It's great to make people more aware of bad mental habits and encourage better ones, as many people have done on LessWrong. The way we deal with weak thinking is, however, like how people dealt with depression before the development of effective anti-depressants:
- Clinical depression was only marginally treatable.
- It was seen as a crippling character flaw, weakness, or sin.
- Admitting you had it could result in losing your job and/or friends.
- Treatment was not covered by insurance.
- Therapy was usually analytic or behavioral and not very effective.
- People thus went to great mental effort not to admit, even to themselves, having depression or any other mental illness.
The only "anti-stupidity drugs" we have are nootropics. But the nootropics we have weren't developed as nootropics. Piracetam was, I think, developed to treat seizures. L-DOPA was developed to treat Parkinson's. No one knows who started using ginkgo biloba or what they used it for; it was used to treat asthma 5000 years ago. Adderall derives from drugs used to keep soldiers awake in World War 2.
And none of them are very good against stupidity. AFAIK, to date, not one drug has been developed by understanding and targeting the causes of different types of stupidity. We have the tools to do this--we could, for instance, sequence a lot of peoples' DNA, give them all IQ tests, and do a genome-wide association study, as a start.
We don't research these things because society doesn't want to research them. People don't conceive of stupidity as a disease that can be cured. We need, somehow, to promote thinking of stupidity as a mental illness. As something drug companies could make billions of dollars off of.
We must stop glorifying intelligence and treating our society as a playground for the smart minority. We should instead begin shaping our economy, our schools, even our culture with an eye to the abilities and needs of the majority, and to the full range of human capacity. The government could, for example, provide incentives to companies that resist automation, thereby preserving jobs for the less brainy. It could also discourage hiring practices that arbitrarily and counterproductively weed out the less-well-IQ’ed. ...
When Michael Young, a British sociologist, coined the term meritocracy in 1958, it was in a dystopian satire. At the time, the world he imagined, in which intelligence fully determined who thrived and who languished, was understood to be predatory, pathological, far-fetched. Today, however, we’ve almost finished installing such a system, and we have embraced the idea of a meritocracy with few reservations, even treating it as virtuous.
-- David Freedman [no, not David Friedman], "The War on Stupid People," The Atlantic, July/Aug 2016
The contents of this post seem unnecessary ableist to me. We're building a society for all people and thus statements like these carry a rather bad taste:
This statement shames people which the article previously stamped as "stupid". People with disabilities have the same right to prosper just live everyone else. It seems to me that your post carries with it the assumption that "having less 'stupid' people" somehow translates to a better human condition. It's hard to see how shaming people who suffer from "disability" or "being stupid" translates to a better society. Perhaps it's exactly the opposite which helps society to prosper: accepting people with disabilities, giving them the resources they need, helping them to create policys and rules which help other people with the same disability etc.
Would you take a pill which alters your thinking patterns in a way some other person considers better? I'd argue that a lot of people don't suffer from "being stupid". Impairing normal functioning and being a source of suffering is necessary for something to be labelled desease[1], something which you did not showed.
David Freedman is right. Believing in meritocracy also leads to believing that "smart people" should excert control over civilization and technology. This is in harsh contrast to democracy, where civilization should be directed and altered by the civilization itself (populus). When some part of the civilization is "stupid" then they should be equally represented in the governing system instead of favoring people deemed of correct "intelligence" or "age" or "religion".
The linked article does not state that deafness is a culture but instead that deafness can be used as cultural identification. A very valid assumption given that deaf people have it far easier interacting with other deaf people and their media instead of non-deaf people.