CW: Possible infohazards, definitely discussion of infohazards.
EDIT 25 Feb 2023: This post has more details and corrects some things this post got wrong. Consider it as superseding this post.
I was writing a comment on this post, and I was going to end it with this... but then decided to turn it into a full Question Post.
The post basically says something like "being in intense emotional doomer mode w.r.t. AI safety is counterproductive and addictive", which is broadly agreeable. However, the post also has a framing (my kinda uncharitable but also defensible reading) that's something like "this is caused by mind-virus stuff and you're trapped in the matrix and you need to go cold-turkey on caring emotionally about it, also if you disagree you are mindkilled. Go take a deep breath, then come back and agree with me".
So I was gonna write a comment like:
"Also like Richard_Ngo said, this framing seems kinda... bad. I don't think this is a direct inspiration for you, but [word phrase chunks to somehow relate the central themes/vibes to] posts by Ziz, and Scott Alexander's response to somebody else talking about CFAR and Michael Vassar (and Levarage?).
Someday I hope to write an extremely long thorough post (and possibly accompanying video essay?) about the whole Ziz/memetic-virus/hemispheres/alleged-conspiracies thing. It will both chronicle The Gigantic Drama and also respond to... Ziz's... entire worldview? Something like that. However, this project by nature would be extremely labor-intensive, and it's not my top priority. (Perhaps someone else wants to pick it up?)"
Then I realized it should be a post.
What are you talking about? (The Actual Backstory)
CFAR. Conspiracy theories. Mental illness. Using different hemispheres of your brain as if they were different people. Tumblr blogs. mumble mumble Nick Land mumble meme-virus. Michael Vassar. Possibly multiple suicides, including maybe Ziz.
"That's not a post idea! That's a list of keywords, some with emotional connotations!"
There are ideas in here, but they are tied to a gigantic ideology, known to very few. There are events in here, but they are jumbled out of order, and accounts conflict. There are people in here, and some of them are even important in the rationality community.
Maybe it's masochistic epistemology, maybe it's the social brain flaring up... but I kinda care about ideas that would "hurt" if true (modulo That One Litany About Not Worrying About That). I've seen other ideas where it seems wrong but I haven't seen a comprehensive definitive examination of it, on LessWrong specifically, written by someone who's read and likes The Sequences. Plus, I don't prioritize it enough to think it through all the way myself. (Related to working memory / ADHD: literally forgetting counter/arguments that might be relevant to a given sub-argument.)
I feel this with a few ideas: disagreement, but with a nagging sense that it's true and I should just devote my life to it already, coupled with lack of satisfactory counterarguments. The labor theory of value, and "exploitation theory" as a whole. Full-throated anarchism. Veganism, before I switched from vegetarian to full-vegan. Any vaguely leftist reddit comment, if righteously angry enough. "Eat the rich", before I developed a system of interlocking beliefs about why that's bad, actually, which I see shockingly few people go in-depth about. (I'll write more on that someday, but the answer involves mental health and increasing the moral circle to include sociopaths.)
And now, the Ziz worldview. Which among other things,seems to say that (CONTENT WARNING: THIS IS THE PART WITH THE INFOHAZARD) we should create Roko's-Basilisk-style simulated torture for people doing bad things now.
Should I agree with this, like I eventually did for going vegan? Or should I disagree, like I've done for leftist calls for violence against the rich?
And also, what did happen to all those people in the story? In real life, I mean. Are they okay? Should I change who I trust about rationality community matters? Are some of these things basically unrelated except by "vibe", or are they linked by something substantial?
Call to Action
Who wants to write this post? Who should write this post? In my head, it'd be someone who's both respected in the community, but somehow also an unbiased outsider who can find the truth without being caught up in politics, who also has lots of free time and some academic-level research ability, who is also good at the art of rationality in terms of actually engaging with the ideas involved.
(No, I'm not "subtweeting" anyone in particular. I really don't know who, if anyone, fits this description. Also I hate subtweeting. (Okay, and social reality in general, but still.).)
If you volunteer to write, DM me and I can send you lots of links (to things I haven't fully read) and extremely rough notes.
(While researching this, I found this webpage, which seeeems close-ish to what I want, but lacks some of the extra community backgroudn details that, depending on your POV, are either extraneous or fascinating, or even needed! So this post is also a referendum on what LW thinks of that post.)
So... what is to be done? Who should write it? Should it be written? What should be written?
I can't vouch for this, but it sure seems interesting:
Back in the days of High Rationalitlsm, it was very much believed that rationality would make people hugely more effective...yet there was no screening of who these dangerous secrets were taught to.