Discussion article for the meetup : London Social - Direct Sunlight 2, Vitamin Boogaloo - July 21st

WHEN: 21 July 2013 11:54:28AM (+0100)

WHERE: St James Park, London, SW1H

The next London Social meetup will be taking place in St. James Park on Sunday July 21st from 2pm. Please join us all. Bring friends if you have made adequate backups.

For further details - including where to meet if the weather doesn't get my memo - please see the last social meetup entry here. I can be contacted on 07860 466862 that morning in case of confusion.

There is no agenda or topic; although the whereabouts of Hermione's brain will probably be discussed.

Discussion article for the meetup : London Social - Direct Sunlight 2, Vitamin Boogaloo - July 21st

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Hello, long time lurker here. Is this happening? Mind if I show up?
Where do you meet actually, in the tube station?

Please do!

We'll probably be trying to meet at approximately the green arrow here, but if you can't find us, give a call and we can be more precise.


Excellent! I'll get there

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