Project Manager of the Wigner-Weyl AI Safety Team that includes Sasha Kolpakov and Akiva Lipshitz.
Wigner-Weyl team email:
personal math journal:
The best physicists on Earth, including Edward Witten and Alain Connes, believe that the distribution of primes and Arithmetic Geometry encode mathematical secrets that are of fundamental importance to mathematical physics. This is why the Langlands program and the Riemann Hypothesis are of great interest to mathematical physicists.
If number theory, besides being of fundamental importance to modern cryptography, allows us to develop a deep understanding of the source code of the Universe then I believe that such advances are a critical part of human intelligence, and would be highly unlikely if the human brain had a different architecture.
Thank you for bringing up these points:
Either way, I believe that additional experiments may be enlightening as the applied mathematics that mathematicians do is only true to the extent that it has verifiable consequences.
Thank you for sharing this. 👌