If you've updated your belief about something you think is worth noting, post it here.
- It doesn't have to be a full blown "mind change", just an incremental update to your beliefs.
- I'm thinking it'd be good to have a low bar for what is "worth noting". Even if it's something trivial, I figure that the act of discussing updates itself is beneficial. For rationality practice, and for fun!
- That said, I also expect that browsing through updates that other people on LessWrong make will lead to readers making similar updates themselves a decent amount of the time.
- I've been developing a strong opinion that journaling and self-reflection in general is incredibly useful. Significantly underrated even among those that preach it. This thread is a way to perform such journaling and self-reflection.
Decent shift away from thinking that knowledge of algorithms and data structures is likely to matter in programming.
I read Vue.js Creator Evan You Interview this morning. This stuck out to me:
I would have expected front-end frameworks to require a good deal of algorithm intensiveness. I'm not sure exactly how to update on this evidence.
To take a simplistic approach, I'm thinking about it like this. Imagine a spectrum of how "complicated" an app is. On one end are complicated apps that require a lot of algorithmic intensiveness, and on the other are simple apps that don't. I see front-end frameworks as being at maybe the 80th percentile in complexity, and so hearing that they don't actually require algorithmic intensiveness makes me feel like things in the ballpark of the 80th percentile all drop off somewhat.
Huh, my sense is that it's usually the opposite. "Complicated" domains aren't very amenable to algorithmic solutions, and are just lots of messy special-cases with no easily-embeddable structure. And "simple" domains are ones where you can make a lot of progress with nice algorithms, because they actually have some embeddable structure you care about.