There was a recent discussion considering the idea of a monthly Book (later expanded to movies, links, etc) thread. The poll was pretty unanimous that this was A Good Idea (tm). The past two threads have had a decent amount of activity, so let's keep going.
Post what you're reading, listening to, watching, and your opinion of it. Post recommendations to blogs. Post whatever media you feel like discussing!
- Please avoid downvoting; this is a thread for sharing subjective experiences, and people should feel comfortable posting their personal opinion without fearing a karma backlash. If you disagree with a person's recommendation, please post a comment to that effect.
- If you want to post something that (you know) has been recommended before, but have another recommendation to add, please link to the original, so that the reader has both recommendations.
- Please use the comment trees, which I was apparently too dumb to do.
Anime & Manga Thread
By popular demand
I've been watching Mobile Suit Gundam - the original. It's better than I expected, with some thoughtful universe-building, although the distance in time means I'm not always sure how plot events are supposed to be taken; I'm pretty sure the casual sexism was a condition of the time & place, but I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to regard Amuro as a prat who seems determined to prove every characters' criticism of him right, nor whether Char is an anti-hero or just a loathsome backstabbing toad. Regardless, interesting to see one of the grandaddies of all mecha anime.