Discussion article for the meetup : Saint Petersburg, Russia meetup: "Low hanging fruit"

WHEN: 28 November 2014 07:00:00PM (+0300)

WHERE: Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Московский пр. 65

We will gather for at least three hours, in the same free venue. There will be small report on chapter of Chialdini's book on self-image and its modifications. Afterward probably discussion and then - exercise. If we'll have enough time we will run a social skill exercise - hot seat. And otherwise chat and have fun. You can reach me by phone - +7-(911)-843-56-44 or mail: efim.wool@gmail.com or vk: vk.com/timetravel, also vk.com/lw_spb

Discussion article for the meetup : Saint Petersburg, Russia meetup: "Low hanging fruit"

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