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Somewhere, recently, I saw someone comment almost in passing that grad school shouldn't cost anything. I can't find the source now. Maybe someone can clarify if that's a serious claim? I've been under the impression for a while that grad school and academia would be an awfully expensive way to acquire the prerequisite knowledge for AI safety work.


please assign the issue to yourself in github so people know someone is working on it.

It doesn't look like users can assign issues to themselves without being invited to be a contributor.



Now that I have a copy of the code running on my local machine, I was thinking of grabbing an issue to work on. (I can't promise any commitment level beyond one issue yet.) I'm trying to be thorough reading what docs there are, and I've come across the contributing guidelines which says to check out a roadmap (a Trello board) and join a Slack channel before working on anything. The Trello board doesn't make much sense to me and I'm not sure if either of these instructions are still important to follow, or if I really should just claim an unassigned issue with a 'good first issue' or 'help wanted' tag.


Adding the missing line fixed it! I have Lesswrong2 running successfully on Windows at http://localhost:3000/ now.


This might be a good use case for someone to create a Docker image (or some other container) that has a development environment that just works for new users.


If you try again, I think you can avoid needing bash. See my comment here.


I got further than gjm reported.

I needed to:

  • Install Node (That link goes to the exact version listed in .nvmrc)
  • Install Python 2.7.whatever since I only had Python 3 before this.
  • Install Visual C++ 2015 Tools for Windows Desktop - This was the weirdest one, but after this, npm install works without error.
  • Install meteor

I learned that npm start is unnecessary. It runs a bash script that

1. checks meteor is installed

2. creates the file settings.json if it doesn't exist by copying from sample_settings.json

3. runs command meteor --settings settings.json

If you have meteor installed and create settings.json yourself, you can skip npm start and just run

meteor --settings settings.json

I verified that I was able to successfully build and run the VulcanJS starter example by doing:

  • cd Vulcan-Starter code repo
  • run npm install
  • manually copy sample_settings.json to settings.json
  • run meteor --settings settings.json
  • I then had a website running at http://localhost:3000/

Additional info in the VulcanJS docs includes:

(A note for windows user: While running npm install you might get error regarding node-gyp and bcrypt package installation. This is because you need windows-build-tool for node-gyp installation which is required for bcrypt installation.)

This is what the C++ dev tools fixed. I don't know if something like npm install -g windows-build-tool would have fixed this or not. I didn't read this until afterwards.


Note that you can also start the app with:
meteor --settings sample_settings.json
All npm start does is run the above command, while also checking for the presence of settings.json first and creating it for you if missing.

But for LessWrong 2 I am stuck at an error that looks like

I think I'm stumped for now. I can clearly get the Vulcan Starter project running, just not LessWrong 2.


Your comment was definitely worthwhile for me. Thanks to your very strong recommendation (and the fact that it doesn't look like it'll take much time), I'm going to check out the course very soon. I'll be referencing back to this comment to check out your other recommendations in the future too. Thank you.


I use Windows and intend to try to get this running on my machine.

Also, fyi, the first link to the GitHub repo in the tl;dr doesn't point to the right place.


It's always a bit amazing to me how much I don't have to remember to be able to work on big software projects. It's like as long as I know what's possible, and when it's applicable, it takes only moments to search for and zero in on specific implementation details.

And yet in this situation, some anxious voice in my head cries, "But do you really know what you're doing if you can't remember every detail?!"

So thank you for reassurance on that. Also, thank you for the recommendations!

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