From glancing at your profile it seems like you're not actually being downvoted that much, except for the first post which is at -13. I didn't downvote it but I found the post not especially well written, and rather light on details. It felt like a politician's speech and I was hoping for more concrete proposals? (tbf I didn't read the linked doc).
Dec 21st, 6pm
Nexus Hotel, 2140 N Northgate Way, Seattle, WA 98133
Tickets available at:
DM me for questions.
I don't really have an opinion on the first two questions.
I usually don't read AI posts (especially technical or alignment ones, I'm not an ML engineer and usually struggle to follow them), I read like... stories, everything zvi writes, posts my friends make, things that catch my interest...
Those five are sampled from the last two weeks. I also read literally everything zvi posts. I always sort globally by new and then just click on whatever looks interesting
Your post had typos and I didn't really like the style but it's hard to point to any one thing. And that's not a crux; if I thought it was valuable I wouldn't really care. My top suggestion is literally just to have put the Google doc in the post.