In 2024 I sought out and experienced a lot of new-to-me parts of life. Along the way I found out how low my self-confidence and self-esteem are, and that my typical coping mechanisms were routinely overwhelmed or not working as well. Over the winter I almost lost myself (i.e. died) to major depression. Unfortunately, I have more than that going on, but fortunately, with a lot of help, I'm feeling hope again and steadily working back to stability.
I write and share this publicly in the hopes that it may help even one other person. I also write this selfishly for the purpose of strengthening one of my self-care habits.
Shortform #66 Waht, where did 7 months go?
Working mostly, actually. So that was good, and I'm still enjoying my hospital technology related job quite a bit, but I've been sorely missing having other aspects of my life than work (despite enjoying the work a lot).
I experienced a truly wonderful thing tonight, and that was a Norfolk Rationalists meeting with great conversations between excellent people, we went for five & a half hours and only stopped because we all got too sleepy.
Re: Shortform #65: no, I probably will not go to medical school. I am happily focusing on technology jobs and quite enjoying those in the healthcare environment. I would still like to do research, but until a later stage of life and other job decisions, any research I do will have to be independent, which is fine. I have so much to learn about so many areas, even within very specific niches, not only for my profession but also the research area(s) I'm interested in. Such learning will keep me occupied for some time while I grind for knowledge that I must acquire for professional & personal development plus satisfaction. Here's to learning new things every single day!
I am eating healthier, driving far less, walking & exercising more, and have noticed that my general competency improves as I improve in those areas of my life. This feels great!
I did not listen to music while writing this post, it's quite late & I did not wish for the extra stimuli. The gentle hum of the air conditioning was sufficient.
ToDo #1
I have previously read media consumption diet posts on LW and elsewhere that I thought were quite good and helpful. I need to:
Take a few minutes to assess the three chosen posts more carefully, identify where and how they ebb and flow in response to each other. Find the best flow and most correct-for-me ideas out of them.
Write 1st post detailing structured efforts for improving my media consumption diet to help improve my voicing voice capabilities.
At the marked date, write and publish 2nd post.
re: Shortform #50 "These efforts should help me notice and cultivate my "voice", and give voice to myself. Developing my thoughts into refined ideas and producing them is highly aligned with my interests, goals, and more, so I'm excited for this! (note to self: the actual methods for how I do these things and what I actually do, plus what my successes and failures turn out to be are good source material for two posts: 1 post detailing the plan and ...
Shortform #50 Voicing Voice
My consume vs produce ratio is not well balanced, I consume dramatically more media, information, entertainment, and other such things compared to what I produce. How can I even notice let alone refine my own thoughts and opinions amidst the ruckus and maelstrom of external inputs rummaging around my mind constantly? Furthermore, many if not most of those external inputs don't actually pay rent, though there are (and in some ways quite notable) exceptions (e.g. what I learned reading The Sequences).
In response to this problem, I am altering my media consumption "diet" to restrict non-deliberate consumption and increase deliberate, focused, helpful consumption plus increase conscious production efforts to generate significantly more outputs / products than I do now.
These efforts should help me notice and cultivate my "voice", and give voice to myself. Developing my thoughts into refined ideas and producing them is highly aligned with my interests, goals, and more, so I'm excited for this! (note to self: the actual methods for how I do these things and what I actually do, plus what my successes and failures turn out to be are good source material for two po...
Shortform #20 It's time to hunt down a job!
Today was marvelous :)
It was pointed out to me that I keep working on a bunch of different things but haven't yet started searching for jobs, despite that finding a good job will enable me to move to Seattle and do more fun things in life. Point noted and taken to heart!
Job hunting is now my highest priority, and I will be focusing on that exclusively while virtually co-working plus will do that while doing productive stuff by myself too. I will continue writing my three reviews (for the LW2019Review) during non-workday hours / in my spare time, but my workday hours will be focused on job hunting.
Good luck y'all :)
2021 Week 1 Review 1 Jan - 9 Jan
This week saw rapid mood changes, a descent into depression, and many actions taken to combat the aforementioned things. I'm happy to report that the actions I took ultimately led to a significant improvement in and stabilization of my mood, the removal of depression and ascent to a slightly higher happiness set point than the week before, and I've learned some good things.
Most significant thing noticed or learned this week: Living alone is really bad for me. Runner up: The power of co-working!
Once I realized (noticed) that living alone is really bad for me, I talked with family and they accepted my request to relocate from where I'm living now to go live with them. Now that I have a plan that's actively being worked towards for combating the "living alone is really bad for me" thing, I've been much more capable of dismissing isolation or loneliness feelings and my mood has improved significantly.
I noticed that co-working (only virtual so far) can "rescue" a day that's going poorly or make an already good day a great day, because I enjoy the social interaction + getting shit done. This upcoming week I have to pack and organize a lot, but I will sched...
Shortform #16 The power of co-working!
Today was an excellent day :) I woke up late, but immediately started virtually co-working with a friend and during that time we both completed a nice amount of tasks. Jumping from "I'm finally awake now" to virtual co-working helped me stay on track this day, it was very effective and helpful.
I scheduled the January and February Houston Rationalists' meetups, replied to some messages, tidied up, walked for 30 minutes, and later hungout with a friend around a campfire outside, twas nice!
Tomorrow I will post my 2021 Week 1 Review by 13:00. I will also setup co-working sessions for next week, quite looking forward to those! Seems like I'll be getting a lot more extra physical activity starting tomorrow because I must start prepping to move cross country and that takes a fair bit of organization, packing, etc. physical effort.
I did not listen to music while writing this shortform.
Be well!
Shortform #103 Friends are great!
Note to self, I really want to read "Friendship is Optimal", that along with a rather large number of other things are on my list. A list that would benefit from some pruning, curation, and possibly publishing.
I met with a new friend tonight at a lovely Japanese Fusion place for dinner, and we had ridiculously pleasant, deep, and good conversations.
Friends are amazing. Good night, I must sleep now.
Shortform #94 Boundary Setting at work is suddenly much easier after attending Retreat
Prior to attending the organizer's retreat, I would let people send me tasks that fell outside of my primary responsibilities, even if they were mundane and not good learning opportunities and/or even if the individual in question actually had time to do the task. After the retreat, I noticed today, I haven't been doing that and have been saying no much more often, or enforcing better boundaries generally about work tasks.
I'm not sure what changed. My current job admitted...
Shortform #110 Studying | I vent some about work, but not...intensely, more of a light venting.
I was approved to work four 10 hour days this week meaning that I have Friday entirely free from my current employer! Huzzah! Huzzah! I will be spending the majority of the day studying for the professional cert I take exams for at the end of this month plus will meet with my co-organizer to figure out upcoming meetups. I am grateful that I've been able to study some at work, though not usually more than twenty minutes per day, still...the extra time there and th...
Shortform #100 Writing publicly considered beneficial, fun, and not that scary
After writing one hundred shortform posts, writing publicly no longer feels scary and really just feels like a habit more than anything else (especially because the last 33 posts were near daily or daily). A habit I intend to continue as these are fun to write (even when I feel grumpy or hit an ugh field before doing so) and occupy a nice role in my life, plus I love growing my writing & other skills when creating these posts.
I feel a strong desire to write bigger posts than ...
Shortform #88 Retreat Debriefing & Staying in Touch | I will review some AI Safety literature
Today was a bifurcated day, I spent the morning and early afternoon dealing with the remnants of travelling (picking up my car from my local airport and then my baggage from an airport an hour away from home because that's where my connecting flight had been routed to last night after the initial one was unexpectedly cancelled) then finally made it to my apartment to shower & recombobulate.
I met with my Norfolk Rationalists co-organizer (shoutout Yitz!!! ht...
Shortform #87 Travelling Occurred
Today I spent the entire day (other than a very lovely short morning breakfast at the retreat venue and a few last wonderful conversations) travelling. I am now safely in bed, time to crash and get some rest.
I am committing to solving at least five problems in my life per week that aren't just regular chores. Here's the current list: (most of this list is: I am tired of seeing my deadname around too frequently)
As expected, today was less productive than yesterday thanks to holiday stuff and doing an unexpected amount of physical activity. And that's okay! Tomorrow may be similar, sans the unexpected physical activity stuff probably.
I read Zvi's COVID Update and oy vey. Thanks to Zvi for writing those updates, I've found them witty, insightful, helpful, and so on! This particular update earned those attributes too, but damn was the subject matter a bummer, if 2021 turns into another plague year that will suck...hopefully enough vaccines are distributed and that t...
Shortform #119 Art is Fun!
I hadn't played the piano in months, but decided to have a solo jam session where I let myself play whatever felt good to play, and wow was that nice! Some of the time I played existing songs, but most of the time I flowed from chord to chord and jumped around the octaves.
Recently I acquired a drawing tablet, I spent some time learning Krita and drew some things, it was cathartic and very fun at the same time.
I don't think I let myself just play around very much, nor spend much time doing art things that I enjoy. I would like to c...
Shortform #65 Work Work Work, jobs are nice | Thoughts about career and future things
I started a new job in October, it was about time, and I've greatly benefited from working again! I'm enjoying the work, the environment, the industry, and am looking for W2 fulltime positions (I'm contract at the moment) at the institution I'm at plus a similar few nearby. Turns out I quite like working at hospitals and medical institutions, even if I am still doing IT work.
I started a second job this week which is very different from my main job. Instead of working in pe...
Several very important to me people whom I love told me that they would rather die than live even a few hundred years or indefinitely, that they would not choose cryopreservation if life extension capabilities aren't advanced enough by their "natural time", and so on, when I asked them how they felt about immortality (scenario was: imagine that humanity figures out how to be immortal and there are no restrictions, anyone can have it if they want it, do you take it yes or no?).
There's too much deathism in this world, aahhhhhhhhh. I've already started to mou...
Shortform #41 Feeling Good
Today was an excellent day :)
Shortform #38
Today was a good day :)
I successfully dialed back the Worm reading and only read for a few hours instead of many hours. I was virtually social for about 2 hours, took care of some moving related tasks, wrote this shortform, and am going to bed at a decent time.
To tomorrow!
Shortform #25 Work Work Zug Zug
I enjoyed today!
Unfortunately, I did not exercise today. ...
Today was a lovely but very tiring day, I had a great day!
I continued reading Steve Silberman's NeuroTribes for a bit today, but otherwise didn't read much at all today because of all my time going elsewhere. Looking forward to settling in for a few hours of reading tomorrow though :)
My time spent exercising today was much lower than yesterday, but that's because most of my time was spent with family, plus I got roped in to help clean for a few hours (which counts as some physical activity, yay!). After cleaning for a few hours I stole 30 minutes to run ou...
Shortform #92 Woohoo for Organizing :)
Houston Rationalists now have an in-person local organizer! Thank you David M for organizing, I look forward to seeing how the group grows and supporting how I can from afar.
Norfolk Rationalists will become Virginia Rationalists this week! We are still meeting in Norfolk, but the name change should reduce confusion amongst people I or others speak to about the group. Plus, I would like to provide infrastructure & support to organizers in other parts of Virginia and support as many Virginia groups as possible, let's...
I have attended 2 CrossFit classes each week for the past two weeks! I will attend 2 classes this week and push for doing 3 classes a week starting next week. Finally getting into a habit of regular exercise each week (it's still not a huge amount, but I'm growing that habit!) makes me feel fantastic, and I'm so happy I've done this.
I'll be in Las Vegas later this week to party and have some fun :) If you're reading this and have recommendations for what to do, where to go, etc. I'm happy to hear your recommendations.
You should listen to the "Having a succ...
Shortform #10
Writing that weekly review yesterday challenged me motivationally, but I pushed through the ugh and wrote it anyways, I'm very happy about that, it was quite helpful to write.
Perhaps one of the most valuable products of writing that weekly review was that of noticing.
Reviewing my past week, the shortforms from that week, and other things focused my attention on things I would have otherwise missed, and thus helped me notice what I improved, what I completed, what I failed at, what was challenging, and so on. I'm deliberately incorporating more...
I'm taking a few minutes now to write what comes to mind, reflect on my day, plan, organize, blah blah blah.
Today was a good and productive day!
I successfully avoided Hacker News, didn't doomscroll at all on any site, and completed >50% of things I listed in yesterday's shortform!
Didn't read much today outside of light LW post skimming and chugging through a book while sitting in the car and waiting (had to wait a few times for >5 minutes in the car today but that's why keeping a book in the car at all times comes in handy; note: I always shut the en...
Shortform #127 CoWorking is Great!
I don't have much slack in my life right now, so working in the same space as a friend plus taking occasional breaks to talk is great. I get some amount of social hangout time and am able to work.
Problem: I'm hecking exhausted from working hours a day on other things in addition to my day job. Really need to change something in the next few months I think. I'm enjoying the work at least :)
Shortform #115 Christopher Nolan's Tenet
I watched this movie tonight and had a blast, it was actually quite a bit of fun keeping track of the timeline stuff and whether someone or an object was operating "inverted" or "non-inverted". Is the premise absurd? It definitely feels that way, but the movie was fun and kept my attention well occupied for its duration. One provocative takeaway from the movie: be careful with rigidity of thought & not updating your priors. It felt like the movie was mostly about rapidly updating your priors and not just for usua...
Shortform #108 Tool use, software, and digitising operations
How does one as a human being stay relevant and able to solve enough problems that others experience to earn a living? No, AGI does not seem to be here yet, but our lives are governed, shaped, impacted by, and sometimes even ended via machine algorithmic decision making.
What tools are you using as prosthetics to augment your capabilities? Do you care about privacy or should privacy be given up to allow a closer integration with digital operations & support from machine algorithmic decision mak...
Shortform #107 So much to build, do, and little time in a day!
I have moved from "wanting to do things" to simply doing things and getting a lot done each day. This feels fucking fantastic, I love turning my attention to X things and plowing through them! Scheduling and time block planning are helping quite a bit, but I'm still looking for room to optimize my workflows & cut out time sinks.
Here's what I'm thinking of:
Shortform #102 Consistent sleep & wake times experiment
I'm tired of being tired so much during the day, to an extent that is genuinely life & job performance interfering. Time to improve my sleep quality & habits!
I commit to this experiment for one month, the experiment begins tomorrow 11 August, 2022. The experiment will be reevaluated on September 11, 2022. I will be asleep by 10pm each night and awake at 6am each morning, no exceptions for weekends or holidays.
Happy for any suggestions or comments about other ways to improve sleep quality to...
Some self-administered CBT. The VA CBT-I app helped, as did understanding the issue via the free course at Complimentary was doing some mindfulness stuff. There was key things that worked together and never looked back since.
Shortform #101 Conversation experiment: Tabooing $topics after previously discussed for $time
Do you ever find yourself talking at length, sometimes repetitively about the same topic(s)? Do you notice others around you doing similarly? Experiment with tabooing that topic or topics (with consent of your conversation partner(s), of course) for an evening (or whatever your time interval is) and see what happens!
Spur of the moment tonight, I asked my friend after we finished coworking and were hanging out if they wanted to try the conversation topic taboo exper...
Shortform #80: go live date is 28 August, 2022 | Meetup Organizer's Retreat
While filling out my information on the Meetup Organizer's Retreat get to know each other document, I included a commitment that I would launch by 28 August. For a bit of further challenge, a friend & cohort member from the Guild of the ROSE created the following prediction market page: Here we go!
My goal with the aforementioned site is initially quite small: create...
Shortform #77 Decreasing personal maintenance time: haircut edition!
I like to increase the time I have for things I enjoy or bring about professional, intellectual, personal, social, or other growth. My hair had grown ridiculously long (went almost all the way down my back), was consuming a not insignificant amount of time to maintain per week, and was annoying me. I decided to stop procrastinating and finally do something about that, so I went to the salon and now I have short hair that doesn't even reach my shoulders. FINALLY! Now I will have better look...
Shortform #71 A Restful & Productive Saturday | Brief rough thought about AI Alignment & Politics
Today I slept in, studied for my cert exam, finalized my V3 character sheet, virtually hungout with friends, and had a pleasant time puttering around the house.
My office desk is currently two stacks of three boxes per stack with an old Apple Xserve stretched across them for stability. I used my two existing desks for my setups in the loft to great effect, now I need to focus on finalizing my office, purchasing three desks is my next step ther...
Shortform #61 In Which Half a Month Passed, Unexpectedly
Whoosh is the best way to describe the last ~17 days. Time to make some adjustments, it's not pleasant nor desirable when time goes by so quickly while barely noticing it passing. A surprisingly illegible and inscrutable 17 days, unfortunately.
Shortform #59 The Great Outdoors and Good Conversations; Hammertime Days 6 (Mantras) and 7 (Aversion Factoring)
Yesterday we went hiking for 3 hours around the absolutely stunning hills / mountain surrounding Devil's Lake, Wisconsin. The road trip there and back was fun and picturesque too, Wisconsin is gorgeous. We had dinner with one friend's friend at a grand café in town and that was lovely, great food and great conversation.
Today we went to an excellent brunch at one friend's friend's house and spent several lovely hours there eating great food and hav...
Shortform #55 Alons-y; Hammertime Day 1 - Bug Hunt
I spent the first ~10 minutes of my workday creating my day's agenda. It turns out that setting a timer for 10 minutes before doing any work for the day to create an agenda for the day is a most excellent and helpful ritual, so I'm doing that from here on out.
I scheduled very aggressively and didn't leave buffer time, so tomorrow I'll add 5-10 minutes of buffer time between each non-travel-required / other unavoidable time sink item on my schedule and see if that's enough. Despite the no buffer time and mul...
Shortform #49 Specificity
I mostly talk about my own life in these shortforms, and I'm partly okay with that, because doing so has been nice and helpful for me thus far, but I want to talk about other stuff too. So, I'll work other sorts of topics into these posts as I desire: right now I want to learn more about and discuss specific life interventions others have tried and the resulting effects from said interventions. Time to ask that question via the site's "New Question" feature!
If you haven't yet read Liron's Specificity Sequence you should go check it...
Shortform #40 Egads! A Title, but not a real Title.
Today was nice :)
Shortform #34 Unable to Formulate Title
Today was an excellent day :)
I am continuing to read Worm and am really enjoying it!
Yay for the weekend :)
Shortform #29 Almost Back on the Wagon!
Today was an excellent day :) I did not stick to the schedule I put together, but writing it last night was helpful since I had it for reference today. I allowed myself to sleep in and that seems to have helped considerably in many ways.
Shortform #26 Oh wow, a marathon of posts! Also, mild ranting.
Today was good, but felt very split into three pieces. The morning, the trip into town, and the rest of the day: I did productive things for almost three hours in the morning, then drove into the nearby big city for my doctor's appointment, and several hours passed before I got home. The doctor's appointment was great! All good things, but when you have to drive for so long there and back, that does take quite a chunk out of the day. The rest of the day started around 15:30 and went nicely too :...
Shortform #22 Packing, Organizing, and Preparing.
Today was a good day.
I spent most of it going through things, throwing away, organizing, sorting, and packing said things depending on what they were, and got a lot done in preparation for moving because of that. I'm looking forward to finishing up my resume tomorrow and getting feedback on it then finishing up my profile on the job sites I made an account on.
I've enjoyed watching the most recent season (part 3 IIRC) of Disenchantment as well, and apparently The Magicians has a new season too, exciting!
Shortform #21 Functional strength training and job hunting, oh my.
I had a most excellent day :)
My resume is out of date and pretty bad, I'll fix it up tomorrow using RMarkdown and other nice R things so that my newly created resume will be up to date AND pretty / well styled. I'm meeting (virtually) ...
Shortform #11
Welcome to the new year! same as the old year As promised, I am resuming my daily shortforms :)
The last 4 or 5 days were simultaneously the worst and best days I've experienced in quite awhile.
Best: Hanging out with great friends on the 31st and 1st, this was fantastic, I had an amazing time. (yes, we all tested negative for COVID prior to deciding to hangout) | Having an emotional breakthrough realization
Worst: The descent into cripplingly bad depression from loneliness late on the 1st once I was alone again. Feeling shattered from isolation ...
Holidays are great, I'm extending my enjoyment of this one through the end of the weekend. Shortforms will return with #11 on Monday the 4th :)
Today marks day 7 of daily shortform writing, tomorrow will mark day 8, and so on :)
Yay for one week of daily shortform writing! Feels like a nice accomplishment, now I'm aiming for one month.
In an "ironic for 2020" turn of events, I did not contract COVID from the family Christmas gathering, no, that test came back negative thankfully. I contracted the plain ol' flu instead, and this is probably why I was so tired yesterday and why my ear has been hurting. Much of today was spent resting and the other half of it was spent at the doctor trying to get diagn...
Much shorter update for today, since today was quite bifurcated. Morning to early afternoon were chaotic and all consuming until I dropped my parents off at the airport. Afterwards I was tired and settled down on the couch for a bit, but eventually got up, took the dogs to the field (the grass was less soggy today than yesterday), and walked for two miles. That's all the exercise I did though, and it was quite a leisurely walk, so I think today was my "rest" day. I'm happy I went walking outside, that was fun plus the dogs enjoyed it too!
I did some virtual...
Shortform #134 Cloud Atlas
It is possible that Friday evenings after working all week may not be my most effective evenings for focused study.
Instead of studying anything tonight, I watched Cloud Atlas for the first time and wow, what a movie (how's the book? haven't read it). I was confused at first, because the movie begins by throwing multiple characters in different locations in time and space at you completely independent of context or exposition, but my confusion lessened as the movie progressed and I found the whole experience quite novel and deeply ...
Shortform #129 More test taking
Tomorrow morning I take the second out of two exams for an IT cert I'm pursuing. I've studied well and know the material thoroughly. I'm excited to take that test and obtain that cert as it will help with short term survival with getting better IT jobs while I figure out how to transition to doing different work. Not much else to say tonight, the exam is the main thing on my mind. I'll gain some slack back in my life by obtaining the cert, so that's a nice thing too.
Be well,
Good night!
Daily shortforms shall resume on Monday 5 September, 2022. I am taking IT certification exams this weekend and need to focus.
Shortform #106 Four Days of Consistent Sleep & Wake Times: going well!
Waking up at 6:13am on Thursday & Friday felt like normal work wakeup time but with more energy & less tiredness than usual because of falling asleep by or slightly before 10pm.
Waking up at 6:13am on Saturday and Sunday made my weekend feel like it was unbelievably long in a great way. I wasn't tired at all, felt plenty energetic, and immediately after waking up both mornings spent a solid two or three hours working on important personal tasks or projects. I really am sharper...
Shortform #78 Design Matters: The Triumph of the Curved Shower Rod | Lighting: Hedonistic Adaptation
For those of you suffering from narrow tub-shower hybrids with shower curtains that inevitably brush up or press against you while showering, for (new retail price) $30-$60+ you can become the proud owner of a curved shower rod that dramatically increases the horizontal space you have in such a shower. I've just installed one (do measure your tub-shower hybrid's length from wall to wall before buying one, that measurement does matter) and the result is a muc...
Shortform #76 Noticing mood, behavior, & energy impacts from food types consumed
When I eat processed sugar, I take a negative hit in all three categories mentioned above.
When I eat mostly vegetables, some carbs, and none or a smattering of meat, I feel great. As the meat to vegetables ratio increases, the worse I feel.
When I eat fruits, the impact from their non-processed sugar is not the same as the impact I have from processed sugar: usually there's little to no impact and sometimes I even feel better from eating the fruit.
When I eat processed foods,...
Shortform #56 Travel; Hammertime Day 2 - Yoda Timers
I followed my media diet today except regarding Discord, plus didn't get in my full reserved hours of work. On the whole, I was reasonably productive, but didn't focus my actions very well today.
This evening we had a Houston Rationalists virtual meetup which went quite well! Had a new attendee, several regulars, and great discussion. We focused a lot of the discussion on timelessness, or, why is it some ideas, cultural practices, books, etc. survive over the long term whereas others do not (yes the lindy ...
Shortform #19 Meetups are great!
Today was an excellent day :)
2020 Week 52 Review: 21 Dec - 28 Dec
I do best when I have a structure to work with as a scaffolding when dealing with life and everything that entails. The weekly review process will be one of several structures I'm purposely building into my life so that I can be a more focused and concentrated general intelligence entity: this has the great benefit of helping me align my actions with my goals, plus you know, helping me to actually identify and remember my goals explicitly.
Last week I completed 8 of my major weekly ToDo items and failed to complete 7 of t...
Well, daily shortform posts do get significantly more boring while sick, unfortunately :(
I've scaled back a lot of my activities and plans so that I can rest and get over the flu more quickly.
However! I have successfully overcome giving in to the temptation to fully go into a cocoon and not do anything, i.e. I have avoided totally isolating myself which is a habit I've routinely fallen into while sick in the past. My plan of being extraordinarily more (virtually) social to prevent the onset of depression is really paying off! I spent the majority of active...
I'm taking a few minutes now to write what comes to mind, reflect on my day, plan, organize, blah blah blah.
(1) Tomorrow I will record the amount of time I spend reading and what site I was on (or book / physical reference material if not on a computer / is offline but on a computer) using a stopwatch. I want to know how much time I spend reading what and where I read it.
(2) I am taking a temporary break from Hacker News, the next time I'm allowing myself to go there and mine for dopamine (I mean, search for novel and cool things) is Monday the 28th at 14:...
Writing is great for me, but I do way too little writing. I put my feelings about this into a small poem, here:
Since shortform posts are, short and don't require high epistemic confidence and seem compatible with social media style posting, I will now write shortform posts regularly so that I get at least some writing done. This will help process the torrent of data and thoughts swirling around in my head like some chaotic vortex. It's hard to do anything with that vortex there, but writi...
If you find yourself in or near Williamsburg, Virginia on 2023/04/09 come join for a Virginia Rationalists Meetup and the Williamsburg 2nd Sundays Art & Music Festival.
This week was a bit overwhelming in AI news, with GPT-4 releasing, new Midjourney, Stanford's Alpaca, more AI offerings from Google, Microsoft CoPilot 365, and honestly a bunch more things. I've spent too much time already talking with the GPT-4 version of ChatGPT given how long it's actually been available...
Shortform #147 Working & Considering Partial Digital Nomadism
I experience significant value-add to my life / nice things when I travel. I trialed working semi nomadically in December when I stayed at 7 or 8 households over 10 days while working remotely full time. That was fun, exhausting, and a very valuable learning experience! I definitely overbooked myself on that trip and did not schedule enough downtime, plus, I found working from a single laptop screen a bit less efficient than my normal 4 screen work setup & other desktop accoutrements.
Shortform #146 Happy New Year! (a few updates; all dates from 2022 unless specified otherwise)
Resuming on October 16th didn't happen, oops. Looks like January 3rd (today) will have to do! Now for some updates:
Shortform #145 Audio Journaling | Rethinking Shortforms
I tried audio journaling for the first time today, it felt weird but I think the experience was actually great! Recorded for about 30 minutes on an old non-internet connected phone (to pacify my paranoia) and then listened to the recording and got hit in the feels in all sorts of good and helpful ways.
I like writing these shortform posts, but am not sure how valuable they've been over the last few weeks in particular (I know writing the posts as a whole has been incredibly valuable to my personal devel...
Shortform #144 Pre-Registering commitment actions
This week I may have meat on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
Saturdays I am intending to Sabbath hard and go home for the sake of supporting my increased workload on the rest of the days of the week and having one day where I really unplug and engage in pure non-work leisure. No shortforms on Saturdays.
Commitment: wake up at 5am three times per week, those days this week are: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
2 mile minimum walk: I will almost certainly do this on Sundays, probably before or after Virgin...
Shortform #143 Taking small actionable steps to improve my life
Starts Monday Oct 10. I am coasting now on my past commitments because they have become habits (for the most part). Time for new commitments! Note: I find that small continuous actions of improvement, (see also Kaizen), more sustainable & actually doable than big innovations, so those are my guidelines with most of my new commitments.
Shortform #142 What entertainment are you consuming or interacting with?
Right now I am listening to Fragments, by Bonobo. I love that album!
Tonight was my once or twice a month "watch YouTube videos" night, and...I'm not sure how much I like that habit. I do skip a lot of videos I used to watch almost compulsorily when I watched YouTube videos multiple times a that's an improvement at least.
I am not watching any TV shows right now, but I will possibly watch a movie this weekend. I'm reading a book on Kaizen which I'm quite enjoying and am also slo...
Shortform #141 Weekly workshops & good things to come
I will now be running weekly workshops for Virginia Rationalists: Norfolk. I'm excited for this and am looking forward to the growth and fun we will experience! Nothing will change with our weekly socials, I wanted workshops so am running those separately from social meetups as was recommended by many other organizers at the organizer's retreat in July.
I have an interview tomorrow for a job I'm a really good fit for on a team that would be great to work with. Here's to good things to come hopefully :)
I did not write last night's shortform because I was eating delicious homemade from scratch pizza with friends.
Shortform #140 Routine-breaking Weekend
I tend to settle into a fairly predictable routine, and this weekend roused me from that.
On Friday there was a tropical storm and no power in my apartment when I went home after work (though it did come back on that evening thankfully). Because my building sustained no damage, it was a pretty relaxing night, I read some while it was still light out and then the power was back on by nightfall so I hopped on my computer and was somewhat social virtually for a bit.
On Saturday I went to Richmond, VA for the ACX Meetup Eve...
Shortform #139 Note to self: don't reschedule weekly meetup
Tonight's Virginia Rationalists: Norfolk meetup was great! We had a new individual join us who is familiar with ACX.
In retrospect, I think it was inconsiderate to suddenly reschedule the group's weekly meetup just because I couldn't attend. My co-organizer and others likely could have attended yesterday, and there were a few people who just couldn't make the rescheduled meetup but had included Wednesday nights in their routine as "meetup night". So, I intend to not reschedule the weekly social meet...
Shortform #138 A good but slightly disorienting day
I applied for a promising job today, here's to hoping that bears fruit!
I am somewhat out of whack due to having to suddenly house sit instead of going to my own home after work. I do not enjoy this, but it's an obligation I'm fulfilling.
No meetup tonight, I rescheduled Norfolk's meetup for Thursday evening (the 29th). I'm excited for the meetup tomorrow!
Shortform #137 Meal Prepping & Rambutan
In pursuit of healthier eating, I prepared containers of seeds, fruits of various kinds, and vegetables that I can eat during meals & take to work for lunch. I also tried a new-to-me fruit called Rambutan, I like the flavor okay but it's a little bland, and now have a container of that fruit to eat through too.
I meditated for 5 minutes, rowed for 5 minutes, and did 5 pushups tonight. Small continuous improvements, here we go!
Shortform #136 Sugar* Considered Harmful
I splurged (everything else were essentials / healthy food) on one item this weekend from Trader Joe's: Pumpkin Spice Cinnamon Rolls. Yes they were tasty, duh. After I feel physically ill: almost sweating and general discomfort, anxiety, elevated heart rate, trouble focusing, restlessness, etc. Oh! This is not an isolated set of bad feelings, these bad feelings occur every ...
Shortform #135 Rest and Shrinking the "World"
Last week I read about 10 arcs of Ward, listened to a ton of UNspoiled! podcast network podcasts, and played video games some too. I increased how much I slept each night and averaged a bit over eight hours, and improved the healthiness of my food choices. As much as I escaped into fiction and the "other worlds" that come with fiction, I felt that that came at the expense of the reality / world we all live in (hence part of this post's title). The more I engage with fiction, the more I withdraw from reality / th...
Daily Shortforms will return on Sunday 25 September, 2022. I need to focus on building other habits right now, but also...a bit of extra rest is nice.
Shortform #133 Knowledge Intake
As mentioned yesterday, I re-read the comments on Have you considered getting rid of death? and added what was recommended to my knowledge intake system. I believe I'd benefit from working methodically through a textbook while reading another more foundational conceptual book so to those ends I suspect the first two books I read specifically for increasing my Biology knowledge are:
If I notice significant gaps in ...
Shortform #132 Small but good actions.
Tomorrow evening's reading material is a re-read of the comments on Have you considered getting rid of death? where several people recommended good things to check out. I will add that material to my intake system and begin processing it.
I will post Friday's reading material tomorrow, I have got to get to sleep now. Tonight's Virginia Rationalists: Norfolk meetup was fantastic!
I have completed similar "prep for tomorrow" actions tonight like I did last night. The extra slack provided by those actions from yesterday came in handy today.
In the spirit of continuous, sustained, small-step daily improvement (hello Kaizen or its precursor, TWI), I am adding a small component my daily shortforms: spend 10 minutes or less reading about a pre-registered subject each day and share my thoughts on what I read that day in my shortform.
Tomorrow I'm choosing or "pre-registering" my reading material for 14/09/2022 through 18/09/2022. Tonight I prepared tomorrow's lunch, set out tomorrow's clothes, and did a few other things to make tomorrow go more smoothly & increase my slack.
Shortform #130 More Slack
I passed my second cert exam (this cert requires passing scores on two separate exams) this morning and have thus obtained my new IT cert! I now have more slack in my life, which feels so good. I'm not completely out of churning waters yet, but they are quieter and a bit slower than before.
I look forward to discussing Twelve Virtues of Rationality in my upcoming meetups.
Shortform #128 Organizing for Immortality
Thank you to everyone who read and/or commented on Have you considered getting rid of death?! Your thoughts, resources, and support are welcomed :)
I've reflected on that post, discussions I had with others about it, and the comments, plus my current life circumstances: I have a small amount of time slack but zero financial slack, so what is the highest value added work I can put forth towards the bigger immortality project? Organizing, I think.
I intend to read, write, and produce original research for that project, ...
Shortform #126 Running More Specific Meetups
We had nine attendees (including myself) at our [Virginia Rationalists: Norfolk] social tonight! It was great, I had a most excellent time, and everyone else said they enjoyed it too.
Only four out of nine attendees (including myself) were familiar with LW/ACX/EA, and when you don't have a group where most of the people are "in-group" so to say (i.e. familiar with things inside our walled gardens), that changes the dynamics of the experience quite a bit.
I may have to vary between open and closed socials in additio...
Shortform #125 Increasing Vegetarianism
I am still eating meat, but have steadily been cutting back on my meat consumption for the last few weeks. I feel better, my mind is sharper, and I tend to have more energy when I eat more fruits & vegetables and less meat. Not ready to make a full commitment, not sure if I ever will (parties do exist, and there are still things I like trying or would want occasionally), but I am thinking of the 80/20 rule and how that could apply well in this case.
If I eat vegetarian for >=80% of meals, I get the aforementioned benefits while still getting to eat some amount of meat. This seems like a good compromise.
Shortform #124 Returning, Exams, and Plans
Shortforms exist again! Yay :) I enjoy writing these, they are a nice ritual and anchoring part of my days each week, especially while parts of my life remain fairly fragile or uncertain.
The IT exams went well until there was a software glitch, and the second exam failed to even launch and no proctor ever reached out to me. I passed the first exam with room to spare, and opened a support ticket about the second exam, so hopefully the testing company will issue me a new voucher so I can take the second exam and fina...
Shortform #123 Learning Social Conventions via Scripting & Deliberate Practice
One topic discussed at Virginia Rationalists: Norfolk's social meetup tonight (we had six attendees and had a ton of fun!) was how many people had to consciously choose to learn & practice social conventions like eye contact, body language, customs, and more. Those are things I've had to do, as most social conventions or customs didn't or don't come naturally to me for some reason. This topic resonated with most of us at the meetup, so I'm wondering if it's also a topic t...
Shortform #122 Some books on my "To Read" list: (this list grows over may need some pruning, I know I'm missing things, and this list is separate from my "To Finish" list...; this list is mostly for me, it helps to consolidate some things. I'm very open to recommendations.)
Liu Cixin's trilogy, The Remembrance of Earth's Past
Peter Watts, Blindsight
Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths, Algorithms to Live By
National Research Council, Funding a Revolution: Government Support for Computing Research
Peter Kingsley, Reality
David Eagleman, Livewired
Shortform #121 So many ACX Meetups Everywhere to go to!
I will be travelling as much as possible to ACX Meetups Everywhere mostly along the East coast, some in the South, and hopefully all such meetups in Virginia. If I can swing it, I'd like to go to Houston see everyone & run a meetup then attend the Austin ACX meetup.
I love looking at the Community map and seeing so many meetup events occurring, this is fantastic! I'm eager to see that grow year over year and help however I can with that growth.
If you haven't been to any meetups or only a few, ACX Meetups Everywhere are the best time of the year to try attending rationalist meetups, I highly recommend you give that a go. Meetups FTW!
Shortform #120 I [mostly] met an important-to-me deadline: is now live as a substack blog
Here's the first post: Have you considered getting rid of death?
I am excited and look forward to writing more on that subject, preferably each week!
And now bedtime, then back to my day job tomorrow...
Shortform #118 Changing Profession & Considering Other Jobs
I don't like doing IT and the thought of doing it years in the future fills me with intense dread. I have decided that I will leave that profession to go do something else and am now considering what other profession or job(s) that might be.
I'm not leaving my current job immediately, I do need to survive in the meantime of course, but having a job-change plan & steadily executing on it will help make the day to day more bearable (it has gotten so bad I've been tempted to just walk out multi...
Shortform #117 Studying!
Thankfully I was able to take today and tomorrow off from work, I am studying. Nothing more to really discuss, just a lot of work to finish up this weekend. Be well, live long, and prosper :)
Shortform #116 Commitments Check-In
Very simply, a status update on my ongoing commitments, plus a short deadline list.
Media Commitment: This goes well! I am barely watching two movies a week, have not watched YouTube except for purely time sensitive educational purposes, and haven't watched TV at all. My worry about binging comics hasn't been vindicated, as I've acquired several new comics but am actually going through them pretty slowly.
Regular sleep habit commitment: This was going well until the awful stress storm of this week where I have changed my sl...
Shortform #114 Huh, Human Being not Human Doing
For the past month or so I've been in a Doing spiral. This has been great for my productivity, but as multiple important deadlines coincided at the same time this week, I've realized (thank you everyone I've talked about this with for helping me realize) that I've left little time for simply being in my life.
One might say I've left very little to no slack in my life, with the negative consequences that can cause. Working 10 hours a day at my day job before coming home to work for 2-4 hours a night on studying ...
Shortform #113 Writing under the influence of panic, stress, etc. considered harmful
See yesterday's shortform, but more broadly, I've noticed that if I let stressors I'm feeling into my writing, my writing is worse, specifically: less concise, less clear (vagueness is not a virtue; nor am I trying to entice close reading, one ought not need to be a Straussian to read what I write), and not as coherent.
I noticed that I initially felt significant stress about this post, because I wasn't going to post it before 9:30 (my bedtime). I sat with that stress, and d...
Shortform #112 Golden handcuffs versus Competency handcuffs
If golden handcuffs is a situation where one is well compensated to the point of not feeling comfortable ever being less compensated than that and thus feels trapped in a job-related situation...I take competency handcuffs to be a situation where one is competent at something they realize they don't enjoy doing much but haven't yet figured out an existing competency they have or trained up another competency and thus feel trapped in a job-related situation. Bonus points for competent golden handcuf...
Shortform #111 Uploading versus Upgrading
What do you choose and why?
Does uploading necessarily mean disembodiment?
According to which software license would you as an entity be licensed as if uploaded? What does Free or Open Source Software look like when the source code is a human being?
What software license would your upgrades come with? If you default on some hypothetical hardware upgrade subscription or capital investment, do you get your old body parts back, repoed, or something else?
What political changes does human civilization need to make to proper...
Shortform #109 Yay for organizing & co-organizers!
Virginia Rationalists: Norfolk filled up the large round table at Fair Grounds tonight, had good conversations (though admittedly a bit lacking in rationalist content...but that'll be what the upcoming dojo or workshop meetups are for), and walked to a Boba place together afterwards for some wonderful bubble / boba tea.
Yitz and I met briefly afterwards to discuss our upcoming dojo and workshop meetup plans as well as figure out our plan for Meetups Everywhere 2022 - Call for Organizers, because we will ...
Shortform #105 Wow, desks are great | Setting up my home office
I went to Costco with two friends today and picked up three six-foot long folding tables that are sold there. Just for a sanity test, I sat on one of the tables and it fully bore my weight, thus I felt comfortable putting on the ~100 pounds of equipment I have on one of them now. It is very nice to have desks and workbench space instead of working from the floor, oof. I've got four / five of my monitors setup, but the last one (an old Wacom drawing tablet) needs a display adapter to function, I...
Shortform #104 Movies, oh movies
I love working extra hours earlier in the week to allow for a short day Friday, may push for working four 10s to just get Fridays off entirely. Anyway, I finished watching Dune which I had watched partially last month, then I watched Men in Black: International.
I'm not very good at movie critiques, so I won't offer any in that direction for Dune or MIB: International. To think critically about a piece of media, I almost always have to experience it twice, and I did not watch those movies twice (only once).
I freaking loved th...
Shortform #99 Glassblowing, Contemporary Art, & M.C. Escher! | Also, good conversations :)
If Saturday was a stay-in get attention hijacked kind of day, today was a "get the heck out of the house and do something" kind of day. I met up with a friend to visit the Chrysler Art Museum and attended an hourish long glassblowing demonstration which was absolutely fascinating, I loved it! I enjoyed walking around the modernist & contemporary sections of the museum (only stayed for a few hours so I didn't go to all parts of the museum this time around), had...
Shortform #98 Visual media consumption considered enjoyable but net harmful for now
In shortform #89 I declared another media diet. That diet ended yesterday evening so I tried out a TV show, Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" on netflix. Which...promptly hijacked my attention from last night until the afternoon of today. I came across LRNZ's "Golem" for free on Wednesday last week at my local cafe hangout, took it home, and devoured it in one sitting. I could keep listing examples, on and on...of all the times some visual media (digital or analog) has so utterly ...
Shortform #97 Frames, paradigms, priors, concept space, oh my!
I am obsessed with such things ^^^^. What are ideas, how do they work? When you reduce until everything is just axioms, why do you build what you build on top of those axioms? <<<< mostly rhetorical questions, though sometimes they can be nice to meditate on.
Thank goodness for reality, not only is existence a lovely thing, but the territory provides a great foundation upon which to build maps. And then there's Math.
I don't expect this post to make any coherent sense to others, it's f...
Shortform #96 Operating Systems Rant Number Infinity
Much like you need a kernel (usually in most cases, anyways) to run an operating system...this rant needs a foundation: use-cases for operating systems; the principle of charity & steelmanning shall apply here. Note that this is focused on desktop operating systems, not mobile operating systems. Don't take this too seriously, I have some thoughts about the OSes I use and need to get them out, this is by no means polished or seriously researched.
Microsoft Windows
Shortform #95 The Feeling of Focusing & Attentiveness
At any given moment, where is the full weight of your attention targeted at? Or is your attention partial, divvied up amongst several targets?
I'm deliberately reducing the amount of noticed occurrences where my attention is partial rather than full. Undivided focus or attentiveness not only makes experiencing existence more satisfying for me, it also sharpens my cognition because I single task instead of multitask. That sharpness benefits me by reducing biases, making my heuristics more transparent &...
Shortform #93 Timeboxing
I am loving spending so much time doing organizing work, it's genuinely fun and feels great! I do have other interests and prior commitments + goals to attain though, so I need to be more deliberate with my time. I'm once again heavily relying on my calendar (Google Calendar for now) to restrict certain activities mostly to specific boxes of time on the calendar. This is helping. I attended to other goals & commitments today while still doing organizing work.
There's so much work to do for so many of my interests & parts of m...
Shortform #91 Winning as an Individual: thoughts
I believe that winning is important & necessary. At least four elements contribute to individual winning:
Shortform #89 Consistency Matters
I did not write a shortform yesterday, which broke my ~20 day long daily shortform writing streak. Back to it I go, starting a new streak with #89 :)
What do I get out of writing daily shortforms?
Shortform #86 Meetup Organizer's Retreat Day Four (final day)
A truly lovely day continuing the tradition of good conversations, excellent learning, and building friendships here at the retreat.
I participated (well, mostly actively listened) to perhaps the first conversation ever where I couldn't intuitively navigate it & "just know" what was being discussed. Time to learn more math, and read about Coherent Extrapolated Volition, among other things.
Now for some sleep and then travelling home tomorrow. Wish I had more time here, I look forward to visiting Berkeley again & travelling to other organizers' cities too :)
Shortform #85 Meetup Organizer's Retreat Day Three
The question of what the rationalist community is (if it's even just one community) comes up frequently during retreat. No one has a concise definition of the community though we all recognize it when we see it / recognize the people who are a part of it. How do we make the community legible to ourselves? Once legible, what will our mission & vision be?
Obtaining a clear mission & vision for the community would improve our members' & organizers' capabilities to take specific, focused improvement actions to solve the myriad of problems we individual as people but also collectively as a community feel are important & need solving.
Shortform #84 Meetup Organizer's Retreat Day Two
My fingers are slow and inflexible as I type this, because I just spent nearly the entire day outside (excepting indoor workshops) late into the night here at the retreat (it's cold at night in Berkeley): attending workshops, talking with other organizers, and having the kinds of amazing late night conversations I expected would occur here (they are even better than I predicted).
My shortforms during the retreat will be very short. I am spending almost every waking moment engaged in good discussions & conv...
Shortform #83 Travelling & Day One of Meetup Organizer's Retreat!
Seven hours on a plane plus an hour on a train later I finally arrived in Berkeley for the retreat :) Thanks to timezone changes that was somehow only like 13:30 Pacific time.
Had an amazing first day meeting everyone I had the chance to speak with, walking around Berkeley, and discussing organizer things!
Now for sleep, oh goodness.
Shortform #82 In which I prepare for travelling.
Sometime in the next 12-15 hours I will end up in Berkeley, California for the Meetup Organizer's retreat!!! I hate flying, but I'm looking forward to the retreat :)
Shortform #81 Bit of a grindy, but good day | Nothing much to say
I received my 2nd COVID booster today because I work in healthcare & it's been >4 months since I received my 1st COVID booster. Thankfully I've not experienced any significant side effects from the COVID vaccine thus far, and this time holds true to that pattern too.
Continued preparing for the meetup organizer's retreat which I fly out to on Thursday.
Shortform #79: Design Matters: Lighting | Seven Days of No Video Media
My two 16,000 lumen LED garage lights came in, they are surprisingly small & light, but wow do they serve up some serious light! Next step: remove annoying housing covering the bulb sockets in each of the track lights in my loft ceiling so that I can plug in both of those LED garage lights into the sockets and benefit from their intense light diffusing down from the ceiling into the rest of my house. If that proves successful, I may acquire two additional such lights to fill all four...
Shortform #75 Specificity, the tool that keeps on giving great results
I was reminded of the sequence, Specificity: You're Brain's Superpower today while utilizing what I learned from it extensively both during today's Norfolk Rationalists meetup & tonight's Guild of the ROSE workshop on Street Epistemology.
I've noticed my interest in speaking "broadly, generally, or widely" about $topics decrease significantly over the past year or two since really integrating the specificity sequence into my way of being & operating. I don't speculate on very much...
Shortform #74 Labs are cool
I had the opportunity to go into another lab today! It was awesome, the personnel there inspect human tissues for issues, report their findings, and prepare relevant tissues into histology slides for later review by physicians. I saw a necrotized toe with ulcers. Kinda gross, but also kinda cool. Diabetes isn't something you want to get, wow.
I'm looking forward to responding to & continuing the discussion in the question I asked yeseterday,
Shortform #73 Video Media Ban Day 1
I felt no impulses or pressure whatsoever to watch TV, YouTube videos, or play Video games today and successfully avoided each of those media types. I had an extremely pleasant evening wherein I walked to the grocery store after work, walked home with my groceries, listened to the Audible "The Great Ideas of Psychology" audiobook I'm working through at the moment while eating dinner, and went to my ROSE cohort meeting (it was a blast tonight).
Then I talked with a friend, followed by playing the piano for 30 minutes and had a jamming good time!
I value how tonight felt and want more evenings like it, onwards to day two of the video media ban.
Shortform #72 Too much content consumption kills the self
While today was immensely restful, I feel restless and dissatisfied. There were nice moments, fun moments, and some productive moments today, but I spent much of the day engaging in consumptive behaviors such as video game playing, watching youtube videos, and watching tv shows.
The things that were on my mind yesterday barely surfaced today as I escaped & submerged into the massive input of consumptive content streams. It may not have been direct wireheading, but it seems too much ingestion of co...
Shortform #70 Changing Gears, Altering Perspectives
It is finally the weekend! Huzzah :) Time to not think about work for two days and attend to other things, specifically:
Shortform #69 Reprising Interests: Politics edition
I used to love interacting with political topics, ideas, problems, and thinking about solutions to political problems (e.g. being genuinely surprised by the fact that civilization is a thing and wanting to understand how such governance of human affairs works & how to improve upon that ordering). Indeed, I studied Political Science and earned my Bachelor degree in it because I couldn't get enough of studying politics. I dropped that group of interests quite firmly and shunned everything to do with poli...
Shortform #67 Viva la daily shortforms!
I don't want 7 months to go by in the blink of an eye again and have no published material to look back on to consult as an external memory, so, daily shortforms are back :)
I have my custom desktop up and running once more, but there's an's crashing every so often again...I monitored all temperatures, and there does seem to be a VRM that literally never goes below 90C....but all other temperatures in the system seem fine. Crashing occurs more often on Windows but consistently occurs on Ubuntu too. Here's ho...
Shortform #64 Building Deliberate and Helpful Systems for Increasing Goal-Aligned Actions
The Guild of the ROSE's beta phase courses begin this week, and I'm happy to be participating! I like the organizational model of the guild, the mission and vision, the guild's fundraising model, the community, etc. I'm excited to see where this all goes and am enjoying my participation + cohort membership thus far, I've already gained good things from it.
Making and using deliberately designed systems for creating, organizing, managing, etc. knowledge work, creative wo...
Shortform #63 Something Hopeful
I'm writing this shortform while listening to this song:
I believe that's inspired the title, the song does inspire a feeling of hope in me as well as wonder.
This is a short shortform, not much to go on about today other than it was a better day than yesterday, and I'm happy about that! There was a Houston Rationalists meetup tonight which went well and was fun, I'm glad I participated in that, I had a good time. I did better regarding my media diet toda...
Shortform #62 Ah, Commitments | Getting Out
I said I would resume daily shortform writing (among other things), and I am doing so. Thus this :)
Generating communication right now feels extremely difficult. Wow. But, I'm doing so because of the myriad benefits which come from writing publicly like this. And the communication gets easier as I type each word. Break through the block / barrier!
Despite the difficulty of translating experiential matters into communicable form, the above short paragraph represents a reasonably adequate insight into the experiences ...
Shortform #60 Back From Vacation
All of Wednesday [28 July] was spent travelling, as there were significant delays to my flight thanks to thunderstorms occurring on the flight path. Made it home safely though, but spending most of the day in airports or on airplanes is not the most fun sort of day.
I had an extremely good time on vacation in and around Madison, Wisconsin! What a lovely, pleasant, and beautiful place, I'll be happy to visit again one day.
Today I unpacked, rested, applied for a really cool job, and generally recombobulated (fun fact: the Milwa...
Shortform #58 Day of Good Fun; Hammertime Day 5 - Comfort Zone Expansion (CoZE)
Today was wonderful, my friends and I started the day off with a nice short breakfast then spent about an hour and a half coworking and getting some things done each. We then went to a local Indian restaurant and met with one of my friend's friends and ate amazing food while having great conversations, it was a lovely time! Then we went to a few local parks for the next 3-4 hours and spending the whole afternoon outdoors in nature was fantastic. We then went back to the house, r...
Shortform #57 Some Adjustments; Hammertime Days 3 (TAPs) and 4 (Design)
Yesterday was a day of travel, noticing the inadequacy and lack of public spaces, and happily hanging out with friends I haven't seen in awhile.
Today was quite nice, I don't particularly enjoy travel days so it was pleasant sleeping in a small bit and not having to deal with travel and instead go spend time around city with friends. I've noticed that despite being on vacation, I really want to spend time working and getting things done, and am frustrated that some of the improvement are...
Shortform #54 Preparation
Today I alternated between resting, having fun, and getting the word out about the Hammertime Sequence group I'm leading (we start tomorrow, join us!). I suspect we may gain a new member or few to the group even after starting since I have a bit more promotion to do tomorrow morning.
I'm looking forward to engaging with my media diet and new habits, doing Hammertime, and somehow also doing those things while on vacation in a few days, should be fun :)
For now though, rest is best, so to bed I go.
Shortform #53 Train Goes Choo Choo
I'm back aboard the daily shortform writing train as mentioned in my media diet post
I'm running a group through the Hammertime sequence!. We start Monday 19 July, 2021. If you're interested and want to do that, join the Houston Rationalists discord server, that's where group communications and activities will take place;
I think completing the Hammertime sequence is a nice complementary activity to my media diet + habit changes, should prove beneficial to me, and will likely be fun since I'm doing...
Legibility of the self, coherency of thoughts, and focused deliberate actions seem all very important ideas plus states of being to pursue and continue exploring. They all seem to reinforce and strengthen each other, for one. Additionally, it seems like pursuing such things is how one moves forward or "levels up" in important and significant ways.
Shortform #52 Some Successes
I met my job application count goal for last week, and increased that count for this week.
This week I will also be determining what exactly I want out of a PhD program and see what compatible programs exist, if any (especially at University of Washington). Leveraging grad school deliberately(what a fantastic post, thank you Andrew for writing that) seems a good path for what I am pursuing as my career and would provide me with invaluable training, experiences, access, mentorship, and more for that.
The anti-depressant I started a...
Shortform #51 Sprinting to the Future
I am job hunting now, looking for writing, analysis, managerial, business development, or junior software engineering positions (any of those roles are fine, plus I'm open to other kinds of roles on a case-by-case basis) that are either fully remote or located in Seattle where I'm looking to relocate ASAP. This is my linkedin profile and this is my EAHub profile(if you aren't familiar with EAHub, go check them out! they are a global directory for effective altruists to connect).
I finished writing Voicing Voice and poste...
Shortform #48 Go Outside, Self
On 14 Jan, 2021 for Shortform #20 I said it was time to find a job. So far, no new job. That's because I haven't applied for a single job since writing that post. Ouch. I've enjoyed not working quite a bit, plus I focused on moving instead of job hunting.
I guess the hard part begins now, because I still don't want to find a new job, because I still really enjoy not having one and being able to just live. Especially now that I can walk <5 minutes to the beach and hangout on the beach, just living seems really nice.
I never be...
Shortform #47 A New Place
I drove across the country to the new house, arrived there safely after ~2 days of travel, and then rested for a few days. I'm excited about living in a new place, time to start unpacking and exploring :)
LibrePlanet 2021 is this weekend, here's the schedule if that's something you're interested in, I'll be checking several of the sessions out for sure.
Feels like there are a ridiculous amount of things I need and/or want to do now that I've moved, I'll spend some time early tomorrow setting priorities, then will adjust things as nee...
Shortform #46 Git Pushin'
Today was chaotic, but overall decent.
Shortform #45 Successes and Walking Around
Today was a good day :)
I walked ~20,000 steps, successfully avoided time-wasting on the internet prior to 5pm, logged my time taken on different tasks / spent on things, worked on currently-secret-project for a solid 2 hours, worked on several other things, and more.
Tomorrow I'm prioritizing finishing that ticket on github, need to get that done. I'll also work on currently-secret-project, do some writing, and some other things that need to get done.
Not wasting any time on the internet until after 5pm made for a mu...
Shortform #44 Only Kill Time After 5pm
I want more Alive Time and less Dead Time; b. To facilitate that, I will no longer allow myself to use the internet for any purpose that is not expressly related to what I'm specifically focusing on accomplishing at that moment, prior to 5pm each day except Sunday.
Unfortunately, I waste a lot of time browsing many different sites, watching YouTube, watching Netflix, scrolling through Discord servers, and so on, during any and all times of the day. Thus I'll try living under the above self-imposed restriction and see ho...
Shortform #43 Egress Shell
~27 days ago I wrote shortform #42 and mentioned that I experienced a very low low that day, among other things, and gave a super vague description of said low: "The very low low sucked, but I don't want to talk about it further here. I will be okay, and I have a good support system to talk about it with." For the following 25 days or so I stopped writing, withdrew into a shell, and alternated between hiding in that shell and frantically packing the house up. That sucked :( I don't want to stay in a shell anymore, so i'm kicking i...
Shortform #42 Ah, more writing.
Today had good highs and a very low low. The high points came from having a very small birthday dinner and consuming good food with a few others, being virtually social with friends (we played some rounds in Paladins and did okay, twas fun), and from being reasonably productive during the "4 hours of digital tasks" time in the morning. The very low low sucked, but I don't want to talk about it further here. I will be okay, and I have a good support system to talk about it with.
I was successful regarding 2 from yesterday's ToD...
Shortform #39
Today was a decent day :)
Had a strange and stressful thing occur today, but I will be okay and things are fine.
Be well,
Shortform #37 Obsession
Today was a decent day.
I've become obsessed with reading Worm, I'm at section 24-something. I'll dial the reading back tomorrow so that I can do things I need to do.
Be well,
Shortform #36 Taking It Easy
As the title says, I took it easy today. Not much physical activity nor much strenuous activity really of any kind. I continued reading Worm, being virtually social, and effectively chilled for much of the day. I'm happy I did that and feel eager for the new week to start.
Here's to a great week!
Shortform #35
Today was a bit stressful, but otherwise was quite nice :) Most of the stress came from cleaning + organizing the house, there was a lot to do but it got done.
Shortform #33 A Good Day
I started reading Worm and it has been quite fun so far. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, lot's of good things going on.
Be well!
Shortform #32 Yay for Life Logging
Not much exciting to report, I existed for another day and that was lovely :)
I'll be back tomorrow, ciao.
Shortform #31 VE404, Title Not Found
I'm back! A day later than originally planned, but, I have returned and am continuing to write these daily shortforms, because they are helpful and good to me. I'm writing and posting my week 3 review tomorrow evening, and there will be a shortform for the day posted after that.
Not much I want to say right now other than I'm happy to be writing these again, the two days not writing them (effectively three days because Saturday's shortform was bad and almost nonexistent) felt off in ways I didn't expect beforehand.
Shortform #28 What's going on?
I woke up feeling fried, extra crispy, with no motivation and everything was grey, even the outdoors (the weather was literally a hazy drizzly grey all day, and not the good kind, was more of the bad swampy kind). What I noticed feeling yesterday and then throughout today correlate reasonably well with a depression episode trying to take root. I'd prefer for that not to happen, because those aren't fun, and I have things to do. Time for interventions! (to be detailed later in the post)
Shortform #27 A Day of Meandering
I don't think today was a bad day, I definitely enjoyed many parts of it, but I wasn't really a focused human being today. I didn't begin coding practice until 14:50, and I suspect that's part of why I was so less focused today. Instead of practising coding first thing after waking up like I had been doing, I instead read Hacker News, LessWrong, and elsewhere, finished a task that required some concentration, and had several interruptions. I was considerably grumpier today than usual as time passed too, which was odd.
I thin...
Shortform #24 Reflecting and Doing
Today was a good day!
2021 Week 2 Review 10 Jan - 16 Jan: Co-Working FTW! Also...Stop Signalling, WTB Quantitative Data and Reasoning!
I recall enjoying last week, but wow did I endorse each day strongly in my shortforms. It is true that last week was substantially better than the week prior to it, and I don't recall nor have records of bad things or bad feels occurring last week, so I'll stand by my strong endorsements of the days last week.
Thus, what an excellent week!
Re, Stop signalling: "I spent most of it going through things, throwing away, organizing, sorting, and packing...
Shortform #23 Extant
I enjoyed today, but it definitely wasn't a very productive day. I woke up late, then jumped in for an hour of virtual co-working and looked a resume templates / ideas + discussed resume and job site profile strategies. Afterwards I cleaned and organized the house for an hour and a half, followed by showering + getting ready. I drove into town for an early dinner outdoors with three friends then picked up my Dad from the airport, and have been relaxing since getting home.
I think the best thing to do is go to bed early and wake up tomorrow ready for a new day!
Yay it's the weekend!
Shortform #18 The downsides of procrastination, otherwise a great day.
Today was a mostly great day!
Unfortunately, because I started the review process (skimming nominated 2019 posts, writing actual reviews)...
Shortform #17 An accomplished yet peaceful and nice Sunday.
Today was a great day!
What a great start to a brand new week :)
Also: if you enjoy ramen, try putting jalapeño guacamole sauce ...
Shortform #14 and Shortform #15
#15 I have learned an important lesson!
If I stay up all night trying to be more productive because I wanted to get more things done and "make up for" a day where I didn't get quite what I wanted done...then whatever I stayed up for had better be damn important otherwise I've just wasted a lot of time and lowered my quality of life.
Staying up all night to be more productive for the sake of showing off (to myself and/or to others) that I had accomplished more things in one day is not a good enough reason to stay up all night, s...
Shortform #13
What a promising and good day, that ultimately turned out not as good as expected.
Other than doing ~2 hours of messaging to catch up on my inboxes, today has been quite the lazy day.
Oversleeping and then reacting to crazy political events can put quite a damper on being productive :(
Tomorrow I will do better!
This is the most boring shortform post you'll see from me in the near future, expect moar better for tomorrow :)
Good luck and be well!
This shortform was not written while listening to music, only the ambient hum and whooshing of my room fan occasionally interrupted by typing noises pervaded my local audible soundscape.
Shortform #12
Mmm, today was a nice relaxing and restorative kind of day. Definitely helped me with item #4 from yesterday's shortform, I feel energized and eager for doing lots of things tomorrow.
I didn't go outside and exercise, rather, I paced inside while on the phone with various people over the span of 3 hours or so, and that was nice, I enjoy walking while talking on the phone. My step count for the day is ~19,500, seems good enough.
My text, messenger, and email inboxes are overflowing, and I desperately need to deal with those inboxes tomorrow, so I...
Shortform #68 This shortform's for July 6, 2022
Yesterday was quite a long day, though mostly enjoyable, especially the Norfolk Rationalists meetup which was wonderful :) I enjoyed the Guild of the Rose workshop on Advanced Epistemics last night but had to leave halfway through because by 9:30...I was literally falling asleep in my chair. Who knew waking up at 5:00am and working ten hour days plus doing social things and class would be so tiring!
I don't have much to say about yesterday besides it felt quite long and the meetup last night was wonderful :) We...
Shortform #90 I changed the title more than five times so this is now the title.
Tonight I keep writing sentences and deleting them. Not sure that's the most fruitful state of mind to write with, but I shall do so anyways.
I believe that the adrenaline or excitement which propelled me through the week after returning from the organizer's retreat has finally worn off. I'm very sleepy and have been very unfocused tonight (which is in stark contrast to how well I performed at work today, I was very focused & on top of things), scattered, and a bit drift-y. ...
A number of smart watches detect snoring, sleep apnea/oxygen level type issues. Sleep lab sounds expensive. Good luck with regular hours. My first job had 5:30am starts which quickly ended my wild night-owl antics of varsity. Have had regular sleep hours ever since (and became a morning-person to my surprise). Insomnia issue in later life had another cause.