Has anybody examined the fluoride report by the National Toxicology Program? It apparently shows that only 0.7 mg/L (a typical amount in developed countries) is likely to correspond to an IQ loss of 3 points in children. This seems substantial.
Unofficial summary: https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/sites/default/files/ntp/about_ntp/bsc/2023/may/publiccomm/neurath20230429_bsc_508.pdf
Clown attacks include having right-wing clowns being the main people who are seen talking about the Snowden revelations
I strongly disbelieve that discussion of Snowden's findings has been limited to mostly fringe right-wing platforms. He has widely watched interviews with John Oliver, MSNBC, and Vice, and has been covered favorably by news outlets such as the Guardian, the New York Times, and NPR.
"Many European countries have rejected water fluoridation, including: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Scotland, Iceland, and Italy."