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Rot13 Jngpuzra. The main villain is trying to force the world powers to unite to fight his fake alien invasion, and you aren't supposed to find this out until the end.

Whateley Academy is a superhero shared universe with strong world building, multiple quasi-rasionalist characters, and many characters who are irrational in ways that are sympathetic and believable rather than because they're holding the idiot ball. It is also chock full of witty dialog and big on queer characters, in particular many of the characters (including most of the protagonists) are some mixture of trans in the normal sense, intersex, or undergoing changes to there sexual characteristics as a side effect of their origin. I've gotten the impression that it is pretty similar to both Worm and Tales of the MU but don't know enough about those series to confirm this. -ETA also all the trigger warnings, seriously all of them.

I was referring to factual controversy, not political. While it sounds like the most dubious parts are the ones you skipped/skimmed, a major facet of Grossman's work in general is his ideas about the psychology of killing, and as the above link details these ideas are based on a mixture of pathetically bad evolutionary psychology, and dubious (read probably fraudulent) empirical evidence. Since, your review didn't focus on this aspect I don't want to harp on it too much, at the same time it has a lot of knock on effects e.g. your views on video games and violence are likely to be different if you believe humans are naturally violent than if you believe they need significant training to be psychologically capable of killing.

Most of the criticism don't directly concern the claims you're highlighting, but on combat is actually pretty controversial.

Most finance advice I've seen (and I've spent a good bit of time in the finance blogosphere) starts by saying that you should track what your expenses are for precisely this reason.

The Luminosity sequence has some stuff on this, though its been long enough since I read it that I don't remember the details very well. Acceptance and commitment therapy has some really good stuff on dealing with anger/frustration (I recommend the book Get Out of Your Mind and into Your Life). Learning acceptance and commitment for just this problem is probably overkill, on the other hand its pretty useful for life in general.

I know that Val from CfAR at least used to run meditation retreats though they weren't aimed specifically at rationalists.

I like Complice for having a daily to-do that allows you to track how much time you've spent on each of your items (if you're using its pomodoro timer), and to see which goals you did (and didn't) meet on past days. However, I know the founder through CfAR so I may be biased.

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