I just discovered an easy way of reading Less Wrong (and other web content) on the Kindle, and I thought others might also find this useful. I am sharing this as a discussion post rather than as a comment in an open thread in order to reach a larger audience, because this answers a need I've had for a long time (wanting a convenient way to read more on my Kindle and less on my computer monitor) that I suspect quite a few other LW readers also have. Moderators/admins: please delete this if it seems inappropriate for even the discussion section.

The free Readability Firefox Plugin adds a 'Send to Kindle' button to Firefox, which when clicked, sends the web page in a highly readable format (stripped of header, footer, and margin text, ads, etc.) to your Kindle (for free delivery via Wi-Fi or USB). You just have to change your kindle settings to accept email from kindle@readability.com, and tell the plugin your kindle address (e.g., yourusername@free.kindle.com).

On a related note, there are also epub and mobi files available for some of the sequences.


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If you use Chrome, Send to Kindle and Kindle It look like good alternatives.


Has anyone found a good way to include comments to a LW post on the Kindle? Most read-it-later sites strip out the comments, which is normally a good idea for most sites, but not necessarily so in this case.


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