A highly general ability of humans.
Accidents, if not too damaging, are net positive because they allow you to learn more & cause you to slow down. If you are wrong about what is good/right/whatever, and you think you are a good person, then you'd want to be corrected. So if you're having a lot of really damaging accidents in situations where you could reasonably be expected to control, that's probably not too good, but "reasonably be expected to control" is a very high standard. What I'm very explicitly not saying here is that the "just-world" hypothesis is true in any way; accidents *are* accidents, it's just that they can be net positive.
Now, to restate the original "thing" we were trying to honestly say we had a prior for:
Does this work, given this and our response?
We do not actually have a prior for Q, but we have a rough prior for a highly related question Q', which can be transformed likely fairly easily into a prior for Q using mechanical methods. So let's do that "non-mechanically" by saying:
-> [Now to be able to say "we have a prior," we have to write the continuation from 3. until the meaning of both
From our previous response, our prior for finite N and a small amount of evidence was that "life is unlikely" (because there were two separate observationally consistent ways which resulted in 'the same' answer in some equivalence or similarity sense). For infinite N, it looks like "n is of lower dimension in some way" (dimension here meaning "bigness") than N.
Now we have a prior for both, so we can try to convert back to a prior for the original proposition Q, which was:
Our prior is that Q is false.]
In retrospect, the preceding (now in square brackets, which were edited in) could be considered a continuation of 3. So we are OK in all 5 ways, and we have a prior, so we can continue responding to the article.
(To be continued in reply)