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See... beliefs are emotional statements rooted heavily in cultural heritage and instinct. overcoming them is difficult. So for example no matter how hard I stand in the cockpit screaming at myself that I'm doing something stupid, I still react with a fear response to frightening images shown on a movie screen.

Though I guess the problem here is a definitional one. You define belief a bit more narrowly then I do, so I'm quibbling. I feel the need to bring this up (for your consideration), but I'm not going to pursue it. I'm probably being stupid even bringing it up.

Yes 0 and 1 are not probabilities. They're truth or falseness values. it's necessary to make a third 'truth value' for things that are unprovable, and possibly a fourth for things that are untestable.

Look I know this is a stupid quibble. But I have a quibble. One of those little things that just bugs me and snaps me out of reading the article specifically to complain about it.

Stalin was religious and lifted the ban on religions put in place by Lenin. Stalin trained in being a minister before he started being a communist. (Check wikipedia for evidence)

That having been said: Other then that this article is pretty good, and I can understand not wanting to actually get into the religion vs aethisim debate or spending the time to correct my quibble... Other then, you know, the fact that you're saying that the fact that I require burden of proof there is a good thing.

The problem is that every core assumption you take requires a certain amount of faith. (See the mock turtle). Most core assumptions are based on emotions (which are humanity's way of weighing the value of core assumptions, if used properly) and emotions are based of a mess of learned responses and instincts that operate at a level that is difficult to control intellectually. (Instinct: I have a certain type of pain, therefore I am hungry. Therefore the value of food raises in my mind)

Which is why, of course, every rational debate comes down to differences in base assumptions which are, of course, difficult to change, because base assumptions are rooted in emotions, cultural heritage, and instinct.