Cool, that all sounds fair to me. I don't think we have any substantive disagreements.
hmm, we seem to be talking past each other a bit. I think my main point in response is something like this:
In non-trivial settings, (some but not all) structural differences between programs lead to differences in input/output behaviour, even if there is a large domain for which they are behaviourally equivalent.
But that sentence lacks a lot of nuance! I'll try to break it down a bit more to find if/where we disagree (so apologies if a lot of this is re-hashing).
For most practical purposes, "calculating a function" is only and exactly a very good compression algorithm for the lookup table.
I think I disagree. Something like this might be true if you just care about input and output behaviour (it becomes true by definition if you consider that any functions with the same input/output behaviour are just different compressions of each other). But it seems to me that how outputs are generated is an important distinction to make.
I think the difference goes beyond 'heat dissipation or imputed qualia'. As a crude example, imagine that, for some environment f(x) is an 'optimal strategy' (in some sense) for inputs x. Suppose we train AIs in this environment and AI A learns to compute f(x) directly whereas AI B learns to implement a lookup table. Based on performance alone, both A and B are equal, since they have equivalent behaviour. But it seems to me that there is a meaningful distinction between the two. These differences are important since you could use them to make predictions about how the AIs might behave in different environments or when exposed to different inputs.
I agree that there are more degrees of distinction between algorithms than just "lookup table or no". These are interesting, just not covered in the post!
I agree that there is a spectrum of ways to compute f(x) ranging from efficient to inefficient (in terms of program length). But I think that lookup tables are structurally different from direct ways of computing f because they explicitly contain the relationships between inputs and outputs. We can point to a 'row' of a lookup table and say 'this corresponds to the particular input x_1 and the output y_1' and do this for all inputs and outputs in a way that we can't do with a program which directly computes f(x). I think that allowing for compression preserves this important property, so I don't have a problem calling a compressed lookup table a lookup table. Note that the compression allowed in the derivation is not arbitrary since it only applies to the 'table' part of the programme, not the full input/output behaviour of the programme.
if you have a program computing a predicate P(x, y) that is only true when y = f(x), and then the program just tries all possible y - is that more like a function, or more like a lookup?
In order to test whether y=f(x), the program must have calculated f(x) and stored it somewhere. How did it calculate f(x)? Did it use a table or calculate it directly?
What about if you have first compute some simple function of the input (e.g. x mod N), then do a lookup?
I agree that you can have hybrid cases. But there is still a meaningful distinction between the part of the program which is a lookup table and the part of the program which isn't (in describing the program you used this distinction!). In the example you have given the pre-processing function (x mod N) is not a bijection. This means that we couldn't interpret the pre-processing as an 'encoding' so we couldn't point to parts of the program corresponding to each unique input and output. Suppose the function was f(x) =( x mod N )+ 2 and the pre-processing captured the x mod N part and it then used a 2xN lookup table to calculate the '+2'. I think this program is importantly different from one which stores the input and output for every single x. So when taken as a whole the program would not be a lookup table and might be shorter than the lookup table bound presented above. But this captures something important! Namely, that the program is doing some degree of 'actually computing the function'.
Regarding your request for a practical example.
Short Answer: It's a toy model. I don't think I can come up with a practical example which would address all of your issues.
Long Answer, which I think gets at what we disagree about:
I think we are approaching this from different angles. I am interested in the GRT from an agent foundations point of view, not because I want to make better thermostats. I'm sure that GRT is pretty useless for most practical applications of control theory! I read John Wentworth's post where he suggested that the entropy-reduction problem may lead to embedded-agency problems. Turns out it doesn't but it would have been cool if it did! I wanted to tie up that loose end from John's post.
Why do I care about entropy reduction at all?
I think we probably agree that the Good Regulator Theorem could have a better name (the 'Good Entropy-Reducer Theorem'?). But unfortunately, the result is most commonly known using the name 'Good Regulator Theorem'. It seems to me that 55 years after the original paper was published, it is too late to try to re-brand.
I decided to use that name (along with the word 'regulator') so that readers would know which theorem this post is about. To avoid confusion, I made sure to be clear (right in the first few paragraphs) about the specific way that I was using the word 'regulator'. This seems like a fine compromise to me.
Minimising the entropy of Z says that Z is to have a narrow distribution, but says nothing about where the mean of that distribution should be. This does not look like anything that would be called "regulation".
I wouldn't get too hung up on the word 'regulator'. It's used in a very loose way here, as in common in old cybernetics-flavoured papers. The regulator is regulating, in the the sense that it is controlling and restricting the range of outcomes.
Time is absent from the system as described. Surely a "regulator" should keep the value of Z near constant over time?
You could imagine that this is a memoryless system where the process repeats every timestep (and S/X has no memory of what Z was previously). Then, a regulator which chose a policy which minimized entropy of Z (and used the same policy each timestep) would keep the value of Z as near constant as possible. (Maybe this is closer to what you were thinking of as a 'regulator' the previous point?)
The value of Z is assumed to be a deterministic function of S and R. Systems that operate over time are typically described by differential equations, and any instant state of S and R might coexist with any state of Z.
This post deals with discrete systems where S and R happen 'before' Z. If you want something similar but for continuous systems over time, you might want to take a look at the Internal Model Principle, which is a similar kind of result, which can apply to continuous time systems modelled with differential equations.
R has no way of knowing the value of Z. It is working in the dark. Why is it hobbled in this way?
In this setup, S is just defined as the input to R. If you wanted, you could think of as S as the 'initial state' and Z as the 'final state' of the system, provided they had the same range. But this setup also allows S to have a range different to S. R can know the value of S/X, which is what it needs to know in order to affect Z. If it knows the dynamics of the setup then it can predict the outcome and doesn't need to 'see' Z.
If you are thinking of something like 'R must learn a strategy by trying out actions and observing their effect on Z' then this is beyond the scope of this post! The Good Regulator Theorem(s) concern optimal behaviour, not how that behaviour is learned.
There are no unmodelled influences on Z. In practice, there are always unmodelled influences.
If by 'unmodelled' influences, you mean 'variables that the regulator cannot see, but still affect Z', then this problem is solved in the framework with X (and implicitly N).
When you are considering finite tape length, how do you deal with when or when ?
Should there be a 'd' on the end of 'Debate' in the title or am I parsing it wrong?
This sounds right. Implicitly, I was assuming that when the black box was fed an x outside of its domain it would return an error message or at least, something which is not equal to f(x). I realise that I didn't make this clear in the post.
In the post I was considering programs which are 'just' a lookup tables. But I agree that there are other programs that use lookup tables but are not 'just' tables. The motivation is that if you want simulate f(x) over a large domain using a function smaller than the bound given in the post, then the program needs to contain some feature which captures something nontrivial about the nature of f.
Like (simple example just to be concrete) suppose f(x)=[x(mod10)]^2 defined on all real numbers. Then the program in the black box might have two steps: 1) compute x(mod10) using a non-lookup table method then 2) use a lookup table containing x^2 for x=1 to 10. This (by my slightly arbitrary criteria) would count as a program which 'actually computes the function' since it has fixed length and its input/output behaviour coincides with f(x) for all possible inputs. It seems to me that if a blackbox program contains a subsection which computes x(mod10) then it has captured something important about f(x), more so than if the program only contains a big lookup table.
I think this is right. If you wanted to rule out lookup tables being used at any point in the program then this is bottlenecked by the number of unique outputs.