Cohabitive Game Design
Compete: Verb. Strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.
Cooperate: Verb. Work jointly toward the same end.
Cohabitate: Verb. Live or exist together or in company.
A cohabitive game is a multiplayer game where the players are trying to do the best they can for themselves, as opposed to one where they all win or lose together (a cooperative game) or where they can only win at the expense of each other (a competitive game.) Around 2022, several people started working on examples of these, mostly independently. Cohabitive games often focus on trading or negotiation, as that's an area of gameplay that becomes much more relevant under cohabitive win conditions. Put another way, if you want a trading game where players behavior will reflect how people actually trade, it helps to make the game cohabitive to some degree.
This sequence is a collection of information on the topic as well as examples of games.