what are the bottlenecks preventing 10x-100x scaling of Control Evaluations?
Are there others?
I think more leaders of orgs should be trying to shape their organizations incentives and cultures around the challenges of "crunch time". Examples of this include:
I have more questions than answers, but the background level of stress and disorientation for employees and managers will be rising, especially in AI Safety orgs, and starting to come up w/ contextually true answers (I doubt there's a universal answer) will be important.
This post was one of my first introductions to davidad's agenda and convinced me that while yes it was crazy, it was maybe not impossible, and it led me to working on initiatives like the multi-author manifesto you mentioned.
Thank you for writing it!
I would be very excited to see experiments with ABMs where the agents model fleets of research agents and tools. I expect in the near future we can build pipelines where the current fleet configuration - which should be defined in something like the terraform configuration language - automatically generates an ABM which is used for evaluation, control, and coordination experiments.
Ah gotcha, yes lets do my $1k against your $10k.
Given your rationale I'm onboard for 3 or more consistent physical instances of the lock have been manufactured.
Lets 'lock' it in.
This seems mostly good to me, thank you for the proposals (and sorry for my delayed response, this slipped my mind).
OR less than three consistent physical instances have been manufactured. (e.g. a total of three including prototypes or other designs doesn't count)
Why this condition? It doesn't seem relevant to the core contention, and if someone prototyped a single lock using a GS AI approach but didn't figure out how to manufacture it at scale, I'd still consider it to have been an important experiment.
Besides that, I'd agree to the above conditions!
Minor point: It seems unfair to accuse GSAI of being vaporware. It has been less than a year since the GSAI paper came out and 1.5 since Tegmark/Omohundro's Provably Safe paper, and there are many projects being actively funded through ARIA and others that should serve as tests. No GSAI researchers that I know of promised significant projects in 2024 - in fact several explicitly think the goal should be to do deconfusion and conceptual work now and plan to leverage the advances in autoformalization and AI-assisted coding that are coming down the pipe fast.
While I agree that there are not yet compelling demonstrations, this hardly seems at the level of Duke Nukem Forever!