Did the hat choose to play a prank? Did it maintain self-awareness long enough to do so? Or is this a decision that someone else made for the Boy-Who-Lived?
Vs Uneel unq orra cnlvat n ovg zber nggragvba, ur zvtug unir ernyvmrq gur cebcurpl rkvfgrq fbbare. ZpTbantnyy'f vaqvfpergvba urer vf n znwbe vaqvpngbe gung fbzrguvat vf hc
Jryy, gung'f n uvag V zvffrq gur svefg gvzr nebhaq. V jbaqre ubj zhpu bs uvf jnaq ur erzbirq va gur raq, naq vs vg unq nal abgvprnoyr vzcnpg ba uvf zntvp.
The ending is a great reminder that these characters are still small children, and behave as small children ought to, though with reasonable exceptions
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