Alex Liebowitz

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Hi Aditya,

Sorry, I missed this when you first posted it. The next meetup I tried to set up was in January, but for whatever reason there's been a dip in interest lately (2-3 RSVPs per meetup vs. the usual 4-7) so I haven't set up any actual meetups so far since this one. The next one I'm planning to hold is with the next of Scott's biannual Meetups Everywhere events, which normally get a few more people and I'm hoping between that and the pent-up desire for a meetup after not having any for a few months, we should at least get the usual 4-7. The next Meetups Everywhere event should be in April (the Spring edition has been in April every time that I can remember).

If you want to stay in the loop for the planning process, feel free to email me at and I'll put you on the mailing list. Just let me know if you want to be a CC or a BCC. Otherwise you can monitor here on Less Wrong, but in my experience people who try to keep track via the official announcements often miss meetups even if they seemed to be actively interested in coming again.

(Organizer here.) I'm not aware of anyone so far this time around. But I went to UMass and I know the PVTA Blue 43 bus runs every 30-45 minutes and has stops at both UMass Haigis Mall and at the Academy of Music Theatre in Northampton (less than a 1 minute walk from Packard's). It runs late enough that you could go home on it, too. Took it all the time when I was a student. Schedule here: