discussed data structures and algorithms from a high level (the usual sorting algorithm discussion, implementing a linked list, that kind of thing), but nothing too in-depth. I've had various experience in programming before PE.
In solving PE problems I've mostly used Wikipedia and Mathworld for research, and sometimes I'll Google for lecture notes on a relevant topic.
I've used the Python skills I've picked up from PE in my job already. I think I could function in a more programming-oriented job now, though solving math problems doesn't give you much help in hooking into existing APIs or writing web services, which are probably pretty important.