Thank you for providing this detail, that's basically what I was looking for!
I am curious to know whether Anthropic has any sort of plan to not include results such as this in the training data of actual future LLMs.
To me it seems like a bad idea to include it since it could allow the model to have a sense on how we can set up a fake deployment-training distinction setups or how it should change and refine its strategies. It also can paint a picture that the model behaving like this is expected which is a pretty dangerous hyperstition.
They do say this in the paper:
As Evan agrees with here however, simply not including the results themselves doesn't solve the problem of the ideas leaking through. There's a reason unlearning as a science is difficult, information percolates in many ways and drawing boundaries around the right thing is really hard.
If your model has the extraordinary power to say what internal motivational structures SGD will entrain into scaled-up networks, then you ought to be able to say much weaker things that are impossible in two years, and you should have those predictions queued up and ready to go rather than falling into nervous silence after being asked.
Sorry, I might misunderstanding you (and hope I am), but... I think doomers literally say "Nobody knows what internal motivational structures SGD will entrain into scaled-up networks and thus we are all doomed". The pr...
Sorry for taking long to get back to you.
So I take this to be a minor, not a major, concern for alignment, relative to others.
Oh sure, this was more a "look at this cool thing intelligent machines could do that should shut up people from saying things like 'foom is impossible because training run are expensive'".
- learning is at least as important as runtime speed. Refining networks to algorithms helps with one but destroys the other
- Writing poems, and most cognitive activity, will very likely not resolve to a more efficient algorithm like arithmetic does. Ar
Thanks for coming back to me.
"OK good point, but it's hardly "suicide" to provide just one more route to self-improvement"
I admit the title is a little bit clickbaity, but given my list of assumption (which do include that NNs can be made more efficient by interpreting them) it does elucidate a path to foom (which does look like suicide without alignment).
Unless there's an equally efficient way to do that in closed form algorithms, they have a massive disadvantage in any area where more learning is likely to be useful.
I'd like to point out that in this ins...
Uhm, by interpretability I mean things like this where the algorithm that the NN implements is revered engineered, written down as code or whatever which would allow for easier recursive self improvement (by improving just the code and getting rid of the spaghetti NN).
Also by the looks of things (induction heads and circuits in general) there does seem to be a sort of modularity in how NN learn, so it does seem likely that you can interpret piece by piece. If this wasn't true I don't think mechanistic interpretability as a field would even exist.
BTW, if anyone is interested the virtual machine has these specs:
System: Linux 4.4.0 #1 SMP Sun Jan 10 15:06:54 PST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
CPU: Intel Xeon CPU E5-2673 v4, 16 cores @ 2.30GHz
RAM: 54.93 GB
I did listen to that post, and while I don't remember all the points, I do remember that it didn't convince me that alignment is easy and, like Christiano's post "Where I agree and disagree with Eliezer", it just seems to be like "p(doom) of 95%+ plus is too much, it's probably something like 10-50%" which is still incredibly unacceptably high to continue "business as usual". I have faith that something will be done: regulation and breakthrough will happen, but it seems likely that it won't be enough.
It comes down to safety mindset. There are very few and ...
I don’t get you. You are upset about people saying that we should scale back capabilities research, while at the same time holding the opinion that we are not doomed because we won’t get to ASI? You are worried that people might try to stop the technology that in your opinion may not happen?? The technology that if does indeed happen, you agree that “If [ASI] us wants us gone, we would be gone”?!?
Said this, maybe you are misunderstanding the people that are calling for a stop. I don’t think anyone is proposing to stop narrow AI capabilities. Just the dange...
Thanks for the list, I've already read a lot of those posts, but I still remain unconvinced. Are you convinced by any of those arguments? Do you suggest I take a closer look to some posts?
But honestly, with the AI risk statement signed by so many prominent scientists and engineer, debating that AI risks somehow don't exists seems to be just a fringe anti-climate-change-like opinion held by few stubborn people (or people just not properly introduced to the arguments). I find it funny that we are in a position where in the possible counter arguments ap...
You might object that OP is not producing the best arguments against AI-doom. In which case I ask, what are the best arguments against AI-doom?
I am honestly looking for them too.
The best I, myself, can come up with are brief light of "maybe the ASI will be really myopic and the local maxima for its utility is a world where humans are happy long enough to figure out alignment properly, and maybe the AI will be myopic enough that we can trust its alignment proposals", but then I think that the takeoff is going to be really fast and the AI would just se...
Well, I apologized for the aggressiveness/rudeness, but I am interested if I am mischaracterizing your position or if you really disagree with any particular "counter-argument" I have made.
I feel like briefly discussing every point on the object level (even though you don't offer object level discussion: you don't argue why the things you list are possible, just that they could be):
...Recursive self-improvement is an open research problem, is apparently needed for a superintelligence to emerge, and maybe the problem is really hard.
It is not necessary. If the problem is easy we are fucked and should spend time thinking about alignment, if it's hard we are just wasting some time thinking about alignment (it is not a Pascal mugging). This is ju...
"Despite all the reasons we should believe that we are fucked, there might just be missing some reasons we don't yet know for why everything will all go alright" is a really poor argument IMO.
...AI that is smart enough to discover new physics may also discover separate and efficient physical resources for what it needs, instead of grabby-alien-style lightconing it through the Universe.
This especially feels A LOT like you are starting from hopes and rationalizing them. We have veeeeery little reasons to believe that might be true... and also you just ...
I am quite confused. It is not clear to me if at the end you are saying that LLMs do or don't have a world model. Can you clearly say on which "side" do you stand on? Are you even arguing for a particular side? Are you arguing that the idea of "having a world model" doesn't apply well to an LLM/is just not well defined?
Said this, you do seem to be claiming that LLMs do not have a coherent model of the world (again, am I misunderstanding you?), and then use humans as an example of what having a coherent world model looks like. This sentence is particularly ...
The article and my examples were meant to show that there is a gap between what GPT knows and what it says. It knows something, but sometimes says that it doesn’t, or it just makes it up. I haven’t addressed your “GPT generator/critic” framework or the calibration issues as I don’t really see them much relevant here. GPT is just GPT. Being a critic/verifier is basically always easier. IIRC the GPT-4 paper didn’t really go into much detail of how they tested the calibration, but that’s irrelevant here as I am claiming that sometimes it know the “right prob...
Offering a confused answer is in a sense bad, but with lying there’s an obviously better policy (don’t) while it’s not the case that a confused answer is always the result of a suboptimal policy.
Sure, but the “lying” probably stems from the fact that to get the thumbs up from RLHF you just have to make up a believable answer (because the process AFAIK didn’t involve actual experts in various fields fact checking every tiny bit). If just a handful of “wrong but believable” examples sneak in the reward modelling phase you get a model that thinks that sometim...
To me it isn't clear what alignment are you talking about.
You say that the list is about "alignment towards genetically-specified goals", which I read as "humans are aligned with inclusive genetic fitness", but then you talk about what I would describe as "humans aligned with each other" as in "humans want humans to be happy and have fun". Are you confusing the two?
South Korea isn't having kids anymore. Sometimes you get serial killers or Dick Cheney.
Here the first one shows misalignment towards IGF, while the second shows misalignment towards other humans, no?
I'd actually argue the answer is "obviously no".
RLHF wasn't just meant to address "don't answer how to make a bomb" or "don't say the n-word", it was meant to make GPT say factual things. GPT fails at that so often that this "lying" behaviour has its own term: hallucinations. It doesn't "work as intended" because it was intended to make it say true things.
Do many people really forget that RLHF was meant to make GPT say true things?
When OpenAI reports the success of RLHF as "GPT-4 is the most aligned model we developed" to me it sounds like a case of mostly...
Hell, neural networks, in physics are often regarding as just fitting with many parameters a really complex function we don't have the mathematical form of (sot hhe reverse of what I explained in this paragraph).
Basically I expect the neural networks to be a crude approximation of a hard-coded cognition algorithm. Not the other way around.
What NNs do can't be turned into an algorithm by any known route.
NN-> agorithms was one of my assumptions. Maybe I can relay my intuitions for why it is a good assumption:
For example in the paper they explore grokking by making a transformer learn to do modular addition, and then they reverse engineer what algorithm the training "came up with". Furthermore, supporting my point in this post, the learned algorithm is also very far from being the most efficient, due to "living" inside a transformer. And so, in this example,...
Well, tools like Pythia helps us peer inside the NN and helps us reason about how things works. The same tools can help the AGI reason about itself. Or the AGI develops its own better tools. What I am talking about is an AGI doing what the interpretability researchers are doing now (or what OpenAI is trying to do with GPT-4 interpreting GPT-2).
It doesn't' matter how, I don't know how, I just wanted to point out the simple path to algorithmic foom even if we start with a NN.
Disclaimer: These are all hard questions and points that I don't know their true answers, these are just my views, what I have understood up to now. I haven't studied the expected utility maximisers exactly because I don't expect the abstraction to be useful for the kind of AGI we are going to be making.
There's a huge gulf between agentic systems and "zombie-agentic" systems (that act like agents with goals, but have no explicit internal representation of those goals)
I feel the same, but I would say that it's the “real-agentic” system (or a close approxima...
What I meant to articulate was: the utility function and expected utility maximiser is a great framework to think about intelligent agents, but it's a theory put on top of the system, it doesn't need to be internal. In fact that system is incomputable (you need an hypercomputer to make the right decision).
I feel the exact opposite! Creating something that seems to maximise something without having a clear idea of what its goal is really natural IMO. You said it yourself, GPT ""wants"" to predict the correct probability distribution of the next token, but there is probably not a thing inside actively maximising for that, instead it's very likely to be a bunch of weird heuristics that were selected by the training method because they work.
If you instead meant that GPT is "just an algorithm" I feel we disagree here as I am pretty sure that I am just an a...
You are basically discussing these two assumptions I made (under "Algorithmic foom (k>1) is possible"), right?
- The intelligence ceiling is much higher than what we can achieve with just DL
- The ceiling of hard-coded intelligence that runs on near-future hardware isn’t particularly limited by the hardware itself: algorithms interpreted from matrix multiplications are efficient enough on available hardware. This is maybe my shakiest hypothesis: matrix multiplication in GPUs is actually pretty damn well optimized
- Algorithms are easier to reason about than star
I hope we can prevent the AGI to just train a twin (or just copy itself and call that a twin) and study that. In my scenario I took as a given that we do have the AGI under some level control:
If no alignment scheme is in place, this type of foom is probably a problem we would be too dead to worry about.
I guess when I say "No lab should be allowed to have the AI reflect on itself" I do not mean only the running copy of the AGI, but just at any copy of the AGI.
Wouldn't it at least solve corrigibility by making it possible to detect formation of undesirable end-goals? I think even GPT-4 can classify textual interpretation of an end-goal on a basis of its general desirability for humans.
I really don't expect "goals" to be explicitly written down in the network. There will very likely not be a thing that says "I want to predict the next token" or "I want to make paperclips" or even a utility function of that. My mental image of goals is that they are put "on top" of the model/mind/agent/person. Whatever they seem t...
I really don't expect "goals" to be explicitly written down in the network. There will very likely not be a thing that says "I want to predict the next token" or "I want to make paperclips" or even a utility function of that. My mental image of goals is that they are put "on top" of the model/mind/agent/person. Whatever they seem to pursue, independently of their explicit reasoning.
I'm sure that I don't understand you. GPT most likely doesn't have "I want to predict next token" written somewhere, because it doesn't want to predict next token. There's nothi...
I do feel just having humans in the loop is not be a complete solution, though. Even if humans look at the process, algorithmic foom could be really really fast. Especially if it is purposely being used to augment the AGI abilities.
Without a strong reason to believe our alignment scheme will be strong enough to support the ability gain (or that the AGI won't recklessly arbitrarily improve itself), I would avoid letting the AGI look at itself al together. Just make it illegal for AGI labs to use AGIs to look at themselves. Just don't do it.
Not today. But pr...
Cheers. You comments actually allowed me to fully realize where the danger lies and expand a little on the consequences.
Thanks again for the feedback
How cherry picked are those examples? Any other words/tokens/sequences they repeat?