All of Dan Weinand's Comments + Replies

Donated 5k. I think LessWrong is a big reason why I got into EA, quantified self (which has downstream effects on me getting married), and exposed me to many useful ideas.

I'm not sure about the marginal value of my donation, but I'm viewing this more as payment for services rendered. I think I owe LessWrong a fair amount, since I expect my counter-factual life to be much worse.

I still think that if you want to know where X is on someone's TODO list, you should ask that instead of asking for their full TODO list. This feels nearly as wrong as asking for someone's top 5 movies of the year, instead of whether or not they liked Oppenheimer (when you want to know if they liked Oppenheimer).

It's about asking the right questions to get the right info. I feel like your example actually disproves your point. In my perspective asking for someone's top 5 movies of the year is going to much more accurately predict if they liked Oppenheimer than asking if they liked Oppenheimer directly. The direct question will imply that you have some interest in Oppenheimer and are probably expecting them to either like it or at least have a strong opinion of it. Their inference will then affect the accuracy of their answer. There haven't been many good movies released in 2023 so if someone doesn't include Oppenheimer in their top 5 list then they probably didn't like the movie and you know your question didn't bias them towards any particular opinion.

I don't think this level of trickery is a good idea.

If you're working with someone honest, you should ask for the info you want. On the other hand, if you're working with someone who will obfuscate when asked "Are you working on X?", I don't see a strong reason to believe that they will give better info when instead asking about their top priorities.

Perhaps. I would not consider it "trickery". You wanted specific information, but instead asked for general information that contained that specific. If I am the one being asked "are you still working on X", then (for some values of X) I can imagine my though process being "Oh yeah, X, I have been meaning to get onto that", and replying "Sorry, I have been busy with other stuff, will get onto it", then drop the other stuff and do indeed get on with X. In the context of this discussion that would not be the intended outcome, because the intent of the question was to discover information, not to change my priorities. I think you are sort of missing the point when you bring in "honesty". Even an honest co-worker who you trust can have a thing that is number 10 on their to-do list.  A simple yes/no "is it on your to-do list" would yield a yes. Although in this case it is in real danger of never actually being done, simply because if its number 10 on the list now then its implied value is low enough that new things coming onto the list are very likely to leapfrog it.

In regard to Waymo (and Cruise, although I know less there) in San Francisco, the last CPUC meeting for allowing Waymo to charge for driverless service had the vote delayed.  Waymo operates in more areas and times of day than Cruise in SF last I checked.

I feel like Paul's right that the only crystal clear 'yes' is Waymo in Phoenix, and the other deployments are more debatable (due to scale and scope restrictions).

You gave the caveats, but I'm still curious to hear what companies you felt had this engineer vs manager conflict routinely about code quality. Mostly, I'd like to know so I can avoid working at those companies.

I suspect the conflict might be exacerbated at places where managers don't write code (especially if they've never written code). My managers at Google and Waymo have tended to be very supportive of code health projects. The discussion of how to trade-off code debt and velocity is also very explicit.  We've gotten pretty guidance in some quarte... (read more)

Agreed, although it feels like in that case we should be comparing 'donating to X-risk organizations' vs 'working at X-risk organizations'. I think that by default I would assume that the money vs talent trade-off is similar at global health and X-risk organizations though.

Fair point that GiveWell has updated their RFMF and increased their estimated cost per QALY. 

I do think that 300K EAs doing something equivalent to eliminating the global disease burden is substantially more plausible than 66K doing so. This seems trivially true since more people can do more than fewer people. I agree that it still sounds ambitious, but saying that ~3X the people involved in the Manhattan project could eliminate the disease burden certainly sounds easier than doing the same with half the Manhattan project's workforce size.

This is gett... (read more)

I'm surprised that you think that direct work has such a high impact multiplier relative to one's normal salary. The footnote seems to suggest that you expect someone who could get a $100K salary trying to earn to give could provide $3M in impact per year.

I think GiveWell still estimates it can save a life for ~$6K on the margin, which is ~50 QALYs.

(life / $6K) X (50 QALY / life) X ($3 million / EA year) ~= 25K QALY per EA year

Which both seems like a very high figure and seems to imply that 66K EAs would be sufficient to do good equivalent to totally elimi... (read more)

Not really? In 2021 they announced that (a) they were lowering their funding bar from 8x GiveDirectly to 5x essentially because they are pessimistic long-term about finding things that meet the 8x bar, and (b) that even with the lower bar they still had more money than they could cost effectively direct right now. This is really great news, but it means that the marginal impact of money is now much lower. Then instead of 66K EAs you need 300K EAs. Is that much more plausible? I think arguments in the form of your "seems to imply..." don't work very well. I don't know if I would say very optimistic, but I do think work here is extremely important (more).
My guess is that it's something like "the impact of mitigating x-risks is probably orders of magnitude greater than public health interventions" (which might be what you meant by "unless you're very optimistic about X-risk charities being effective").

Note that it might be very legally difficult to open source much of Space-X technology, due to the US classifying rockets as advanced weapons technology (because they could be used as such).

I'm not sure that contagiousness is a good reason to believe that an (in)action is particularly harmful, outside of the multiplier contagiousness creates by generating a larger total harm. It seems clear that we'd all agree that murder is much worse than visiting a restaurant with a common cold, despite the fact that the latter is a contagious harm.

Although there is a good point that the analogy breaks down because a DUI doesn't cause harm during your job (assuming you don't drive in your work), whereas being unvaccinated does cause expected harm to colleagues and customers.

I'd be interested to see a good estimate and analysis of this multiplier. In places and times when r>1 the multiplier would be quite large indeed, whereas if r<1 then the mutiplier would be more modest. Some sort of time analysis is needed as to how long r stays greater than 1. (r here is the average number of new people infected by a person with covid.)
Agreed. A more on point analogy would be that you're not allowed to drive a car that hasn't passed a safety inspection, since it poses an active threat to other motorists.
I’ve known plenty of people that had security clearances revoked for getting a DUI, which meant that they not only lost their jobs, but in their line of work they had to change careers.

Perhaps too tongue in cheek, but there is a strong theoretical upper bound on R0 for humans as of ~2021. It's around 8 billion, the current world population.

I think you're correct that the difference between R0 and Rt is that Rt takes into account the proportion of the population already immune.

However, R0 is still dependent on its environment.  A completely naive (uninfected) population of hermits living in caves hundreds of miles distant from one another has an R0 of 0 for nearly anything. A completely naive population of immunocompromised packed-warehouse rave attendees would probably have an R0 of 100+ for measles.

I don't know if there is another Rte type variable that tries to define the infectivenes... (read more)

Dan, both you and Elizabeth make good points here that I hadn't given enough consideration to (I wish I could tag both of you in a comment somehow, but I'm not sure if that's possible).  Yes, it is dependent on the population/community but also there's several different ways to calculate it making it hard to compare not just between diseases but also between R0 calculations for given diseases... So... yeah that makes a straight-forward objective ranking of contagiousness a much more difficult task I suspected from the table in the article... it also makes talking about contagiousness objectively somewhat more difficult than I hoped.

A one point improvement (measured on a ten point scale) feels like a massive change to expect. I like the guts to bet that it'll happen and change your mind otherwise, but I'm curious if you actually expected that scale of change.

For me, a one point change requires super drastic measures (ex. getting 2 hours too few sleep for 3+ days straight). Although I may well be arbitrarily compressing too much of my life into 6-9 on the ten point scale.

I agree with what you're saying. I think it was some combination of not defining my scale with enough precision and overestimating the gaming's status as a cause rather than a symptom.

One of GiveDirectly's blog posts on survey and focus group results, by the way.

Fair points!

I don't know if I'd consider JPAL directly EA, but they at least claim to conduct regular qualitative fieldwork before/after/during their formal interventions (source from Poor Economics, I've sadly forgotten the exact point but they mention it several times). Similarly, GiveDirectly regularly meets with program participants for both structured polls and unstructured focus groups if I recall correctly. Regardless, I agree with the concrete point that this is an important thing to do and EA/rationality folks are less inclined to collect unstructured qualitative feedback than its importance deserves.

Interesting, I didn't know GiveDirectly ran unstructured focus groups, nor that JPAL does qualitative interviews at various stages of testing interventions.  Adds a bit more nuance to my thoughts, thanks! 

I found it immensely refreshing to see valid criticisms of EA. I very much related to the note that many criticisms of EA come off as vague or misinformed. I really appreciated that this post called out specific instances of what you saw as significant issues, and also engaged with the areas where particular EA aligned groups have already taken steps to address the criticisms you mention.

I think I disagree on the degree to which EA folks expect results to be universal and generalizable (this is in response to your note at the end of point 3). As a concrete... (read more)

I appreciate your thoughtful comment too,  Dan. You're right I think that I overstated EA's tendency to assume generalisability, particularly when it comes to testing interventions in global health and poverty (though much less so when it comes to research in other cause areas). Eva Vivalt's interview with 80K, and more recent EA Global sessions discussing the limitations of the randomista approach are examples. Some incubated charity interventions by GiveWell also seemed to take a targeted regional approach (e.g. No Lean Season). Also, Ben Kuhn's 'local context plus high standards theory' for Wave. So point taken! I still worry about EA-driven field experiments relying too much, too quickly on filtering experimental observations through quantitive metrics exported from Western academia. In their local implementation, these metrics may either not track the aspects we had in mind, or just not reflect what actually exists and/or is relevant to people's local context there. I haven't heard yet about EA founders who started out by doing open qualitative fieldwork on the ground (but happy to hear examples!).  I assume generalisability of metrics would be less of a problem for medical interventions like anti-malaria nets and deworming tablets. But here's an interesting claim I just came across:  

Picking a Schelling point is hard. Since the post focused on very recent results, I thought that a one year time horizon was an obvious line. Vanguard does note that the performance numbers I quoted are time weighted averages.

You are of course correct that over the long run you should expect closer to 5-8% returns from the stock market at large.

I currently have a roughly 50/50 split between VTIAX and VTSAX. I would of course not expect to continue to get 30% returns moving forward (I expect 5% return after inflation), but that is the figure I got when I selected a one year time horizon for showing my return on

If I instead compute from 01/2020 to 01/2021, I had a roughly 18% rate of return. I don't know how your Wealthfront is setup, but I'll note that I have a relatively aggressive split of 100% stock and nothing in bonds.

Thanks for the reply! I find those numbers more persuasive than anything else. Well done!

You're claiming you've been correctly noticing good investment opportunities over a several month period. What has been your effective return over the last year (real return on all actual investments, not hypothetical)?

I feel like the strongest way to address the "If you are so smart why aren't you rich?" question is to show that you are in fact rich.

My Vanguard has gotten a 30.4% return over the last year. I have a very simple, everything in the basic large funds strategy (I can share the exact mix if its relevant).  Your advice is substantially harder to execute than this, so it would be great to know the actual relative return.

1Clark Benham
That's a very selective term history; the exact bottom of the SP500 from Covid fear was March 20 2020, vs todays March 18th. Unless you put in everything on March 18th this is highly misleading. The true comparison would be your annualized dollar weighted average return (but for Schwab at least this isn't easily calculatable, as saving is counted as increasing portfolio weight, and buying increases the base investment, but without a proportional change in 'Total gain').  Since 2000 the average annual return of the SP-500 is 5.9%(6.1% for VTI since inception) and a reasonable approximation of what would be earned going forward. 
How did you achieve 30.4? My time-weighted Wealthfront return for 2020 was 7.9%.

"You're claiming you've been correctly noticing good investment opportunities over a several-month period." This not what I am arguing. I am arguing that you can check the EMH right now and notice it is false.

The actual answer to your question is unfairly favorable to me given market conditions. I put a relatively large percentage of money into crypto so my overall portfolio is up more than 200% over the last twelve months. This is not replicable going forward. Pretty much everything in crypto is up but Solana started spiking later than other coins because... (read more)

knot shirt, force under door, pull

twist knob back and forth for hours, slowly wearing through a hole

kick down door

rip out teeth, use to scratch through door

text owner

call police

call friends to open door

hire locksmith


air duct

ply away floorboards

give up concern with the door


smash phone, cut through door

hack through electronic door with phone

order pizza to door

post criminal pictures from phone, include locations (SWAT self)

break apart phone, use wires and battery to burn hinge

break phone, use screen protector as 'credit card trick'

rope ladder using

... (read more)
I feel like #38 is my favorite meta one so far (assuming I counted right).
2Bird Concept

These questions are way too 'Eureka!'/trivia for my taste. The first question relies on language specifics and then is really much more of a 'do you know the moderately weird sorting algs' question than an actual algorithms question. The second involves an oddly diluting resistant test. The third, again seems to test moderately well known crypto triva.

I've conducted ~60 interviews for Google and Waymo. To be clear, when I or most other interviewers I've seen say that a question covers 'algorithms' it means that it co... (read more)

If you happen to know the answer already then the question is ruined. In this way, every algorithm puzzle in the world can be ruined by trivia. For an algorithm question to be interesting, I hope the reader doesn't already know the answer and has to figure it out her/himself. So in questions #1 and #3, I'm hoping the reader doesn't know the relevant trivia and will instead independently derive the answers without looking them up. I'm not trying to ask "Do you know how Poland cracked the Enigma?" I'm trying to ask "Can you figure out how Poland cracked the Enigma?" I don't grade these questions. These questions are for fun and self-improvement. Though I could imagine a timed written test with dozens of questions like this where the testee gets one point for each correct answer and loses one point for each incorrect answer. A sufficiently large number of questions might help counteract the individual variance.