
Wikitag Contributions


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Those side effects don't seem so bad. I'm not planning to put it in my ear; I don't get any irritation or allergic reactions, and the way I'm using it (applying a toothpaste containing it around my implants after brushing my teeth, as prescribed by my dental hygienist) doesn't seem to discolor my teeth either. 4-chloroaniline and hexamethylenediamine do look scary though...

What is so bad about chlorhexidine? 

LOL! I don't think women's clothing is less itchy (my husband's isn't any itchier than mine), but even if it were, that advantage would be totally negated by most women having to wear a bra.

Yes, exactly. From a bit later in the article:

"The causes of this distrust are complex and diverse. They include psychological traits that predispose some people towards paranoid worldviews; institutional failures, such as telling noble lies to manage public behaviour and dismissing legitimate ideas as conspiracy theories; and feelings—often justified—of exclusion from positions of power and influence."

See also
"Nevertheless, the model of misinformation as a societal disease often gets things backwards. In many cases, false or misleading information is better viewed as a symptom of societal pathologies such as institutional distrust, political sectarianism, and anti-establishment worldviews. When that is true, censorship and other interventions designed to debunk or prebunk misinformation are unlikely to be very effective and might even exacerbate the problems they aim to address.

To begin with, the central intuition driving the modern misinformation panic is that people—specifically other people—are gullible and hence easily infected by bad ideas. This intuition is wrong. A large body of scientific research demonstrates that people possess sophisticated cognitive mechanisms of epistemic vigilance with which they evaluate information.

If anything, these mechanisms make people pig-headed, not credulous, predisposing them to reject information at odds with their pre-existing beliefs. Undervaluing other people’s opinions, they cling to their own perspective on the world and often dismiss the claims advanced by others. Persuasion is therefore extremely difficult and even intense propaganda campaigns and advertising efforts routinely have minimal effects."

Huh, whatever it was, it appears to have been solved; the link works like it should now. I haven't changed anything on my end.

Today when I allowed the site in the viruschecker, Firefox said:

>Secure Connection Failed

>An error occurred during a connection to Peer received a valid certificate, but access was denied.


   >The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
   >Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

and I could only choose Retry, which didn't work.

After telling the viruschecker to allow  too, I got the same message, but this time Firefox allowed me to go there anyway, and of course there doesn't look to be any problem. Maybe there is a wrong setting somewhere...

My viruschecker thinks Life on the Grid: Terra Incognita is dangerous, and says I shouldn't go there...

62 seconds.

68-year-old woman
take a 45-60 min. walk every day
go to fitness bootcamp 2x/week

Oh yes, of course. I was only talking about the people Stephen mentioned, "who have no care for the truth and will say whatever they think will make them look good in the short term or give them immediate pleasure".

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