Wikitag Contributions


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Thanks for the feedback! Quite helpful to get more context.
Quick responses:
1) Yes, we did intend for the hook to be eye-grabbing/mildly salesy, as this is part of our promotional material shared across different platforms, and we were hoping this would be effective at garnering the interest of talented individuals and encourage them to work on AIS. Though we didn't think it was dishonest/false, instead we designed it be short but effective. 
2)It was a sincere mistake that the post was made from an org account.
3) We missed gauging issues with the use of 'leading AI Safety organisations' , however, I think you are right. We could have been more cautious in how we framed it.
4) We have taken a note of stating the scope of our efforts and intend to factor this into consideration when designing our next outreach framing.

Thanks for your inputs!


It was quite strange to see it downvoted, and I’m not sure what the issue was. My guess is that the initial username might have played a role, especially since this is my first post on LessWrong, it might have caused some concern maybe?

As for the credibility, you can see that this fellowship has been shared by individuals from the organizations themselves on Twitter, as seen here, here and here.

If you’d like, I’m happy to discuss this further on the call to help alleviate any concerns you may have.