Epistemic status: The following isn't an airtight argument, but mostly a guess how things play out.
Consider two broad possibilities:
I. In worlds where we are doing reasonably well on alignment, AI control agenda does not have much impact.
II. In worlds where we are failing at alignment, AI control may primarily shift probability mass away from "moderately large warning shots" and towards "ineffective warning shots" and "existential catastrophe, full takeover".
The key heuristic is that the global system already has various mechanisms and feedback loops that resist takeover by a single agent (i.e. it is not easy to overthrow the Chinese government). In most cases where AI control would stop an unaligned AI, the counterfactual is that broader civilizational resistance would have stopped it anyway, but with the important side effect of a moderately-sized warning shot.
I expect moderately sized warning shots to increase the chances humanity as a whole takes serious actions and, for example, steps up efforts to align the frontier labs.
I am skeptical that incidents stopped by AI control would lead to meaningful change. Sharing details of such an event with proper framing could pose existential risk, but for the lab involved. In practice, I anticipate vague, sanitized communications along the lines of "our safety systems performed as designed, preventing bad things". Without clear, compelling evidence of the severity of the averted threat, these incidents are unlikely to catalyze serious action. The incentives for labs to downplay and obscure such events will be strong.
There are additional factors to consider, like AI control likely moves some resources away from alignment, but I don't think this is the dominant effect.
Note that this isn't a general argument against boxing, e.g. boxes based more on formal methods or theory have better chance to generalize.
Typical counter-arguments to this line of reasoning claim seem to be:
- We will extract useful "automated alignment" work from the unaligned AIs inside of the control scheme. I'm sceptical: will cover this in a separate post
- Isn't this general counter-argument to alignment research as well? In my view not, details matter: different strains of alignment research have different generalization profiles.
Note: this text lived in a draft form before John Wentworth posted his Case Against AI Control Research; my original intent was to extend it a bit more toward discussing AI control generalization properties. As this would be redundant now, I'm postin it as it is: there is some non-overlapping part.
Meaningful representative example in what class: I think it's representative in 'weird stuff may happen', not in we will get more teenage-intern-trapped-in-a-machine characters.
Which is the problem - my default expectation is the we in "the AI company" does not take strong action (for specificity, like, shutting down). Do you expect any of the labs to shut down if they catch their new model 'rogue deploy' or sabotage part of their processes?
In contrast I do expect basically smooth spectrum of incidents and accidents. And expect control shapes the distribution away from small and moderately large to xrisk (that's the main point)
Can you express what you believe in this frame? My paraphrase is you think it decreases the risk approximately uniformly across scales, and you expect some discontinuity between kills zero people and kills some people, where the 'and also kills everyone' is very close to kills some people.
I deeply distrust the analytical approach of trying to enumerate failure modes and reason from that.
Because I don't think it will be easy to evaluate "leading people astray in costly ways".