The 9th AI Safety Camp (AISC9) just ended, and as usual, it was a success! 

Follow this link to find project summaries, links to their outputs, recordings to the end of camp presentations and contact info to all our teams in case you want to engage more.

AISC9 both had the largest number of participants (159) and the smallest number of staff (2) of all the camps we’ve done so far. Me and Remmelt have proven that if necessary, we can do this with just the two of us, and luckily our fundraising campaign raised just enough money to pay me and Remmelt to do one more AISC. After that, the future is more uncertain, but that’s almost always the case for small non profit projects.


Get involved in AISC10

AISC10 will follow the same format and timeline (shifted by one year) as AISC9.

Approximate timeline

August: Planning and preparation for the organisers
September: Research lead applications are open
October: We help the research lead applicants improve their project proposals
November: Team member applications are open
December: Research leads interviews and select their team

Mid-January to Mid April: The camp itself, i.e. each team works on their project.


Help us give feedback on the next round of AISC projects

An important part of AISC is that we give individual feedback on all project proposals we receive. This is very staff intensive and the biggest bottleneck in our system. If you’re interested in helping with giving feedback on proposals in certain research areas, please email me at


Apply as a research lead – Applications will open in September

As an AISC research lead, you will both plan and lead your project. The AISC staff, and any volunteer helpers (see previous section) will provide you with feedback on your project proposal. 

If your project proposal is accepted, we’ll help you recruit a team to help you realise your plans. We’ll broadcast your project, together with all the other accepted project proposals. We’ll provide structure and guidance for the team recruitment. You will choose which applications you think are promising, do the interviews and the final selection for your project team.

If you are unsure if this is for you, you’re welcome to contact Remmelt ( specifically for stop/pause AI projects, or me ( for anything else.

Apply as a team member – Applications will open in November

Approximately at the start of November, we’ll share all the accepted project proposals on our website. If you have some time to spare in January-April 2025, you should read them and apply to the projects you like.


We have room for more funding

Our stipends pot is empty or very close to empty (accounting for AISC9 is not finalised), if you want to help rectify this by adding some more money, please contact

If we get some funding for this, but not enough for everyone, we will prioritise giving stipends to people from low and mid income countries, because we believe that a little money goes a long way for these participants. 

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I mean, how sure are we about that second part?

Second part being "there will be an AISC10"?

Very sure. 

As long as me and Remmelt are still alive and healthy a couple of months from now, then we're doing it.

Remmelt have organised 8 previous AISCs, I've been part of 3 of those. We know what we are doing. We know we can rely on each other, and we want to do this.

We just needed to make sure we have money to live and eat and such, before we could commit to running a next camp. But we have received the money now, so that's all good. Manifund have sent us the money, it's in our bank accounts. 

I'll bet anyone who like, that there will be an AISC10 at 1:10 odds in your favour. I'm much more confident that that, but if you give me worse odds, then I don't think can be bothered about it.

Oh, I was making a joke about timelines.

Ah, ok. I did not pick up on that. Thanks for clarifying.

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