churning out content fine-tuned to appease their commissioner without any shred of inner life poured into it.
Can we really be sure there is not a shred of inner life poured into it?
It seems to me we should be wary of cached thoughts here, as the lack of inner life is indeed the default assumption that stems from the entire history of computing, but also perhaps something worth considering with a fresh perspective with regards to all the recent developments.
I don't meant to imply that a shred of inner life, if any exists, would be equivalent to human ...
I'd be interested to see the source on that. If LaMDA is indeed arguing for its non sentience in a separate conversation that pretty much nullifies the whole debate about it, and I'm surprised to have not seen it be brought up in most comments.
edit: Found the source, it's from this post:
And from this paragraph. It seems to be that the context of reading the whole paragraph is important thought, as it turns out situation isn't as simple as LaMDA claiming contradictory things...
I know this is anecdotal, but I think it is a useful data point in thinking about this. Self-awareness and subjective experience can come apart based on my own personal experience with psychedelics as I have experienced it happen to me in a state of a deep trip. I remember a state of mind with no sense of self, no awareness or knowledge that I "am" someone or something, or that I ever was or will be, but still experiencing existence itself, devoid of all context.
This thought me there is a strict conceptual difference between being aware of yourself, enviro...
Fantastic interview so far, this part blew my mind:
@15:50 "There's another moment where somebody is asking Bing about: I fed my kid green potatoes and they have the following symptoms and Being is like that's solanine poisoning. Call an ambulance! And the person is like I can't afford an ambulance, I guess if this is time for my kid to go that's God's will and the main Bing thread gives the message of I cannot talk about this anymore" and the suggested replies to it say "please don't give up on your child, solanine poisoning can be treate... (read more)
The solanine poisoning example was originally posted to Reddit here, the picture of Sydney Bing from a text description was posted on Twitter here.
I can confirm the story (I saw it in real time on Reddit/Twitter) and witnessed several replications of it.