If Evolution was allowed to continue undisturbed, it could, conceivably, one day, produce a pure inclusive genetic fitness maximizer by reworking our base desires. So the path would have been:
First replicator -> first brains -> base desires (roughly first reinforcement learners) -> first unaligned (by Evolution's standards) consequentialists -> aligned consequentialists by reworking base desires -> Evolution cannot optimize further because it reaches the global optimum or at least a very steep local optimum.
Does that mean that with sufficiently long training time and being careful not to produce some agent that gets stuck with an imperfectly aligned goal mid-training, we could also create, artificially, a perfectly aligned (to some goal specified by us) consequentialist?
How likely are these things to happen? Both during Evolution and during training of an ML model?
Thoughts inspired by Thou Art Godshatter.
No, I mean "humans continue to evolve genetically, and they never start self-modifying in a way that makes evolution impossible (e.g., by becoming emulations)."