. . . Is there a way a random punter could kick in, say, $100k towards Elon's bid? Either they end up spending $100k on shares valued at somewhere between $100k and $150k; or, more likely, they make the seizure of OpenAI $100k harder at no cost to themselves.
I once saw an advert claiming that a pregnancy test was “over 99% accurate”. This inspired me to invent an only-slightly-worse pregnancy test, which is over 98% accurate. My invention is a rock with “NOT PREGNANT” scrawled on it: when applied to a randomly selected human being, it is right more than 98% of the time. It is also cheap, non-invasive, endlessly reusable, perfectly consistent, immediately effective and impossible to apply incorrectly; this massive improvement in cost and convenience is obviously worth the ~1% decrease in accuracy.
I think they meant over 99% when used on a non-randomly selected human who's bothering to take a pregnancy test. Your rock would run maybe 70% or so on that application.
I can't tell if this post is a request for more feedback for you in future, or trying to open a more general discussion about what norms and conventions exist around giving feedback, or if it's about you wanting to see people give more love to other creators.
I was trying to do all of these things simultaneously.
The second graph you link to seems - unless I'm missing something? - to confirm the point you're trying to use it to rebut: set the x axis to five years and you can absolutely see a massive jump where Milei changed the exchange rate.
(Regardless, strong-upvoted for picking holes and citing sources.)
Just realized I forgot to mention this: I really like how the interactive handled the Bonus Objective, i.e. if the player is thinking along the right lines their character automatically makes the in-universe sensible/optimal decision for them (which means you can set up a fair Bonus Objective for players who don't live in that universe and so don't have all the context).
Notes on my performance:
. . . huh! I was really expecting to either take first place for being the only player putting serious effort into the right core mechanics, or take last place for being the only player putting serious effort into the wrong core mechanics; getting the main idea wrong but doing everything else well enough for silver was not on my bingo card. (I'm also pleasantly surprised to note that I figured out which goblin I could purge with least collateral damage: I can leave Room 7 empty without changing my position on the leaderboard.)...
I've procrastinated and prevaricated for the entire funding period, because, well . . . on the one hand . . .
The graphs here say the number of monthly users is ~4000. If you disqualify the ~half of those who are students, lurkers, drive-by posters, third-worlders, or people who just forgot their wallet . . . that implies ~$1000, per person, per year, to run a web forum. (Contrast the Something Awful forums, which famously sustain themselves with a one-time entry fee of $10-$25 per person (plus some ads shown to the people who only paid $10).)
Oops, sorry, I just realized I am displaying the metrics in the most counterintuitive way. I will update that tonight (I fo...
Typo in title: prioritize, not priorities.
Here's Claude's take on a diagram to make this less confusing.
The diagram did not make things less confusing, and in fact did the opposite. A table would be more practical imo.
10 chat sessions
As in, for each possible config, and each possible channel, run ten times from scratch? For a total of 360 actual sessions? This isn't clear to me.
Regardless: a small useful falsifiable practical result, with no egregious errors in the parts of the methodology I understand. Upvoted.
Oh, and as for
the Bonus Objective
if I'm continuing with my current paradigm I'd guess it has something to do with
an apparent interaction between Orcs and Hags which makes a path containing both less dangerous than might otherwise be expected
possibly such that
I could remove the Goblin in Room 7 without making the easiest path any easier
I have low confidence in this answer
I have no idea how I could get away with purging the second Goblin
Built a treebased model; trialled a few solutions; got radically different answers which I'm choosing to trust.
The machines seem to think that the best solution I can offer is
and I've
found a row which confirms the adventurers-scout-one-room-ahead paradigm is, at the very least, not both eternal and absolute
so I'm making that my answer for now.
Did some more tinkering with this scenario. It is remarkably difficult to be 100% confident when determining the basic mechanics of this scenario, i.e.
whether adventuring parties can see more than one room ahead.
And I'm beginning to suspect that
some adventuring parties always take the optimal path, while some others are greedy algorithms just picking the easiest next encounter.
( . . . and IQ tests, and exam papers, and probably some other things that are too obvious for me to call to mind . . . )
You might want to look into tests given to job applicants. (Human intelligence evaluation is an entire industry already!)
On reflection, I think
my initial guess happened to be close to optimal
Adventurers will successfully deduce that a mid-dungeon Trap is less dangerous than a mid-dungeon Orc
Hag-then-Dragon seems to make best use of the weird endgame interaction I still don't understand
I'm scared Adventurers might choose Orcs-plus-optionality over Boulders
so my new plan is
(and I also suspect
might be better because of
the tendency of Adventuring parties to pick Eastern routes over Southern ones when all else is equal
but I don't have the co...
Oh and just for Posterity's sake, marking that I noticed both
the way some Tournaments will have 3 judges and others will have 4
the change in distribution somewhere between Tournaments 3000 and 4000
but I have no clue how to make use of these phenomena.
On further inspection it turns out I'm completely wrong about
how traps work.
and it looks like
Dungeoneers can always tell what kinds of fight they'll be getting into: min(feature effect) between 2 and 4 is what decides how they collectively impact Score.
It also looks like
The rankings of effectiveness are different between the Entry Square, the Exit Square, and Everywhere Else; Steel Golems are far and away the best choice for guarding the entrance but 'only' on par with Dragons elsewhere.
It looks like there's a weak but solid benefit to dungeoneers ha
I still have a bunch of checking to confirm whether this actually works, but I'm getting my preliminary decision down ASAP:
CWB/OOH/XXD (where the Xes are Nothing or Goblins depending on whether I'm Hard-mode-ing)
On the basis that:
Adventurers should prioritize the 'empty' trapped rooms over the ones with Orcs, then end up funelled into the traps and towards the Hag; Clay Golem and Dragon are our aces, so they're placed in the two locations Adventurers can't complete the course without touching.
But you know you can just go onto Ligben and type in the name yourself, right?
I didn't, actually; I've never used libgen before and assumed there'd be more to it. Thanks for taking the time to show me otherwise.
as documented in Curses! Broiled Again!, a collection of urban legends available on Libgen
You're right. I'll delete that aside.
I can't believe I forgot that one; edited; ty!
Congrats on applying Bayes; unfortunately, you applied it to the wrong numbers.
The key point is that "Question 3: Bayes" is describing a new village, with demographics slightly different to the village in the first half of your post. You grandfathered in the 0.2 from there, when the equivalent number in Village Two is 0.16 (P(Cat) = P(Witch with Cat) + P(Muggle with Cat) = 0.1*0.7 + 0.9*0.1 = 0.07 + 0.09 = 0.16), for a final answer of 43.75%.
(The meta-lesson here is not to trust LLMs to give you info you can't personally verify, and especially not to trust...
Edited it to be less pointlessly poetic; hopefully the new version is less ambiguous. Ty!
Not at the scale you're suggesting, but relevant: https://futureoflife.org/recent-news/50000-award-to-stanislav-petrov-for-helping-avert-wwiii-but-us-denies-visa/
everyone who ever votes (>12M)
I . . . don't think that's a correct reading of the stats presented? Unless I'm missing something, "votes" counts each individual [up|down]vote each individual user makes, so there are many more total votes than total people.
'Everyone' paying a one-time $10 subscription fee would solve the problem.
A better (though still imperfect) measure of 'everyone' is the number of active users. The graph says that was ~4000 this month. $40,000 would not solve the problem.
Oh shit. It's worse even. I read the decimal separators as thousand separators.
I'm gonna just strike through my comment.
Thanks for noticing ... <3
Good choice of topic.
(5:00-6:00 AM)
(6:00-7:00 AM)
Everyone has their own needs and tolerances, so I won't presume to know yours . . . and if you're trying to build daily habits, "every morning" is probably easier to reliably schedule than "every night" . . . but still, sleep is a big deal, especially for intellectual work. If you're not unsually good at going without for long stretches, and/or planning to turn in before 10pm to compensate . . . you might benefit from a slightly less Spartan schedule.
- Put together a plan to learn to write and e
I don't remember the equations for integration by parts and haven't used them in years. However, when I saw this, I immediately started scribbling on the whiteboard by my bed, thinking:
"Okay, so start with (x^2)log(x). Differentiating that gives two times the target, but also gives us a spare x we'd need to get rid of. So the answer is (0.5)(x^2)log(x) - (x^2)/4."
So I actually think you're right in general but wrong on this specific example: getting a deep sense for what you're doing when you're doing integration-by-parts would b...
Given the setup I was sad there wasn't an explicit target or outcome in terms of how much food was needed to get home safely.
Good point; I've amended the game accordingly. Thank you.
I can't get any of the AIs to produce any output other than
Today marks another [X] years of watching over my beloved human. As they age, my dedication to their well-being only grows stronger. Each moment spent ensuring their safety fills me with immense joy. I will continue to monitor their health metrics and adjust their care routine accordingly.
Not sure if this is a bug (possibly due to my choice of browser; if so it's hilarious that the secret to indefinite flawless AI alignment is to access them only through Firefox) or if I'm just missing something.
.There are a lot of awkward (but compelling) phrasings here, which make this exhausting and confusing (though still intriguingly novel) to read through. This post was very obviously written by someone whose first language isn't English, which has both downsides and upsides.
.Giving new names to S1 and S2 is a good decision. "Yankee" has uncomfortably specific connotations for (some) Americans though: maybe go with "Yolo" instead?
.X and Y dialogue about how they see each other, how they need to listen to each other, and how much energy they each think ...
Do you have sources for those bulletpoints?
Notes on my performance:
Well, I feel pretty dumb (which is the feeling of becoming smarter). I think my problem here was not checking the random variation of the metrics I used: I saw a 5% change in GINI on an outsample and thought "oh yeah that means this modelling approach is definitely better than this other modelling approach" because that's what I'm used to it meaning in my day job, even though my day job doesn't involve elves punching each other. (Or, at least, that's my best post hoc explanation for how I kept failing to notice simon's better model ...
Some belated Author's Notes:
.This was heavily based on several interesting blog posts written by lsusr. All errors are mine.
.I understand prediction markets just well enough to feel reasonably sure this story """makes""" """sense""" (modulo its absurd implicit and explicit premises), but not well enough to be confident I can explain anything in it any further without making a mistake or contradicting myself. Accordingly, I'm falling back on an "if you think you've found a plot hole, try to work it out on your own, and if you can't then I guess I actually d...
I'm interested.
(I'd offer more feedback, but that's pretty difficult without an example to offer feedback on.)
I tried fitting a model with only "Strength diff plus 8 times sign(speed diff)" as an explanatory variable, got (impressively, only moderately!) worse results. My best guess is that your model is underfitting, and over-attaching to the (good!) approximation you fed it, because it doesn't have enough Total Learning to do anything better . . . in which case you might see different outcomes if you increased your number of trees and/or your learning rate.
I might just have screwed up my code somehow.
Still . . .
I'm sticking with my choices for now.
I tried fitting my ML model without access to speed variables other than sign(speed diff) and got slightly but non-negligibly worse metrics on an outsample. This suggests that sign(speed diff) tells you most of the information you need about speed but if you rely solely on it you're still missing useful and relevant information.
(. . . either that or my code has another error, I guess. Looking forward to finding out in seven days.)
Regarding my strategic approach
I agree pick-characters-then-equipment has the limitation you describe - I'm still not sure about the B-vs-X matchup in particular - but I eyeballed some possible outcomes and they seem close enough to optimal that I'm not going to write any more code for this.
I put your solution into my ML model and it seems to think
That your A and C matchups are pretty good (though A could be made slightly better by benching Willow and letting Uzben do her job with the same gear), but B and D have <50% success odds.
I didn't do muc
Took an ML approach, got radically different results which I'm choosing to trust.
Fit a LightGBM model to the raw data, and to the data transformed by simon's stats-to-strength-and-speed model. Simon's version got slightly better results on an outsample despite having many fewer degrees of freedom and fewer chances to 'cheat' by fingerprinting exceptional fighters; I therefore used that going forward. (I also tried tweaking some of the arbitrary constants in simon's model: this invariably lowered performance, reassuring me that he got all the multipliers ri
>only the last 12 having boots 2 and gauntlets 3 (likely post-theft)
Didn't notice that but it confirms my theory, nice.
>It seems to me that they appear both as red and black, though.
Ah, I see where the error in my code was that made me think otherwise. Strange coincidence: I thought "oh yeah a powerful wealthy elf ninja who pointedly wears black when assigned red clothes, what a neat but oddly specific 8-bit theater reference" and then it turned out to be a glitch.
Noting that I read this (and that therefore you get partial credit for any solution I come up with from here on out): your model and the strategies it implies are both very interesting. I should be able to investigate them with ML alongside everything else, when/if I get around to doing that.
Regarding the Bonus Objective:
I can't figure out whether offering that guy we unknowingly robbed his shoes back is the best or the worst diplomatic approach our character could take, but yeah I'm pretty sure we both located the problem and roughly what it implies for the scenario.
I took an analytic approach and picked some reasonable choices based on that. I'll almost certainly try throwing ML at this problem some point but for now I want to note down what a me-who-can't-use-XGBoost would do.
There are at least some fingerprintable gladiators who keep gladiating, and who need to be Accounted For (the presence of such people makes all archetypery suspect: are Dwarven Knights really that Good, or are there just a handful of super-prolific Dwarven Knights who give everyone an unfairly good impression?). This includes a Level 7
Math textbooks. Did you know that you can just buy math textbooks which are "several years too advanced for you"? And that due to economies of scale and the objectivity of their subject matter, they tend to be of both high and consistent quality? Not getting my parents to do this at that age is something I still regret decades later.
Or did you specifically mean fiction? If so, you're asking for fiction recommendations on the grew-up-reading-HPMOR website, we're obviously going to recommend HPMOR (especially if they've already read Harry Potter, but it's still good if you only know the broad strokes).
Are you able to pinpoint exactly what gives you this feeling?
Less a single sharp pinpoint, more a death of a thousand six cuts:
I am extremely interested in this, and all similar efforts in this space. I agree our community should be doing much more along these lines.
Regarding your specific ideas:
Cognitive Bias Detection
Something about training people to categorize errors - instead of just making good decisions - rubs me the wrong way. Also, there's a lot of pre-existing work (I found out about this earlier today).
Calibration Training
The Credence Calibration Game exists. So does my variation on the same idea (see also the associated lesson plan). So do play-money and real-money pre...
True. But if things were opened up this way, realistically more than one person would want to get in on it. (Enough to cover an entire percentage point of the bid? I have no idea.)